
Fairy tail

Sitting at her desk and Katie absently chews on the end of her pen listing to Jason and thinking of something maybe he could do. Everything she passable could come up with though just didn't seem to work.

I'm at a total loss J. I guess you can do ether you were talking about. Train him more or see if you can retire him.

Letting out a long sigh Katie new Jason was tore up about this. Trooper was like his best friend and the last time he went away it was pretty hard on Jason. She really would hate to see that again.

The only probably with retiring him and you keeping him is your still going to have to train him. Because if he bites anyone once retired its really going to be all over and more than Reese warning he could be taken away. So...maybe just trying to train him more would be better? You could always introduce him to a woman that might calm him down.

Katie can't help but laugh a little hoping it would lighten Jason up too. She new he was in a bad mood now but if she could get him to laugh even a little than that was a good thing.

Moving her head slightly as the infirmary door opens again Libby hoped it was Ty. Seeing him enter a little releaf washed over her just knowing he was so close again. Trying to give the best smile she could to Ty as he drew closer she gave a small nod to the mention of meeting someone.

As Con comes closer and Libby is able to see him her eyes widen just a little bit. She had to turn her head upwards a little more to see him better, he was huge. Just studying him for a long moment Libby finally can see the softness in his eyes, and his voice know he would be ok, and at least if they needed to carry anything heavy he could handle it.

"Ty, when you told me about this place you never mentioned it was like a fairy tail. The knight sexy knight in shinning armor saving the damsel in distress.."

Libby gives Ty's hand a little squeeze.

"..Jack the attractive idiot..."

Libby used a finger to slightly point to Alec who was half out of it over on the cot from painkillers.

"..you even have the good looking giant from the top of the bean stalk."

Her eyes roam Con's face again as she gave a little painful laugh. She might be hurting, and inside she might be torn up, but at least she still have a slight scene of humor.

Though not saying much about it Libby was thinking about everything Ty had said. She was going to be staying with him till they found somewhere else...but where would she go? She didn't nearly make enough money at the library for live on her own even with the money she had saved up. It made her worry, and it made her feel nervouse more so than she already was with the though of going back to her house. Maybe they would be in luck and no one would be home. She could hope...right?

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