
Oh boy

Grinning up at Ryan, Alec's hand continues to gently stroke her back, sensing she liked it. "Maybe," he replies coyly. His other hand pulls her head down again so he can give her another kiss. "One can never be too careful about these things though."

His fingers move lightly back and forth around her lower back, a grin still on his lips. It hurt his ribs a bit that she was lying on him, but it was worth it just to be holding her.

"I don't know what it is about you, Ryan McKade," he says quietly. "But you sure know how to turn a guy upside down."

Pulling her down once more, it's not for a kiss, but just to let her rest her head on his chest and he continues the backrub. He kisses the top of her head and sighs with content, his heart beating out a strong rhythm.

Playing right along with Scarlet, Tal grins and helps her out of her jacket, moving closer to her than necessary for that task. Laying the jacket over the back of the barstool, he resumes his seat next to her, taking another swig of beer. Knowing Eli had just walked in made this whole thing utterly ridiculous but horribly fun at the same time.

Another grin creeps onto Tal's face as he reaches over and tucks Scarlet's hair behind her ear. "Mm... you better be careful, Scarlet. I'm liable not to let Eli have you back."

Winking at her, his hand trails down her neck then down her arm to her own hand, his fingers running over her knuckles.

Watching the bar closely, Eli can't believe it when he sees Tal making moves on Scarlet. His eyes narrow. Sure. He leaves his buddy to keep an eye on the woman, but now he had more than just his eyes on her, he had his hand all over her. Nice. Real nice.

Turning around, he's just about ready to leave, but his determination wins over. So maybe he didn't come in the first place, but he really hadn't expected Scarlet to actually show up. Tal knew good and well what he was supposed to be doing here and he'd crossed a major line here.

Spinning back around, Eli's fists tighten, still in the the grips of his motorcycle gloves. Heading straight for Tal's barstool, he had full intention of grabbing him and pulling him out of there to confront him. However, halfway there, he just about runs into a young waitress who sidesteps and gives a little gasp, looking up at him quickly.

Eli quirks an eyebrow and glances to Scarlet and Tal again. Come to think of it, this wasn't all Tal. Scarlet was letting him hit on her big time. So maybe this was really her and not Tal at all. It was a combination at least. And if she wanted to play it this way, then he had no problems giving it right back to her.

Thinking on his feet, he sees the waitress' nametag and flashes her a smile. "Becky! Sorry I 'bout ran you over. How could I miss something as pretty as you?"

Without hesitating, he takes her around the waist and spins her in a little circle. "I hope you're getting out of your shift soon." Tossing her a wink, he pulls her close and cocks his head, leaning in to press his lips to hers.

The girl had been totally confused but after only one little nervous jump, she now melts in Eli's arms, obvious to anyone watching. Someone nearby whistles and a few people in the corner actually clap. Eli pulls back and gives the girl's nose a little tap with his finger. "Thank you. I needed that. Now how about getting me a shot of whiskey and a beer?"

"Uh..." The waitress stammers, trying to regain her composure. "Yeah... sure."

"Good. Thanks." Turning his back on Scarlet and Tal, Eli pulls out a chair at a nearby table and sits down, not bothering to take his gloves or jacket off yet.


Being pulls so closely to Alec Ryan could feel his heart racing, or maybe it was her own as she quivered under his touch. Continuing the kiss Ryan just lets it deepen more enjoying every moment. It had only been a few days but Alec's touch was addicting and it felt like she had been going through withdraws.

Ryan's own little growl comes from her lips as she feels Alec's hands on her back. They felt so soft on her skin and his touch was so light. Taking her lips from his Ryan finds his ear and gives it a little nibble she whispers.

"Now, you'll remember me in a few months too."

Moving her lips down to his neck and gives it light kiss she moves down to the little area on his chest where his shirt was low, before moving up his neck again, under his chin and her lips meet his once more.

Backing away for a moment to catch her breath her hear still raced as she stared into his eyes. Keeping herself close to him still Ryan just studied his face, her fingers still in his hair, tighting just a little and than loosing. Continuing to enjoy him rubbing her back and not really wanting him to stop.

Tapping her bottle against Tal's Scarlet gives another grin as she sits a little closer to him just creating the illusion there was more there.

"Well Tal you already know me name so there is no need in saying that again."

Being in the bar so often Scarlet new the sound the door made when it opened. Glancing in the mirror behind the bar where the bottles of liqueur sad her grin grows a little as she see Eli.

"Well, well, well...look who deiced to show up."

Scarlet keeps her voice low as to make sure Eli didnt hear. Jimmy just rolling his eyes from the far end of the bar.

"Put your arm around me and than help me take my jacket off...."

Slipping her own arm around Tal's back Scarlet leans into him a little giving a laugh like he had just said something funny. Before standing a little and letting her leather jacket fall from her shoulders. Sitting back down again She leave it in Tal's hand to make the next move, but keeping her eye on Eli to make sure he didn't leave again.


Being led to the couch, then pushed down, Alec hardly has time to get comfortable before Ryan is on top of him, kissing him again. Returning the kisses, he runs his hands up and down her back, pulling her tightly to him.

Not breaking the moment, he kicks his shoes off and scoots down a little more so he can be flat on his back, totally taken in by Ryan's affection. One hand crawls up to find her hair, while the other slides down, searching for her bare back to rub while she kisses him.

A low murmur escapes in between kisses as Alec's eyes stay closed, not caring how long they stayed here like this.

Getting pulled to the bar, Tal's eyebrows rise at the suggestion of giving Eli a scare. But by the time he finds a barstool, the idea has set pretty well with him, and a smile had appeared on his face.

Taking his beer, he holds it up to Scarlet for a toast. "Talon. Friends call me Tal, and I think you've just won that honor. This is gonna be fun."

Eli pulls up to the curb, his motorcycle engine rumbling. Parking next to the now-familiar bike, he knows Tal was right - Scarlet was here. Dismounting, he pulls off his helmet and locks it to his bike, running a hand through his hair so it wasn't so matted. Dropping his keys in his pocket, he ambles to the door of the bar and grill and walks in.

Standing for a moment, his eyes scan the restaurant area, glancing at all the tables and not finding who he was looking for. Turning the other direction, his gaze sweeps the bar, finally landing on Scarlet and Tal... sitting together? He'd told Tal to keep her there... was that all he was doing?

Innocent fun

Once Scott was done eating Hope was please he at least had half the bowl. It was more than he had, had to eat in a while and it did make her happy.

Hearing Scott's next question makes her heart sink a little more. It was good he now admitted he needed help but it hurt even more that he new he was getting worse. She just wanted him better now.

Moving from the edge of the bed to lean her back against the wall and put her arms around Scott Hope leaned her head against his letting out a sigh.

"I'd don't know Scott, but don't you give up yet ok? I'm still here with you, and even if it doesn't look it things are gonna be ok, and soon you will be out of here. I promise you, your going to be ok."

Hope had promised before she wouldn't give up one him and she would do all she could, she wasn't about to go back on that now. Even if it seemed miles away Hope new it was in reach once they got partway there.

Hearing the low growl that Alec made pleased Ryan knowing he enjoyed receiving the affection as much as she liked giving it. Feeling him pull her closer to himself makes her deepen the kiss that much more, just feeling his arms around her.

Hearing Alec's comment Ryan's corners of her lips turn upward a little more as she turns to look at the timer on the microwave. Seeing the time was almost up Ryan takes a few steps back still holding onto Alec taking him with her. Turning the stove off she looks back to him her eyes twinkling as she turns and heads for the living room.

"I think we can arrange that."

Leading him into the living room Ryan stops at the couch and gives him a little push so he falls back onto it. Grinning she brings herself done to him putting one leg on each side. Leaning in her lips press against his again before drawing away turning her head the other way and returning again. Her one hand cradling his face, and the other finding his hair.

Continuing to look at the man in front of her Scarlet keeps her arms cross as she raises her eyebrow. This had to be a joke right? If this guys was really a thug there would be no way he was stumbling over his words in front of her.

But finally hearing his reason for trying to keep her hear a grin finally forms on her lips as a chuckle escapes her lips.

"It was to much for him to come and see if I'd come huh?"

Stepping a little closer to the man Scarlet throws her arm over his shoulder and pulls him a little closer to her turning to walk twords the bar again.

"How about I buy you a drink, and we let Eli worry a little when he shows up humm? But first you have to tell me your name."

Looking over at Jimmy she gives a smile.

"I guess I'm not leaving after all!"

"Something tells me thats not the guy you were waiting for."

Scarlet gives a shake of her head and another chuckle looking to the man again chuckling.

"No, it wasn't but it dosnt hurt to make Eli worry a little for not coming here himself right?"

Shaking his head and laughing the bartender takes two more beers from the cooler and puts them on the bar. Sometime Scarlet was to much to handle and he couldn't help but laugh. This defiantly was going to be interesting.

"Just don't make him worry to much. I don't no bloodshed in my bar you hear me."

Holding up her one hand Scarlet nods.

"Don't worry it's just a little innocent fun right..."

Scarlet's words trail off waiting for the man to tell her his name.

Sorry rear end

Scott isn't sure he really understands, but he's too weary to care. Hope's request lingers until he finally nods. "Just a little. I'm not very hungry."

A little while later, Scott manages to sit up in bed so he can hold a bowl of soup. The window was dark by now and a few stars dotted the sky.

Taking a few small spoonfuls of soup, Scott slowly downs about a quarter of the bowl before setting it aside. Pulling his knees up to his chest, he takes his usual position of wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his chin on his knees.

"What's gonna happen to me, Hope?" he asks quietly. "I feel like I'm... like I'm getting worse."

Whether he realized it or not could be up for debate, but to someone listening closely, they would have recognized that he'd just admitted he'd needed help to begin with. For to say he was getting worse would have meant he had to have been in need prior to this.

"Later!" Eli calls as he grabs his keys and heads for the door, having no idea of the in-depth conversation going on in the kitchen. He'd changed into his black jeans and plain black t-shirt, throwing on a bit of aftershave, then had donned his motorcycle boots and leather jacket. Once outside, he aims for his motorcycle, pulling on his gloves that left his fingers free. Only a moment is needed to don his helmet and his engine revs as he heads down the street.

Having Ryan turn away, Alec could hear hurt in her voice and some irritation too. He gives a little sigh. Maybe his words really had been stupid after all. Maybe she'd just be mad at him and tell him to take a hike. Maybe he deserved it.

Straightening up, he turns and is just about ready to tell her goodnight when she's back again with her arms around him. He raises his eyebrows a little bit, his hands automatically moving to her waist. Her words seemed to bring him relief, proving that even if he'd made a bad call, she wasn't going to hate him for it.

Alec gives a low growl as Ryan moves to kiss his neck, pulling her against him. Then as her lips find his, he kisses her back with passion, gripping her as closely to him as he could until she pulls back.

"Mm... that's a good reminder but..." His eyes drift to the now-empty living room then back to Ryan. "I don't know... it might take more than that for me to remember that a week from now."

"Why... can't you leave?" Tal racks his brain. "Um... well... just because." He offers a smile, but sees that he's getting nowhere with convincing Scarlet of anything.

Finally he just rolls his eyes and sighs deeply. "Look, you can't say anything to him, alright? Eli's paying me to keep you here after I called him and told him you showed up. He's on his way and now I'm wishing I never would have called him because I have just made the biggest idiot of myself as I ever have." His eyes narrow. "It would have been easier for me to use my own pick-up line and left him sitting at home with his own sorry rear end."

Finished ranting, he looks back at Scarlet and rolls his eyes. "So will you stay so at least he'll think I've done my part?"


Hope gives a small nod of her head. She understood in a way how Scott must feel and now she new what it felt like to watch someone be torchered and not be able to stop it, not knowing if they would come out and it hurt even more.

"Alec said that was the only way to bring you out of the state you were in was to jolt your brain and thats why he asked to come to help."

Bringing a gentile hand to the side of Scott's face Hope offered another smile for the man she had loved more than anyone. There time was running out, and she new that but there was nothing else she could do. Staying here with Scott and offering all the comfort she could was all.

"Its ok thought Scott, your safe and as long as I am here, I wont let anything hurt you. Do you wanna try and eat a little something? I can go get you some soup or a sandwich?"

Listing to Alec's words about the other woman, and the night club Ryan could feel her gut churn. It hurt hearing him say he hit it off with another woman, and would of left with her. But at the same times another emotion stirred inside of her knowing he didn't want to take away her happiness and he had come back for her. It was odd feeling hurt, but feeling joy at the same time and both crashed together battling to win.

"I guess you deserve getting the crap kicked out of you than."

Turning back to the stove the battle still rages, Ryan's upset side wanting to take it out on Alec, but another side that told her to forgive him and remember all the time they had shared together. She had been close to other people sure but he was just different.

Shutting the stove top off the the potatoes didn't burn Ryan looks down at the spoon Alec was holding for a long moment before speaking again.

"But that wouldn't have changed me helping you."

Stepping closer to him again Ryan takes the spoon from his hand and places it on the counter before wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Racing can be found anywhere, but actually finding the one person you connect so well with in this world is a rare thing. You make me happy Alec, race now it fun and I love doing it but....I like you better."

Leaning into Alec Ryan's battle was over as her lips brushed his and than moved to the side of his face and than to his neck lingering there for a long moment before moving back up to his lips again. Letting her passion flow as she keeps the kiss deep running her fingers through his hair.

Pulling away slightly her eyes twinkle as a grin formed on her lips looking into his eyes.

"That's a reminder of what you would be leaving behind next time you ran off without me."

Stopping abruptly as the man steps in front of her blocking the the door Scarlet cross her arms over her chest and just looks at him for a long moment a bit of irritation on her face.

"Oh I can leave if you'd get out of my way. Its not smart to try and stop me you know."

Rolling her eyes as the guy would not get out of her way even as he backtracked her words Scarlet just figured he was one of the wanna be thugs who came into the bar trying to hook up with a girl.

"Ok, fine I'll bit but you better watch your words or I'll have your head spinning so fast you wont know what happened!! Now why can't I leave?"

Don't leave

Scott furrows his brow, trying to understand what Hope was saying. "I... I don't remember a visitor," he responds quietly. "I was just... I don't know... it was like I was stuck in a really weird dream. Not quite a nightmare, but almost worse."

He swallows hard and shifts a little bit, feeling Hope near him. It was strange, being upset with her for putting him in this place, yet still depending on her for comfort.

"Kinda like Alice in Wonderland. Nothing made much sense. Like I was stuck in a whirlwind or something and I just couldn't get out."

Curling up a little tighter, he shivers. "Then I saw Alec and I thought it was that night they broke into my house and... and I just panicked. And.... and that's all I remember."

Alec slips his hands around Ryan's waist as she nears him again. He had strange feelings running through him... ones that reminded him of what guilt might feel like and it wasn't very comfortable. He wasn't sure why he felt that way... he didn't usually. Lying was a second nature, especially when it came to women. But for some reason... lying to Ryan... it had done something different to him.

"I would have had a car," he agrees. "And I know you would have gone with me, but..."

He pauses, just a little bit of color coming to his face. "After the race that night you... well you were so happy."

Letting her go, he turns around to walk in a little circle, picking up the wooden spoon to play with again so his eyes had somewhere to go other than hers. He wasn't very good at expressing himself, especially when it was this kind of thing.

"I guess I didn't want to take that away from you," he finally manages. Stopping his pacing, he looks up at her with a wry grin. "Yeah, so I care, I admit it. But don't spread it around. I got a reputation to uphold."

Leaning onto the counter, he fiddles with the spoon, keeping his eyes busy again. "I walked across town to a club. Long story short, I hit it off with a woman who said she'd get me out of town. Then her boyfriend showed up. They though I was from a rival sent to snoop, so they dragged me somewhere else and beat the crap out of me, trying to get information I didn't have. I finally had an opening to get out, so I did. But then..."

He shrugs lamely, his thumbnail picking at the spoon handle. "I don't know. I guess I realized that the freedom I was looking for wasn't all that. I was on my own... really alone. Maybe I realized it was stupid to live on the run. I coulda made it out of town but what would the point have been? It'd either be prison by the Elite or a bullet to the head, compliments of the Agency. And then I remembered..."

Alec pauses, shifting his weight uncomfortably. He didn't like feeling nervous. It was worse than telling a lie. Would be easier for him to just tell another one. But for one of the first times, his gut just wouldn't allow it.

"I remembered this girl," he continues. "Only one who believed in me. Only one who seemed to care whether I lived or died. And I... I realized that she was my only friend. And if I left that behind then... maybe I really wasn't so smart after all."

It sounded stupid to Alec and he cringes a little, afraid to look up at Ryan, lest she be laughing at him. It was true though. She was the reason he came back. He'd come back for the only friend he had in the world.

Seeing Scarlet head for the door, Tal's eyes widen. She was leaving already? She hadn't even had supper! Great. There went his fifteen bucks down the tubes if she got away.

Getting up from the table in too much of a hurry, he knocks his beer over, sending it everywhere. Growling to himself, he leaves it be and aims for the door to head her off. Getting there just before her, he blocks the door and just stares at her, his mouth hanging open. "Uh... you can't leave. You just... uh... you gotta stay here another few minutes or so."

He inwardly kicks himself. He probably sounded like some thug who wanted her and that's not what he meant at all. "Not with me," he backtracks. "Just... back at the bar... or wherever. Just don't leave yet."

Would I?

As Alec's arms wrap around Ryan her own hands to to his back, and than up to the back of his head. Holding him close to her Ryan returns the kiss letting Alec know just how much she had missed him. As he pulls away a grin forms on Ryan's own face.

"Mmmm...I know how much I missed you, and now I know how much you missed me too."

Turning back around again to the stove Ryan puts the steaks she was preparing onto the broilers and than puts them in the oven setting the timer. Still listing to Alec while she worked.

Hearing he lies sent a feeling of disappointment through her but it only lasted a few moments as she new from the first play that he might not have been telling the whole truth. But seeing as he was here again had to mean something.

Finishing at the stove Ryan moves a littler to Alec and looking up at him. Searching his eyes she looked for the truth. She still remembered how he had said the world would be theirs, and it seemed she clinged to those words for one reason or another.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have gone with you, not tried to stop you. Than you would of had a car."

Continuing to search Alec's eyes Ryan had so many questions about what really happened but the first she wanted to ask was why didn't he want to take her with him when he new should would of gone.

Taking the last sip of her beer Scarlet looks up at the clock once more. It was ten minutes after eight and she had a feeling Eli wouldn't show up. Oh well the beer tasted good, and she probably would of ended up here anyways tonight.

Pulling some money down on the counter and take her jacket Scarlet and throws her over her shoulder giving a nod to the bar tendered.

"Jimmy, I'm heading out."

"He didn't show huh? I think he's pretty stupid stiff you."

"I wouldn't be leaving if he did would I?"

Giving a grin and a shake of his head most would take Scarlet's edgy tone as being rude but Jimmy had known her long enough to just know it was her and she didn't mean harm by it.

"Drive safe, the roads are slick out there ok Kiddo?"

Giving a wave and another shake of her head to the bartender Scarlet smiles before turning to head to the door.

"Yeah yeah yeah...Night Jimmy."

Taking the glass from Scott again Hope puts it down on the tiny night stand next to Scott's bed in case he wanted anymore. If he wasnt going to eat much at least she could give him juice to keep his electrolytes up.

Taking his hand in her own Hope gives Scott a soft smile her eyes now adjusting to the dinner light over here where Scott was so she could see him.

"I'm not sure what happened Scott. We got a phone call from Dr. Hawks and he said you had a visitor yesterday and than something happened and you just shut down. We had Alec come in because he wanted to help us, and he jump started your brain so to say again. He helps bring you back to us."

Hope searches Scott's face now sure he would react to what she told him but hopping he would at least take it some what good.


Eli sticks his tongue out at his sister but is grinning. "Who said anything about a date? I said I might go out, smartbutt." He shakes his head and goes back to flipping channels.

Ryan's reception made Alec grin and he steps into the apartment behind her, following to the kitchen. One arm was wrapped around himself, his ribs still a bit sore and they'd taken a few good whacks today with Scott.

On Ryan's heels, he steps closer behind her as she goes to continue her task of getting supper, and slips his arm around her waist. "What? You missed me that much and that's the only greeting I get?"

Twisting her around, he goes in for a good long kiss, pushing her back against the counter so she couldn't get away even if she wanted to. Pulling back a little, his grin comes into full view, as his eyes flash with a coy glint. "Okay... now you can get back to cooking."

Stepping back a little, he reaches for a lone wooden spoon to fiddle with, studying it for a moment. She'd asked him a question and he needed to answer her. "Yeah... yeah, things are alright. Reeese, uh.... well, I guess he lowered the boom. Didn't believe my kidnapping story so... he said you couldn't see me 'til I told him the truth."

He shrugs. "Had an interesting day today, got to thinking about it and.... so I told him the truth. And that's how I could come over here tonight."

Still fidgeting with the spoon, his eyes finally rise to meet Ryan's. He'd just admitted in a roundabout way that he'd lied. And he knew that she was smart enough to realize that, let alone want to know the truth. Sighing, he shrugs again. "Reese was right... my story wasn't true. None of it was." He isn't sure how Ryan will react... after all, he'd blatantly lied to her too. "That night, I..." He could lose her if he told her the truth now. But she'd find out anyway, and he was tired of making up stories. "...I was taking off.... for good."

A wiry man about thirty sits in the corner of the bar and grill at his own table, slowly sipping his first beer of the night. His hair was dark with a reddish tint, his eyes brown. Dressed in a t-shirt that advertised some rock band, it fit the worn jeans he had on. His gaze sweeps the room for the umpteenth time, expecting to see the same crowd he had two minutes ago. But no... this time there was a newcomer. A grin comes to his lips and he reaches for his cell phone.

Eli's phone buzzes in his pocket and he squirms around trying to retrieve it while fumbling to mute the television. Seeing it was Tal, he answers. "Yeah?"

"Yo, Eli, she's here."

"Dang, she showed up?!"


"You sure it's her?"

Tal looks over to the bar. "Well, if she's the drop dead gorgeous babe at the bar, yeah. Long dark hair, nice legs, great curv-"

"Alright, already. I didn't think she would show up. "

"Well make up your mind, Stupid, 'cause if you're not here in ten, I'm gonna take your place."

"Don't you dare!" Eli sits up straighter on the couch. "If she starts to leave, stop her."

"Hey, I'm not your private-"

"Ten more bucks."




"Good. Keep her there. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Eli hangs up and springs from the couch to sprint down the hallway to his bedroom and find a change of clothes.

Tal chuckles and shakes his head, returning his phone to his pocket and taking another slow swig of beer. He keeps an eye on the bar, watching Scarlet. Hey, for fifteen more dollars on top of the twenty and free meal he was already getting, it couldn't be easier.

Scott tries to focus, propping himself up a little bit to do his best and drink some of the juice Hope gives him. It goes down easily, quenching his thirst. Nodding a little, he lies back again, trying to wake up.

"I feel like I've been on vacation from reality for a week," he mumbles. "What happened to me?"

Sack of Poop

Sitting at the bar Scarlet looks up at the clock five minutes to eight. She wondered if Eli would really show or not, but she had nothing better to do at the moment so why not just sit and wait.

Taking a sip of her beer she looks around the room before finally shading her leather jacket and placing it on the back of her chair.

The weather had turned to the warm side suprising after the sun had set. Now a little more stylish than earlier in the day a red tank top was her shirt, with the markings of two little butterfly's and a lonely dragonfly on her shoulder, form fitting leather pants, and boots was the rest of her where. Her hair hung down around her shoulders in little ringlets.

"Have a hot date?"

Scarlet looks up at the bartender and gives a grin shaking her head a little. She was here at least once a week so she new the bartender pretty well. He was a nice guy who treated Scarlet almost like a daughter.

"Not sure if I do or not. Went to see Eli McKade today about doing some work on my bike and well..he might show up."

The bartender used the towel he was holding to whip out some glasses raising an eyebrow for a moment.

"McKade, McKade...isn't he the one who kicked Roth's butt for roughing up his sister?"

Scarlet gives a nod taking another sip from her bottle.

"Yep that would be the one. But Roth deserved it, he shot Ryan for crying out loud. He was lucky Eli didn't kill him. "

"Would you still be waiting for him here if he did?"

Looking quickly to the bartender Scarlet gives him a dirty look.

"What kind of question is that?"

Holding up his hands the bartender shakes his head and laughs.

"Alright, alright...it was just a question. I'll let you be now."

Shaking her head and laughing again Scarlet gives a glance at the clock and than around the room. She would wait a little while longer to see if Eli showed up.

Looking into the living room from the kitchen Ryan throws a towel at her brother. She'd been trying to cook dinner, and now he wanted her to get the door?

"You lazy sack of poop, I am trying to put the dishes away and YOUR just sitting there flipping through the channels on the tv. I thought you had a date or something tonight."

Shaking her head and giving a laugh so that Eli new she was wasn't that upset about it Ryan heads to the front door not quit sure who it was.

Seeing Alec as she opened the door Ryan couldn't help the grin that instantly crossed her face. The last few days had been long and boring without being able to see Alec. Work, come home talk about nonsense with Eli and thats was about it. So seeing Alec now was a breath of fresh air, and a releaf knowing her was ok.

"Boy are you a sigh for sore eyes. Come on in."

Stepping to the side so Alec could come in the house Ryan closes the door behind her before motioning him to come into the kitchen with her so she could finish up what she was doing.

"I thought something happened to you. The last two times I went to TJY they said I couldn't see you. I was going to go crazy thinking you were dead or they shipped you away. Thank goodness I was wrong for both. Is everything ok?"

Sitting in the small chair over by the window Hope quietly read her book. She wanted to be here when Scott woke up in case he was disoriented, and confused. She just felt it right that she be there for him.

Hearing Scott's voice it was soft, but Hope new it was his. Putting her book down on the small table she is quick to move to the side of the bed along with a glass of fruit juice for him.

"I'm here Scott. It's ok, try and drink some of this juice."

Holding up the cup for Scott Hope helps him the best she can in the dim lit room. Not saying much else yet as she didn't want to over work his brain just yet.

Eight o'clock

Eli cocks his head, a crooked grin on his face as he watches Scarlet leave, finding her comments amusing. Waiting until she's gone, he gives the other door a sidelong glance where Neil walks in grinning from ear to ear.

"Customer couldn't decide what she wanted?" he teases.

Eli smirks and files the paperwork on the desk before moving around to the counter again. "That, my friend, is a woman who knows exactly what she wants." Giving a little nod and click of his tongue, he heads to the garage. "Come help me with that Corvette before the general has our heads."

Alec and Reese both get to their feet as Hope joins them. Alec hadn't planned on Hope hearing what he'd said, so he backs off a little, not sure how to take her thanks. It was a strange sort of awkwardness he wasn't used to, so he just shrugs, not even knowing how to respond. 'You're welcome' just didn't seem to fit.

When she moves the conversation along though, he nods, a wry grin slipping out partway. "Yeah... yeah, I'll head back to my cell." Putting his hands in his pockets, he aims down the hall first.

Reese looks to Hope and gives her a little nod of understanding. "I think you staying here a while is a good idea... for you and Scott both. If anything happens, I know you'll let me know so... " He sighs. "Take care of yourself too, okay?"

Backing off, he leaves her be, following behind Alec to make their way out to the car.

The two hours seems even longer on the way back to TJY, especially for Alec. His mind wanders a million and one directions, not sure where to land after all that had happened. He was feeling something stirring inside of him again and he wasn't sure what it was or why. He felt a shift... a change. Something was happening to him. It wasn't bad... or scary... just different, and he wasn't used to it. One result though was a nagging whisper in his ear to tell the truth he needed to tell to Reese. He was tired of spending boring afternoons alone... but it was his own fault for lying about what had happened to him...

It was nearing eight o'clock and the sky was dim. It was a quiet evening after it had rained off and on all day. The air was humid.

Eli settles back on the couch, having been flipping through television stations for the last fifteen minutes, non-stop. He looks at the clock a few times, then tries to focus on the television again, determined to stay put.

A knock at the door makes him jump, but he's too lazy to get up. "Wanna get that, Speedy?"

Outside the door, Alec waited, pacing back and forth. The truth had paid off better than he'd expected. Maybe the day's events had solved more than one thing. Maybe Scott hadn't been the only one in need.

Scott stirs on his bed, having slept the entire afternoon and half the evening. Everything seemed just a little bit foggy and his mouth was dry. His muscles ached and he wasn't sure why. The last thing he remembers is Hope sitting with him and he has no idea how much time has passed.

"Hope?" he asks quietly. The little light in the corner of his room was on, giving off a soft glow, but he was having trouble focusing enough to clearly tell if he was alone at the moment or not.


Feeling her own cheeks turn a little red at Eli's comment Scarlet eyes giving a twinkle. Though her cheeks were red she was far from embarrassed but Eli's comment. It was rather flattering, and nice to hear.

Taking the card and looking at it for a long moment Scarlet's grin still remand on her face. She often was tossed pick up lines and asked out to dinner by guys but something about Eli was just different, not sure what it was yet, but the feeling was there.

Leaning on the desk again Scarlet gives a chuckle. Giving a little bat of her eyes she looks at
Eli keeping her voice low.

"Even if there isn't a problem you can still call me."

Pushing off the desk Scarlet gives Eli a smirk, as she pulled her sunglass from her jacket pocket and puts them on.

"I wouldn't want to get you in trouble for asking a customer out on a date though."

Scarlet gives a nod to the door that lead into the auto shop, were a few different male face now looked out at them.

"So why don't you just show up and see if I am there waiting."

Starting to head for the door Scarlet stops turning back to Eli slipping her hands in her pants pockets to put out her keys.

"Thanks for fitting my in to do work on my bike. See you later."

Turning Scarlet exits the shop heading out to her bike. Getting on she gives the engine a little extra rev and than head out of the parking lot, dust following staying in the air for a moment like it was trying to get one more look before finally settling to the ground.

Trying to help Scott the best she could up into his bed Hope sits on the edge for a long moment. Still running her hand through his hair she new how tired he was, but how he was trying to keep himself awake because she was there.

Leaning down and giving Scott a kiss on the forehead Hope gives him a slight hug as well letting it linger for a moment as she whispers.

"I'm going to go talk to Reese. Try and get some sleep ok? I'll be back in a little bit to check on you."

Standing again and heading to the door Hope stops listing to Alec and Reese for a moment catching the end portion of there conversation. For a moment continuing to stand there Hope just lets Alec's works sink in. He hadn't known what he was doing but he came here to try anyways.

Stepping out the door the rest of the way Hope smiles a little at both men. Though her eyes were tired, and one could see the stress in them she tried to hold herself up.

"He's sleeping for right now. Thank you Alec, for at least trying for me. What you did worked even if you didn't know it would. But the fact you tried at all means a lot to me."

Leaning against the wall for a moment Hope runs a hand over her face. What to do next she wasn't sure. She new, something to eat was in order as she stomach growled at her and she just wanted to let Scott sleep for now, but after that she just didn't know.

Looking to Reese and Alec again she gives a small nod, though the look on her face was one that asked where do we go next.

"I'm going to grab something to eat if you guys would like to come along. I'd like to stay here longer with Scott as Alec if you don't mind going back to TJY with Reese, that would be great."


A crooked grin emerges at Scarlet's observation and Eli keeps writing before looking up at her. "You caught me," he admits. "I only give that question to hot chicks with motorcycles."

Cocking his head a little, a sly look is in his eye as he winks at her. Handing her a shop business card, he's written down the day next week and the time to bring her bike in. "I'll have to get that paint you want but it should be in by then. If there's any delay, I'll call and let you know."

He leans his hands down on the desk, coming a little closer to the counter. "As for the bar and grill... how about tonight at eight?"

Though lucid again, Scott's mind had been stretched to its limit so his understanding of what had just happened would not come until tomorrow after he had had a chance to recover. For now, he was too tired and weak to try and figure it out.

It takes him a while to gain enough energy to move again, and when he does, it's only enough to get him to his bed where he curls up again. He wouldn't move again that night, too exhausted for anything. His eyes open and close, then open again as he tries to stay awake, knowing Hope was still there.

Out in the hall, Reese and Alec had finally quit pacing and had settled down on the floor to wait, either for Hope to emerge or for her to call one of them.

Reese rubs his shoulder where he'd hit it on the dresser, knowing he'd have a bruise soon. Alec looks at him and lifts an eyebrow. "Hurt?"

"Nah... just a little." Reese looks back at him inquisitively. Up until this point, they hadn't spoken. "Alec... how did you know what to do? To help Scott, I mean."

"Well I told you I knew about the assimilation program."

"Yeah but... I didn't know you were trained in it that much. I mean, it looked like you had he methods there down pat. Do they teach that to everyone?"

"No..." Alec shakes his head, his eyes starting to roam. "It's just... well it's just logic, ya know? I mean... made sense what needed to happen, right?"

"I guess so. How many times have you had to do this before?"

Alec purses his lips, an answer failing him.

Reese waits, getting a funny feeling. "You had... done this before, right?"

Alec gives him a sidelong glance, then looks away again. "Well, it's... kinda common sense to-"

"You never have, have you?" It was more of a statement than a questions. Reese saw it written all over Alec's face.

Alec shrugs lamely. "No."

"How did you know it would work then?"

Alec bites his lip.

Reese's eyes widen. "You didn't, did you? You had no idea if that was going to work or not, did you?"

Eventually, Alec shakes his head slowly. "I... knew the theory of it... but..."

"Then why on earth did you do this? If you had no idea if this would work, let alone know how to do it, why on earth did you come?"

Alec finally turns his head, resting it against the wall. "I don't know. I guess... It was the only chance Scott had and..." In reality, it was because he had felt something deep down that he hadn't in years. It was another sensation that had been awakened and he hadn't been able to ignore it this time. Not after the things he'd learned from spending time with Ryan. "I guess... it didn't feel fair to see Hope without any hope of her own. So..."

"You gave her some."

Alec looks down at the floor again and shrugs once more.

For the first time, Reese felt a different kind of compassion towards Alec. He'd never wanted to send the young man to prison or see him get the death penalty. He'd never wanted to torture him or even be as strict as he had, though Alec had forced his hand in much of that. Reese had always felt some amount of compassion - he just did for people who had been taken in by the Agency. But this... this was something different. All of a sudden, for the first time, he saw that Alec had a heart. It had been the soul Reese had wanted to save, but now he was catching glimpse of a heart... a heart that had been so cold and so hard... but now was finally beginning to beat again. "Thank you, Alec."

Alec glances up quickly, not having expected a thanks from Reese. "Um. Sure." He thinks a moment, then looks a little more grim. "I don't know if this is permanent or not. I do know that you need to help Scott recover more urgently now so this doesn't happen again." He pauses. "Scott's the only one I know of that has actually pulled through at all. Every case I know about, once the host was out of control, that was it. There was no coming back and they just got set aside and forgotten about or killed because they were useless after that."

"Why do you think Scott was able to come out of it then?"

"I'd say he's got the strongest mind I've ever seen. I've seen guys who can control the data eventually, but that's under strict training with methods of control and exercises. For someone like Scott to first have made it this far without that training, then to have come back from a data overload like that..." He stops again, seriousness in his voice. "If Medridge ever found out, Scott would be a prime target for a lab rat."

Reese nods, knowing this was nothing to play with. "I'll keep that in mind."