

Eli sticks his tongue out at his sister but is grinning. "Who said anything about a date? I said I might go out, smartbutt." He shakes his head and goes back to flipping channels.

Ryan's reception made Alec grin and he steps into the apartment behind her, following to the kitchen. One arm was wrapped around himself, his ribs still a bit sore and they'd taken a few good whacks today with Scott.

On Ryan's heels, he steps closer behind her as she goes to continue her task of getting supper, and slips his arm around her waist. "What? You missed me that much and that's the only greeting I get?"

Twisting her around, he goes in for a good long kiss, pushing her back against the counter so she couldn't get away even if she wanted to. Pulling back a little, his grin comes into full view, as his eyes flash with a coy glint. "Okay... now you can get back to cooking."

Stepping back a little, he reaches for a lone wooden spoon to fiddle with, studying it for a moment. She'd asked him a question and he needed to answer her. "Yeah... yeah, things are alright. Reeese, uh.... well, I guess he lowered the boom. Didn't believe my kidnapping story so... he said you couldn't see me 'til I told him the truth."

He shrugs. "Had an interesting day today, got to thinking about it and.... so I told him the truth. And that's how I could come over here tonight."

Still fidgeting with the spoon, his eyes finally rise to meet Ryan's. He'd just admitted in a roundabout way that he'd lied. And he knew that she was smart enough to realize that, let alone want to know the truth. Sighing, he shrugs again. "Reese was right... my story wasn't true. None of it was." He isn't sure how Ryan will react... after all, he'd blatantly lied to her too. "That night, I..." He could lose her if he told her the truth now. But she'd find out anyway, and he was tired of making up stories. "...I was taking off.... for good."

A wiry man about thirty sits in the corner of the bar and grill at his own table, slowly sipping his first beer of the night. His hair was dark with a reddish tint, his eyes brown. Dressed in a t-shirt that advertised some rock band, it fit the worn jeans he had on. His gaze sweeps the room for the umpteenth time, expecting to see the same crowd he had two minutes ago. But no... this time there was a newcomer. A grin comes to his lips and he reaches for his cell phone.

Eli's phone buzzes in his pocket and he squirms around trying to retrieve it while fumbling to mute the television. Seeing it was Tal, he answers. "Yeah?"

"Yo, Eli, she's here."

"Dang, she showed up?!"


"You sure it's her?"

Tal looks over to the bar. "Well, if she's the drop dead gorgeous babe at the bar, yeah. Long dark hair, nice legs, great curv-"

"Alright, already. I didn't think she would show up. "

"Well make up your mind, Stupid, 'cause if you're not here in ten, I'm gonna take your place."

"Don't you dare!" Eli sits up straighter on the couch. "If she starts to leave, stop her."

"Hey, I'm not your private-"

"Ten more bucks."




"Good. Keep her there. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Eli hangs up and springs from the couch to sprint down the hallway to his bedroom and find a change of clothes.

Tal chuckles and shakes his head, returning his phone to his pocket and taking another slow swig of beer. He keeps an eye on the bar, watching Scarlet. Hey, for fifteen more dollars on top of the twenty and free meal he was already getting, it couldn't be easier.

Scott tries to focus, propping himself up a little bit to do his best and drink some of the juice Hope gives him. It goes down easily, quenching his thirst. Nodding a little, he lies back again, trying to wake up.

"I feel like I've been on vacation from reality for a week," he mumbles. "What happened to me?"

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