
Would I?

As Alec's arms wrap around Ryan her own hands to to his back, and than up to the back of his head. Holding him close to her Ryan returns the kiss letting Alec know just how much she had missed him. As he pulls away a grin forms on Ryan's own face.

"Mmmm...I know how much I missed you, and now I know how much you missed me too."

Turning back around again to the stove Ryan puts the steaks she was preparing onto the broilers and than puts them in the oven setting the timer. Still listing to Alec while she worked.

Hearing he lies sent a feeling of disappointment through her but it only lasted a few moments as she new from the first play that he might not have been telling the whole truth. But seeing as he was here again had to mean something.

Finishing at the stove Ryan moves a littler to Alec and looking up at him. Searching his eyes she looked for the truth. She still remembered how he had said the world would be theirs, and it seemed she clinged to those words for one reason or another.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have gone with you, not tried to stop you. Than you would of had a car."

Continuing to search Alec's eyes Ryan had so many questions about what really happened but the first she wanted to ask was why didn't he want to take her with him when he new should would of gone.

Taking the last sip of her beer Scarlet looks up at the clock once more. It was ten minutes after eight and she had a feeling Eli wouldn't show up. Oh well the beer tasted good, and she probably would of ended up here anyways tonight.

Pulling some money down on the counter and take her jacket Scarlet and throws her over her shoulder giving a nod to the bar tendered.

"Jimmy, I'm heading out."

"He didn't show huh? I think he's pretty stupid stiff you."

"I wouldn't be leaving if he did would I?"

Giving a grin and a shake of his head most would take Scarlet's edgy tone as being rude but Jimmy had known her long enough to just know it was her and she didn't mean harm by it.

"Drive safe, the roads are slick out there ok Kiddo?"

Giving a wave and another shake of her head to the bartender Scarlet smiles before turning to head to the door.

"Yeah yeah yeah...Night Jimmy."

Taking the glass from Scott again Hope puts it down on the tiny night stand next to Scott's bed in case he wanted anymore. If he wasnt going to eat much at least she could give him juice to keep his electrolytes up.

Taking his hand in her own Hope gives Scott a soft smile her eyes now adjusting to the dinner light over here where Scott was so she could see him.

"I'm not sure what happened Scott. We got a phone call from Dr. Hawks and he said you had a visitor yesterday and than something happened and you just shut down. We had Alec come in because he wanted to help us, and he jump started your brain so to say again. He helps bring you back to us."

Hope searches Scott's face now sure he would react to what she told him but hopping he would at least take it some what good.

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