
Stone Wall

Leaning forward Ryan puts her head in her hands. She didn't know what she was saying, and didn't know what she was feeling and Eli was just as lost.

"I'm talking about Alec. He's different, I can't even explain it. Its...like.."

Ryan lets out a sigh maybe if she started from the top? Even that didn't feel like it was clear things up.

"Reese had me come down to the station today because on Christmas, while I was leaving Alec kissed me....and...I kissed him back because it sent a flood of emotions over me that...were different. Anyways things got heavy..and it was all on camera."

Ryan wanted to cry, she wanted to laugh at how stupid this was, she wanted to scream but just nothing felt like it was good enough to take away these emotions.

"No when ever I see him we are fine but the second he stands right next to me its like electroshock. As for him liking me as much as Leo does...I..I can see the rising emotions in his eyes and I see the way he looks at me. He doesn't say it, but I see it and its...different."

Letting out a loud groan Ryan falls backwards on the couch with her hands over her face.

"The only thing I do know is nether of them deserve this..and I have to do something but I don't know what. I am happy and content with Leo, but I still crave the thrill...Alec...her curbs that. Gahhhhh....I am the stone wall...I am the strong mountain and some how my wall got cracked and it feels like crap."

Seeing Mick's truck as Dan parks in his normal spot his own blood seems to pump. It was kind of nerve racking. So many things could happen now, but he tried to keep his confidence up for Jade's sake. Things would work out.

"If he's here I would think he was well again. I don't think they would of let alone have Rosetta let him back if he was not."

Turning to see the shaky look on Jade's face Dan reaches out runs a hand along the side of her face cradling it for a moment.

"It will work.Come on."

Getting out of the truck Dan wastes no time going over to Jade's side and lifting her out as well letting her slide to the ground. Letting out a low breath of air Dan takes Jade's hand in her own locking there fingers.

"Lets see if anyone is in the dinning all and there are some left overs."


Eli's eyebrows rise as Ryan speaks, very surprised to hear there was another man. "Wow." He blinks, not having thought at all that there was anyone but Leo, especially after all they'd been through.

"You sure it's not just... a crush or something? I mean, who is this guy? Does he care about you like Leo does?"

It was evening, but the sky was still gray. Jade yawns, having fallen asleep for part of the trip back and now exhausted. So happy, but exhausted none the less. The little bump as they enter the driveway of the ranch helps her wake up a little more.

"Mmm.... I bet everyone is done with supper, but I hope they saved the leftovers. I could-" Jade's voice comes to a sudden halt as she spots a familiar truck. A sudden rush of mixed emotions hits her. She should be glad to see her dad, but instead she was met with a sinking feeling. "That's..."

She swallows hard as Dan's own truck comes to a halt. "...Dad's pickup."

Turning her head to look at Dan, she bites her lip. "I... I didn't know he was... coming back... now." She cringes a little. "That sounds horrible. I should be excited, right? I mean it's good, right? He should be... better?"


Ryan lets out a sigh as she listens to her brother. Why did thinks have to be hard all the time? Even when Ryan was alone things would go ok but there was always a bump in the road.

Looking down again Ryan lets her words form in her mind before speaking them. She wasn't even sure how she wanted to say everything.

"I care about Leo, and I have strong feelings for him. He means the world to me, but than...there is this other guy and..."

A look pass through Ryan's eyes the flame giving a flicker of light, of life.

"...when I'm with him all I want to do is kiss him. I'm drawn to him, and I feel things I've never felt before and its confusing. A bit scary because I've never felt like this before. Its always been me, looking out for me. In life, in racing...life was a game and now I'd be willing to slow my life down because he is enough of a rush. Everything about him is stronger and I don't understand why!"

Looking up at her brother one more Ryan looked so confused. She really didnt know what to do, and everything was clashing inside of her.

I guess

Eli is about ready to give up asking his sister if everything was alright, when she finally asks him her question. It surprised him though, and his eyebrows immediately rise and his head turns so he could see her. The look in his eye concerned him a little - there really was something going on with her.

Her question was a confusing one and it took him completely off guard. "In love?" As Ryan elaborates, his brow furrows, trying to understand. "You... you talking about when you found Leo? Or... now?"

Shaking his head, he shifts his weight so he can see her better, leaning one elbow up on the back of the couch to rest his head against his hand. He knew she wanted an answer from him before it was his turn for questions. "I don't know." He gives a little shrug. "Had a few girls... you know me, always looking." He gives her a sheepish grin. "Naw... about two years ago... I had someone. Sasha. Nice... sweet... moved in with her for about six months."

He knows that Ryan probably didn't know a thing about that. "Shouldn't have... but I did. I didn't find someone else though - she did. But afterward, I realized it just wasn't that hard to leave... so I don't think my feelings ran deep enough to begin with."

It wasn't often Eli talked about his feelings, but when it was just him and Ryan, it wasn't too awkward. "So I guess my answer is no." He gives a slight laugh. "I think I know what you mean though. I saw that look in Sasha's eyes... she told me she loved me, but when Neil came along.... there was something different that even I could see. She never looked at me like she looked at him. Don't know what it feels like, but I know it can exist."

Pausing, he studies his sister again. "So who you having second thoughts about?"

Sure anymore

The rest of the afternoon move quickly as the small party at the auto shop starts. Beer, music, and just having a good clean time with friends was nice. Being with this group there was never a dull moment. Between Leo and Miles swords fighting with wrenches, to Ryan and Jed going back and forth with simple banter it was a great time.

But now the time had come and the part was over. Sitting at home on the couch with her brother flipping through the TV Ryan's mind had time to wonder once again. Not even hearing the tv go off, she almost miss Eli's question as well. But catching the last bit she looks up.

"Mmmm? Oh..no...I'm..ok.."

Letting out a sigh and picking at her own jeans. Looking up at her brother again so much emotions flooded her eyes. Now that she was home, behind closed doors she let everything out, and everything show that she had been hiding the last few days. Her head was a spin now, and she had to talk to someone, she had to figure out what this all was about. Who better to talk to than her big brother.

"Eli...have you ever been in love?"

Saying those words Ryan stops for a second realizing just how little she new about her brother.

"Did..you even have a girl friend you cared a great deal for? You thought she was the world and you did everything to get her but than...someone came along and changed it and you just weren't quite sure anymore?"


Eli laughs as Ryan hugs him tightly and he spins her around. "Okay, okay... get my life together, then worry about rent. Got it." He laughs again, shaking his head, only to see his sister call for a party. "Whoa, whoa, it's not that big of a deal!"

"Yes it is!" Jed yells from another car. "Any call for a party is a big deal!"

Eli smirks but throws up his arms. "Okay, party it is." He sticks around for a while in the shop before heading out again in higher spirits than he'd had in a long time.

The rest of the day moves on rather quickly. Leo forfeits supper with Ryan in order to have a party in the shop, and though having looked forward to it, he enjoys the time with everyone else too. And when all is said and done, the sun is sinking low and everyone has gone their separate ways. The shop is closed for the night and back at the apartment, Eli is kicking back on the couch in front of the television set. But after a few minutes of nothing, he turns it off, letting the silence hang in the living room.

"Alright... so you been teetering on the edge of something all afternoon, Speedy." He glances to his sister. "Wanna talk about it?"

Trent's eyebrows rise a little but what was he supposed to say? No? There was no reason for him to deny Thirteen some pictures.

Finally he nods. "Okay... yeah, yeah that'll be okay."


Giving a laugh and shaking her head at Leo once again Ryan gives his leg a little kick.

"Ok, you can have half the credit this time. Barnsworth and McKade take the win!"

Giving him a smerk Ryan goes back to her work area knowing her brother was following. Tinkering around with a few things at her station she gather what she would need for the car.

Looking at Eli as he talks about his new job Ryan can't help but get excited. Putting her stuff down and throwing her arms around him Ryan hugs her brother. She new this would help him feel better knowing he could bring a little bit of money in the house himself.

"Oh Eli, I am so happy for you. Get on your feet, get your debts payed, rent to me can wait, just get yourself all fixed up ok?"

Giving an even tighter hug a little squeel comes from Ryan's lips. Pulling away her eyes twinkle as the look that had been in them before seemed to pass for now.

Moving back just a few steps Ryan steps around Eli so the rest of the Auto Shop can see her.

"Everyone, get your cars done and than its time to celebrate Eli's new job. Even you Darrel, I know your hiding in the office, you can come too."

Looking to Ryder and giving a smile and a nod she'd never used a camera before, but she new for sure Ryder wouldn't mind showing her. She new this was going to be a blast.

Turning her head to Trent again the smile was so big on her face, some people might have thought she was faking it, but in reality she just felt that happy. Today hadn't gone completely as planned but in the end it had been better than she could of imagined.

"Dad, you'll let me take some picture of you right? And of us together?"

All set

Eli cocks his head a little as if not convinced everything was quite as simple as Ryan was making it. Tucking his thumbs in his pockets, he stands back, letting her get to work, but still sticking around.

Leo returns Ryan's hug and grins a little at the kiss on the cheek. Looking up at her though, he almost squints as if trying to understand everything she'd just gone through. He didn't, but it was obvious that whatever had happened down at the Elite headquarters had bothered her. There wasn't much he could do though - maybe he would try to talk to her more about it later.

"I'm sorry." Sincerity shone in his eyes. He really did feel badly for her. He knew she'd just been trying to help out a guy behind bars like any well-wisher. "And...you're welcome." Lying back, he rolls under the car again, just to stick his head back out once more. "But I get half the credit for the car," he teases before disappearing again.

Eli chuckles and shakes his head, following after Ryan over to where she would be working. Wandering behind her and fiddling with some of the tools, he nods. "Sounds like it's a bangup job down there if he thought you were involved in something." He rolls his eyes. "Oh well, I suppose we should be grateful they're on their toes and keeping an eye on things. Who accuses people who are just trying to do good deeds though?"

Shrugging it off, he leans against the car, folding his arms. "I got a job," he finally informs her. It had been hard to hide his smile. "I get to do custom paint jobs on cars and motorcycles. So you'll finally get some rent from me."

Trent can't help a little chuckle and smile as he keeps one eye on the road while watching Thirteen. It was such a little thing, but she was enjoying it so much. A part of him gained much pleasure from seeing that look in her eye, and he was proud of himself for finding something she would like. The ring was one thing... this was something she could do and put together herself.

"You're welcome."

Ryder grins and puts his arm around Thirteen. "I made sure to bring a camera so we're all set."

Such a simple gift

Looking at her brother and giving her own returned silly grin Ryan shakes her head giving his arm a backwards slap.

"Me in the slammer? Come on now, you should know better than that."

Giving a nod to her brother that she wanted to hear his news her eyes show a tiny bit of emotions that wanted to seep though that she needed to talk to him about something later as well.

Turning and giving a smile to Leo Ryan goes over bending down just takes him in a large hug. It was sweet of him to think about finding some way that Miles wouldn't win. Leo could be so kind and considerate.

"Thank you Leo."

Giving him a gentile kiss to the cheek Ryan put her emotions in check pulling away and looking at Leo in the eyes. Searching, looking...a smile forms on her face as she gives a nod.

"After being grilled hours on end, yes..I'm ok. Alec end up giving up information on the company The Elite had been fighting a while to bring down. Mr. Reese though it was some kind of trick and that I was in on it. He believes me now that I'm not, just to get to that point a lot of painful digging had to happen."

Walking with Ryder just enjoying there time Thirteen's fingers stay locked with his. It was fun just looking in the windows and talking over the different things they liked. Fingers locked, side by side, stealing a small kiss here or there it seemed almost to perfect.

And like all things, time must go on. Coming around to where they started and seeing Trent's truck Thirteen new it was time to go back. Getting into the truck before Ryder Thirteen slides next to her dad and gives him a smile.

"All set!"

Receiving the package from Trent, Thirteen just looks at him for a moment. It was Christmas anymore, and he was giving her something? Looking down again Thirteen's fingers run over the outside of the sack before she opens it. Taking out the bright colored book Thirteen holds it turning it in her hand, opening the pages. She looked as if someone had just handed her a million dollars.

Looking at Ryder she gives a big smile holding it up for him to see. Than looking back to Trent Thirteen's smile grows even bigger.

"Thank you...so much. This is very pretty. I want the first picture in the book to be of you and that Ryder on the other side. Than the rest to be pictures of my family so I can remember them. I'd like to take pictures before I go...thats a great idea Dad. Thank you Thank you Thank you."

Thirteen's eyes shown so bright with something so simple. Just holding the book in her hand and running her fingers over the colors taking them in.


As Ryan enters the shop, everyone looks up, several laughing at her antics. Eli gives her a silly grin. "What? Oh, were you gone?" He shakes his head, wagging a finger at her. "You know how to scare a fellow though. We thought maybe you really were in the slammer. I didn't know you were gone though until I got here. Wanted to tell you something."

Leo has rolled out from under the car and looks up at Ryan, glad to see she was back. "I started on the other car," he informs, gesturing with his thumb to Ryan's bay. "Figured you wouldn't want Miles to win today." He gives her a wink. "Everything... alright?"

Ryder is still smiling and follows Thirteen, donning his jacket and going outside with her. It was chilly out but sunny, making it pleasant for a walk. Taking her hand, Ryder leads, pointing into shop windows and making jokes just to see her smile.

By the time they go around several blocks and back again, Trent's truck is parked on the street again and he's behind the wheel waiting, obviously having seen they weren't inside.

"Looks like he's ready to head back." Ryder gives Thirteen's hand a squeeze. "Maybe we can brush a horse again when we get back." He helps her into the passenger side so she can sit in the middle, then slides in beside her, shutting the door.

"All ready?" Trent looks at them both, making sure they buckle up before he pulls away. As he drives, he reaches behind his seat, pulling out a little sack and handing it to Thirteen. Inside was a pretty little album with rainbow colors that could hold about fifteen pictures or so. "I thought...." He shrugs. "...maybe you'd want to take some pictures before you leave and.... keep them with you."

Worked up and Worryed

Receiving Alec's last kiss Ryan keeps her hand with him until he was to far to reach and soon was gone behind the door of Reese office once more. Stairing at the door for a long moment the smile spreads across Ryan's face as she turns to head out of TJY.

Only moments later Ryan was pulling back into the auto shop parking lot. Shutting off the car, and just sitting for a long moment her mind was able to wonder again as the sinking feeling hit her gut. What was she doing and why? It felt right in a seance and wrong all at the same time. These feelings, she new what they were, and she new they weren't just spear of the moment thing, but why she didn't know, and what to do she wasn't sure.

Letting out a long sigh and emerging from her car Ryan spots Eli's bike a few spots down. Finding it odd he was here at this time of day she could only hope everyone hadn't been so worried they called him.

Opening the doors and stepping inside a silly look replaces the previous one. Coming back into the bay area Ryan holds out her arms.

"Its ok, its ok the cal very can go home. I am o....k...not behind bars or anything."

Throwing everyone a grin Ryan takes off her jacket and throws it over by her work bench before coming back around to see her brother.

"Did they get you all worked up and worried about little old me?"


Alec closes his eyes for just a short moment as Ryan's hand touches his face. Reaching up, he takes her fingers, holding them in his own hand and just studying her gaze. Sick her her? He'd like to think he was that tough... that strong to fight these feelings, but he wasn't. "Why do you think I asked for free lunch breaks?"

A small grin plays at the corner of his mouth, begging to become a smile, but it remains just below the surface. Tilting her chin up with a finger, he leans down to let his lips touch hers once more as if checking to see if the feelings when he kissed her really did exist and hadn't been his imagination.

Pulling away, his thumb caresses her chin then moves to lightly run over her moist lips. And without a farewell, he backs up, turns and disappears into Reese's office once again.

Leo glances to the door once more as he hears a car engine, but he's disappointed again too. It wasn't the sound of Ryan's car. Rolling back under the car he was working on, he then hears Eli's voice, bantering with the other guys. He rolls out again, glancing over to the door and gives a wave with his greasy wrench. "Hey."

"Hey, Leo." Eli waves and wanders closer. "Guys just said Ryan was gone?"

"Yeah..." Worry laced Leo's words. "Darell said something about the chief of the Elite. I thought she'd be back a long time ago."

Eli furrows his brow, now concerned too. "Think it has something to do with that guy she was taking food to?"

"That's the only thing I could think of."

"Hmm... well... mind if I stick around here and wait for her? I wanted to tell her I got a job."

"Heeey, way to go! Where at?"

"Body shop over on eighth. Custom paint jobs. Showed 'em my bike and when they found out I did it myself, they hired me on the spot. I guess they lost one of their guys a couple weeks ago so... I got it."