
Stone Wall

Leaning forward Ryan puts her head in her hands. She didn't know what she was saying, and didn't know what she was feeling and Eli was just as lost.

"I'm talking about Alec. He's different, I can't even explain it. Its...like.."

Ryan lets out a sigh maybe if she started from the top? Even that didn't feel like it was clear things up.

"Reese had me come down to the station today because on Christmas, while I was leaving Alec kissed me....and...I kissed him back because it sent a flood of emotions over me that...were different. Anyways things got heavy..and it was all on camera."

Ryan wanted to cry, she wanted to laugh at how stupid this was, she wanted to scream but just nothing felt like it was good enough to take away these emotions.

"No when ever I see him we are fine but the second he stands right next to me its like electroshock. As for him liking me as much as Leo does...I..I can see the rising emotions in his eyes and I see the way he looks at me. He doesn't say it, but I see it and its...different."

Letting out a loud groan Ryan falls backwards on the couch with her hands over her face.

"The only thing I do know is nether of them deserve this..and I have to do something but I don't know what. I am happy and content with Leo, but I still crave the thrill...Alec...her curbs that. Gahhhhh....I am the stone wall...I am the strong mountain and some how my wall got cracked and it feels like crap."

Seeing Mick's truck as Dan parks in his normal spot his own blood seems to pump. It was kind of nerve racking. So many things could happen now, but he tried to keep his confidence up for Jade's sake. Things would work out.

"If he's here I would think he was well again. I don't think they would of let alone have Rosetta let him back if he was not."

Turning to see the shaky look on Jade's face Dan reaches out runs a hand along the side of her face cradling it for a moment.

"It will work.Come on."

Getting out of the truck Dan wastes no time going over to Jade's side and lifting her out as well letting her slide to the ground. Letting out a low breath of air Dan takes Jade's hand in her own locking there fingers.

"Lets see if anyone is in the dinning all and there are some left overs."

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