

Eli's eyes continue to widen as he listens to his sister. "Alec? The prisoner guy?" He blinks, hearing about the kiss. "Heavy?" His eyebrows rise a little higher.

Clearing his throat, he tries not to think that part was funny, though being caught on camera... it did have an amusing ring to it. He swallows the laugh that wants to come out and just listens until Ryan is quiet again.

"Well... looks like Speedy went a little too fast, eh?" He grins and reaches over to pull down Ryan's hands from her face. "I hate to break it to ya, little sis, but you're as human as anyone else, stone wall or not."

He cocks his head, studying her eyes as his tone grows gentler, knowing she needed consoling not teasing. "It's okay to crack that wall once in a while. Keeping it indestructible won't let anyone in... and that's a lonely life to live. As far as your current dilemma..."

He sighs and shrugs. "I really don't know what to tell ya. I'm not so sure I like the thought of you being involved with a guy like Alec... from what I've heard, he's a pretty bad character with a pretty bad past - they wouldn't have him there if he weren't. But... I trust you too as long as you got your head on straight. I ain't ever met the guy so I can't judge... I just want you to be careful. Guys like that hurt girls like you, and you know how I feel about anybody touching my sister."

Eli tosses Ryan a wink, grinning just a little. He was a protective brother, but he didn't try to run her life. "About Leo though..." He purses his lips, knowing that this was a pretty sensitive situation, whether she wanted it to be or not. "You're right... you're not being fair to either of them. Whether it was just once, twice, or just a couple visits with Alec... if I were on Leo's side, I'd say you're already two-timing him, and that ain't right. You're my sister and I love ya, but that move isn't cool. You just gotta decide if you're gonna stick with dependable, lovable Leo or go with undependable, passionate criminal Alec."

He sighs, knowing this wasn't easy for her, even if he couldn't really empathize. "I've never been in your spot before... but I do know that whatever you do, do it quick before things really get out of hand."

Jade nods, trying to stay calm. It was such a strange feeling... having missed her father so much, yet having been so upset with him at the same time. Would things be okay?

Accepting Dan's hand, her palm is a little clammy and she grips his fingers tightly. Walking with him, they go inside.

It was evident that supper had been done for a while. Some people had already filtered out, but many still remained. It had been stew for the evening meal and the aroma still lingered, making Jade's stomach growl. She knew it was loud enough Dan surely heard, and she giggles. She'd been the one to convince him not to stop and eat on the way home and it was she who was starving.

"Well, look who the cat gone done and drug in." Clint looks up from one of the tables where he, Jeff, Jason, Katie and Ryder were involved in a card game that had had everyone laughing from the get-go. Even now, Clint's bumbled speech gets the laughter started again.

Jade grins and shakes her head. "Weren't no cat," she counters. "Just a handsome cowboy."

Not seeing her father anywhere near, the nervousness leaves for the time being and she lets Dan's hand go, giving a little squeal at seeing who all was there that she had missed. "Katie!" Trotting around the table to her, she flops down in the empty chair and gives Katie a hug. "Merry Christmas! Well.... a little late." Her eyes were shining brighter than ever before, her face flushed as she held in her secret. She moves her head to see Jason too and gives him a wave. "Hello, sir."

Jason grins with amusement. "Hello, ma'am. And how are we tonight?"

"Wonderful!" Jade bounces a little, totally hyped up, her eyes looking up to Dan again, her smile so wide. "But hungry." Though she didn't know who this other girl was, she had a feeling she knew, and she'd never seen this other man before. But it didn't deter her from being just as giddy as usual.

"Just got done eating," Clint informs. "And you interrupted the card game. So go get your food - I was just winning."

"Oh you were, were you?" Ryder quirks an eyebrow and nudges Thirteen. He'd been sharing a hand of cards with her, and they knew good and well that they were ahead.


Jade giggles. "Clint, you're never winning. And if I thought that me leaving would actually help, I would. But I think you need more than that to win." Still laughing, her eyes find Dan again, question flickering in her gaze. Was it okay with him to tell the others about them? She'd forgotten to ask before they'd come in.

Mick emerges from the play room where BJ was racing his cars around, and heads to the kitchen with his empty coffee mug. Hearing louder chatter than usual, he glances down to the other end. The first person he spots is Dan, and he forces himself not to feel irritated. He'd decided to give the young man a chance... he needed to stick to his word.

Continuing his route, he stops again though when he realizes that Jade was sitting next to Katie. She and Dan got back at the same time? That was... quite a coincidence. Mick shakes his head. There was nothing there. It was a coincidence and there was no point in him letting his mind think up things it shouldn't. He was glad his daughter was back too, even if it did send a feeling of dread through him. There were bridges to be mended both to Jade and Dan. Apologies needed to be made.

Hesitating, Mick finally goes into the kitchen, not knowing how he could approach either one of them, or even knowing when the best time would be.

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