
Such a simple gift

Looking at her brother and giving her own returned silly grin Ryan shakes her head giving his arm a backwards slap.

"Me in the slammer? Come on now, you should know better than that."

Giving a nod to her brother that she wanted to hear his news her eyes show a tiny bit of emotions that wanted to seep though that she needed to talk to him about something later as well.

Turning and giving a smile to Leo Ryan goes over bending down just takes him in a large hug. It was sweet of him to think about finding some way that Miles wouldn't win. Leo could be so kind and considerate.

"Thank you Leo."

Giving him a gentile kiss to the cheek Ryan put her emotions in check pulling away and looking at Leo in the eyes. Searching, looking...a smile forms on her face as she gives a nod.

"After being grilled hours on end, yes..I'm ok. Alec end up giving up information on the company The Elite had been fighting a while to bring down. Mr. Reese though it was some kind of trick and that I was in on it. He believes me now that I'm not, just to get to that point a lot of painful digging had to happen."

Walking with Ryder just enjoying there time Thirteen's fingers stay locked with his. It was fun just looking in the windows and talking over the different things they liked. Fingers locked, side by side, stealing a small kiss here or there it seemed almost to perfect.

And like all things, time must go on. Coming around to where they started and seeing Trent's truck Thirteen new it was time to go back. Getting into the truck before Ryder Thirteen slides next to her dad and gives him a smile.

"All set!"

Receiving the package from Trent, Thirteen just looks at him for a moment. It was Christmas anymore, and he was giving her something? Looking down again Thirteen's fingers run over the outside of the sack before she opens it. Taking out the bright colored book Thirteen holds it turning it in her hand, opening the pages. She looked as if someone had just handed her a million dollars.

Looking at Ryder she gives a big smile holding it up for him to see. Than looking back to Trent Thirteen's smile grows even bigger.

"Thank you...so much. This is very pretty. I want the first picture in the book to be of you and that Ryder on the other side. Than the rest to be pictures of my family so I can remember them. I'd like to take pictures before I go...thats a great idea Dad. Thank you Thank you Thank you."

Thirteen's eyes shown so bright with something so simple. Just holding the book in her hand and running her fingers over the colors taking them in.

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