
Family night

Hearing the commotion outside, Carson quirks his eyebrow at Axel, wiping his hands on a towel. "Sounds like a herd of elephants."

"Nah." Axel shakes his head. "Prolly just more girls."

Laughing, Carson heads to the door, but Misty has it open before he gets there. Hearing Dalton's cry for help, he just stands there with his hands on his hips. "If you can't handle a couple of women, you got a problem."

A shriek is heard down the hallway and Carson whirls around just in time to see his sister, who had thought the coast was clear before dashing from the bathroom to her bedroom, in only a towel. She hadn't known anyone else had arrived yet, and thought her brother and Axel were still out of sight.

Carson's eyebrows rise. "Hello! Everybody close your eyes, my sister's not quite ready."


He grins, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Come on, Dani," he calls. "Your boyfriend is here. You need help?"


Carson laughs again and heads for Dalton. "How about I lend you a hand. I think you're easier to help than my sister." Taking some items from the big man, Carson glances at Misty to throw her a wink.

"Preening," Axel mumbles from the side. "Told ya. Preening." Spying Jess, a grin forms on his face. "Hey, Beautiful."

Dani grumbles in her bedroom as she hurriedly pulls on her form fitting jeans and peasant blouse. Running a brush through her hair, she tries to dry it out the best she can without taking time to blow dry it. Putting on just a little bit of pale lipstick, she gives herself a once-over in the mirror and rolls her eyes. It would have to do. Staying in her bare feet, she trots back down the hall, giving her brother's arm a good whack before offering a smile to the others, her cheeks slightly flushed. "Jess... Misty... hi, Dalton."

"Mm... sounds like a plan to me." Gage meant it. Right now, he really didn't care what they did. He was just happy to be with Sapphire and be free during the holidays for the first time. It was like starting fresh with new eyes and everything was interesting and exciting. The past couple days had been a little stressful, but after pushing it all aside, he felt good and he didn't want to let it go.

"I've got some popcorn in the cupboard, and I still got a couple cans of pop in the fridge. Not too festive, but it might tide us over 'til supper while we watch the movies."

Watching Ryan leave, Alec doesn't even move for the longest time. He just stares at the empty doorway as if watching to see someone come back through. But it remained empty, and the air remained quiet.

Reaching to his chest, he feels the chain under his shirt. Maybe his emotions were just dormant, waiting to be awoken again. Like a single drop of water plummeting from an icicle and crashing to the ground below, it was the first sign of spring.

Sighing, Alec straightens up and roots around on his cot until finding a comfortable position to look through the new magazines. It was the only thing he had to pass the time, and he'd rather think about fast cars than the date on the calendar. Would Ryan really come back tomorrow? He wondered.

Seeing the look of worry in his sister's eyes made Trent all the more concerned. This shouldn't be happening. Not now, not any time. Why couldn't he get any answers? Why couldn't he find any information? It wasn't fair. Not on Christmas Eve.

A bad feeling in his gut reminded him that if he kept digging, there might be news he didn't want to hear. Surely someone would have contacted them if something worse had happened... but not much time had passed. Maybe they just hadn't gotten to them yet. Trent knew if he found out bad news, he would wait to tell Rosetta until after tonight at least. He just hoped and prayed that there had been some horrid misunderstanding. There was still a chance he'd been wrong about the truck he'd seen on television. At the same time though, Eric still hadn't returned his call.

I guess we'll wait and see what happens. I know Reese doesn't have plans 'til tomorrow, so I'd bet you anything he's in the office today.

Jason squeezes Katie's hand, feeling the mix of emotions being drawn from him. He knew how she felt now and he felt the same. But they had to make the best of it.

At least we got each other.

A smile spreads on his face as they come back into the ranch yard from coming full circle. "I'm thinking hot chocolate... how about it?"

"Yeah, I've ridden a time or two." Ryder finds a spot the mare likes to be scratched and gives her some extra attention, smiling. "Maybe when we go back to Nevada, we can find a place that might let you get on a horse sometime, ay?"

So many thoughts and emotions, so many wishes and so many realities, but it's all the same day, the day that goes by more quickly than anybody would want. It's a special day on the calendar, but that doesn't seem to matter. The same amount of hours reside within it as any other day.

Jason and Katie spend most of the day together just relaxing away from their jobs and enjoying family. Ryder coaxes Thirteen to do a little "exploring" with him around the ranch so they can take a walk and enjoy the outdoors, later returning to the dining hall where most are gathering.

By the time it's usually time for supper, most everyone had made it back to the dining hall. Chores were done early tonight and a cold wind had picked up, making everyone all the more glad to be inside near the crackling fireplace...

Sparky strums the soothing chords on his guitar, leading the traditional Christmas singing. Some join in, while others busy themselves around the kitchen, making hot chocolate, pouring eggnog and getting out the snacks for the night. Jason had been conned into playing his guitar as well, as supposed, and he sits near Sparky, picking out the melody and singing harmony with him, creating a sound that soothed the soul.

Sparky's eyes find Faith and his singing seems to be directed at her most of the time, more than just a Christmas spirit in his gaze.
Trent stays back away from the group, coming and going as he continues to make phone calls, while trying not to worry anyone else, and keeping Rosetta updated on his lack of findings.
Jeff sits next to Katie, teasing her in between songs and thoroughly enjoying her presence. Behind them are Clint, Wendy and Chase, Clint making a spectacle out of himself at least twice.
Cindy sits off to the side with Wes, Kaylee on her lap, and her own head nestled against her husband's chest. This night meant more to her than just getting together. She was grasping for all the family time she could get before Wes left, and though it was a sweet time, it was also a reminder that soon, this warmth would fade until he returned.
Jim and Becky mingle with the others, part of the time alone in a corner just enjoying the scene, and part of the time right in the midst of the activity.
Ryder wanders around from the group to the kitchen, having more fun teasing the women in the kitchen than singing songs he didn't know. He made sure Thirteen was content and comfortable too though, not leaving her alone unless he saw she was okay.
JT makes sure that Bree at least sits in the dining room for a while. Even though this isn't their family, they are welcomed anyway, and the warmth can't help but descend on them as well. A few times, JT catches Amanda's eyes, feeling that there was more happening here than just a temporary shelter. They were growing closer... and he couldn't say he minded.

In between singing, there is chatting, laughter and gift-giving. Nothing is scheduled or planned and to some it might seem chaotic, but to this big family, nothing could be better. There was no official song time or gift time, it all just happened, overlapping and intertwined in all the joy and fun. Gifts are given and received, hugs and kisses are displayed and many are teased but it's all in good fun.

Amidst all the gift-giving, one little box winds up given to Thirteen, but there is no name showing who it is from. The tag only says "Thirteen," with no other explanation. When she would open it, she would find a dainty gold ring with her birthstone - an emerald, set between two tiny diamonds. Someone who had chosen to remain anonymous had good taste and a good guess at what size it should be.


Pulling to the side of the road Dalton sits for a moment before getting out making sure his shirt was unwrinkled and he had everything he needed. He'd told Carson he would bring the drinks tonight and he was happy he at least remembered that.

Seeing another car approach Dalton squints a little bit to look out the window. Seeing Jess get out of her car he smiles. He'd only met her once, but his memorie didn't fail him as he remembered who she was.

Getting out of his car he grabs the bag of soda, and the case of beer. Making his way over to Jess to see if she needed any help.

"Hey Jess. I guess I know I'm not late."

Turning around from the sound of a voice Jess face breaks out in a bawd smile. It was always was nice seeing old friends again and it had been a long time since she saw Dalton even if she could only remember his nickname and not his real name.

"Hey there. Your not late, but we might be early."

Turning back to the car Jess pulls out a large paper bag with some gifts in it, smile and giving a small nod at Dalton.

"Think you could hold this for me, for a moment?"

Taking the bag from Jess Dalton gladly held it for her while she pulled the other bags out of the car. She'd been in charge of bringing the sweet stuff. Jess had spent all day backing cookies, brownies, cake, and chocolate covered strawberrys.

"Ok, I think I got everything thanks Dalton."

"Not a problem, I have the arm room I might as well use it."

Making there way to the front door Jess and Dalton's arms are full as they laugh and joke to each other climbing the few steps. Standing outside the door they look at each other with a grin.

"Maybe we should start singing!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Last time I tryed, I think the people at Carson's old place were going to kill me."

Pulling up the rear Misty smile at her two friends. Pizza and chicken wings in hand it was her job to grab the main course. In her other hand were a bag of gifts as well. Looking at Daltons Misty smiles.

"Can you hold these?"

Passing off the pizzas to Dalton his arms were not toally full carrying his own stuff, Jess, and Misty's.

Fishing in her purse for a moment Misty finally finds the keys to the apartment and put them int eh lock and giving it a turn opening the door.

"There we go, might well just walk right in if we can."

Entering the house the trio laughs making there presence known. Looking at the two ladys and than his arms full of stuff Dalton cant help himself.

"Help, some body, any body...these girls are trying to over load and kill me."

"Merry Christmas Alec. I'll be back sometime tomorrow to bring your some Christmas dinner. It has to be better than eating whatever they give you here."

Heading twords the door Ryan felt good though she wish she could of done more for Alec, sitting here, alone on Christmas that was a crappy way for anyone to spend. But there really was nothing more for her to do, at least she had seen that little dim glow in Alec's eyes. It was a start.

Almost getting to the door Ryan stops at Alec says thank you. For a moment she thinks maybe she had miss heard him but turning and look at him in the eyes Ryan's lips turn into a smile. Made her had done more than she though she had.

"Your welcome! Try and have a good one ok?"

Turning to leave again Ryan was gone remembering tomorrow she would be back with more food, and books for Alec.

Giving an even bigger smile Sapphire slides off chair and stands. Putting her arm around Gage's shoulders Sapphire thinks for a long moment on what else they could do today.

"Well..I have some Christmas movies we can watch together I thought you might like that. Than I was thinking tonight after dark we could take a drive and look at how difference people have there houses up with lights."

Giving a smile Sapphire didn't know if Gage would like the idea or not but it was something she did every years by herself and she thought maybe this year it would be nice to have someone come along and share the fun.

Letting out a long sigh Rosetta didn't know what to do ether. She was worried sick about her brother, and didn't know what to even do now. If something was wrong someone would call family right? But why wouldn't he himself call and say he was going to be late? Was it the Agency?

"Ok, you call the last few places you can.."

Rosetta lets out a long drawn out breath. She was getting to old for this kind of stress, why did all this have to happen, now?

"I'm going to try and gather some of the other to see if they can help with a few things to get ready for tonight. If we still don't hear anything...than...I...don't know what we will do. I just want to find him Trent. I want to know he's ok and not dieing somewhere."

Rosetta looked deep into Trent's eyes her own showing her worry. Turning Rosetta heads into the living room where BJ was sitting with his checker bored waiting for someone to play with him.

Keeping her hand linked with Jason's Katie felt worried herself about her Uncle, and felt even worse for Rosetta.

Yeah, I am worried but I think I feel worse for my aunt. With everything else going on she just wanted to try and enjoy the holiday. She already is not going to have her husband here and now her brother too.

Letting out a sigh Katie pulled on Jason's emotions that showed she was worried yet happy Jason was there with her. At least if anything happened she wouldn't have to deal with it on her own.

I'd hate to bother Reese on Christmas, but if it comes down to it, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Standing by Ryder Thirteen gentile pets the horses neck. It felt so soft, and petting the large horse had a comforting tone to it. It almost felt really relaxing.

"She's so soft and pretty. They are more amazing up close."

Bringing her face to the soft fur Thirteen takes a wif of the horse. She smelled almost like fresh air and apples. She liked the smell, it was different but there was just...something about it.

"Have you ever been riding before Ryder?"

Tense Eve

"Yeah, I gotta go back since still nothing has changed... but she let me have today and tomorrow with the promise if the pain got worse or anything happened, I'd tell her." Axel leans back against the counter and pops a celery stick with cream cheese into his mouth, raiding the snack tray before it was even finished.

Carson works in the kitchen and chuckles. "Trust me. Once she gets here, she'll watch you like a hawk."

"I thought you were the one she was watching." Axel glances at his friend coyly.

Carson looks up and shakes a knife at his friend. "You better believe it."

A grin spreads on Axel's face and he holds up his arm, the other resting in a sling. "Hey, I don't care. I got my own woman to look at me."

Laughing again, Carson returns to making up snacks that would last all evening. "And when is your date arriving?"

"Oh, any time. She said she had some running around to do. Speaking of which, where's your sister?"

"Shopping." Carson rolls his eyes. "She's crazy to shop Christmas eve."

"Mmm, well, she shouldn't be too long, if Dalton is coming."

"This is true." Carson pauses in front of the stove as if lost in thought. "If she goes on and on about the Hulk one more time, I'm gonna puke."

Axel laughs outright. "Aw, now you'd be disappointed if Misty didn't go on and on about you, wouldn't you?"

"I don't care what she says to other people. It's what she says to me that I'm worried about."

"Ooh, like 'I do'?"

Carson grins. "Yeah, maybe."

Axel chuckles again and shakes his head. "Well, give your sister a break. Pretty soon you'll be moving into Misty's apartment and you won't have to listen to Dani rant about her boyfriend anymore."

"Heh, yeah." Though thrilled with the prospect of marriage to Misty and moving to her place, Carson had to admit to himself at least, that he'd miss having his sister around all the time.

Axel seems to read his friend's eyes. "At least you'll still have her every day at work."

"Oh, yes. Far as I know she's satisfied with the job so far."

Hearing a car outside, Axel wanders to the window to look down to ground level. "Speak of the devil."

"What? Dani, already? She certainly didn't shop very long."

"You know women... she probably plans on two hours of preening before Dalton gets here."

Carson laughs, finding a big bowl for the corn chips. "You better be quiet before she gets in here, or you'll never hear the end of it."

Axel's eyes widen. "Or she might sic Dalton on me. I can handle a lot of things but..."

"There's nothing like getting pinned by a giant."

Something twitches Alec's lips almost forming a smile... almost. "Yeah, talking to dead people isn't very fun. Only good thing is, they can't argue with ya."

Sighing a little, he watches Ryan prepare to leave, something in his eye resembling disappointment. "Well, um..." Yeah, feeling a loss of emotions did suck, especially when wanting to feel more than just a touch when she'd patted his hand.

He hesitates, not even sure what words he was looking for. "Merry Christmas I guess."

His eyes drop again. He felt like he should be calloused and mean again so nobody got the wrong idea but this day just didn't feel like the others. He wasn't sure what had created this mellow feeling, but it didn't seem worth the effort to get rid of it now.

"And uh... thanks."

Gage smiles down at Sapphire, his eyes mirroring the emotions. "I still don't know why a friendship of mine could mean so much to you but... I'm sure glad it does. 'Cause without you around, I don't know how much would be worth the effort anymore."

He sways a little, his arms still around her. "So... what are we doing the rest of the day?"

Trent shakes his head, sinking down into a chair again. It had been several hours. "Not a thing. I don't know what to do. I got a couple more hospitals I can call, but I doubt they'll have anything - they're pretty far from the scene of the accident. Nobody's got Eric as a patient and I can't get through any other way."

He sighs deeply. By now, Jeff knew and the word was slowly spreading. No one was in a panic, but it wasn't good. "I don't know what else to do."

Heard about Eric. Wish I could help out somehow.

Jason walks alongside Katie as they ambled around the ranch hand-in-hand. He'd come to the ranch shortly after breakfast to join in with everyone else.

I can see everybody still trying to have a good time and be in good spirits, but it's hard. If Trent can't find Eric maybe we can call back to TJY and get somebody else on it.

"She's pretty, isn't she?" Ryder pets the sleek neck of the mare who stood patiently in the barn, letting him and Thirteen brush and pet her. One of the guys had gotten her out of the stall for them and Ryder enjoyed seeing Thirteen around the big gentle animal.

Things inside had gotten a little tense and Ryder had heard about Eric. It was hard knowing that it was Thirteen's uncle and she didn't even know it. But he held his tongue, swinging wide of Trent for now. But his patience was growing thin. Not only was Trent being quiet, he was downright avoiding them, and it just wasn't setting well with Ryder.


Trying to understand what Alec was talking about, with the Agency, the Elite who they were and what they did. She'd never really heard about them before till now. Once she over heard Carson talking to Axel, but she didn't continue to listen to even start to understand.

"Carson lives a normal life though Alec, I've even met him. "

Letting out a small sigh Ryan sits a little stranger. Her arms on the edge of the cot like she was going to get up, but she doesn't move.

"I don't know what the Agency is like, I've never looked intothem like the people here have, I've never fraught against them, or even taken an interest in them, so I guess I can't try and convince you I understand. But I can tell you I know how it feels, to feel like you have lost all emotions without a way out and it sucks."

Drawing quiet again for a moment Ryan just stairs at the wall across from the cot Ryan's own mind wanders for a brief moment before pulling herself back. Standing she gives a strech upwards. Some time had passed and like before she hardly even though any had gone by. At least this time she wasn't going to be late for work. Reaching out she gives Alec's hand a little pat. Her touch was warm, as light.

"Even if a little bit of the Agency will be with you forever you can still take you own life back. Even one has demons that hide, some worse than others but we all have them. Six months to grow cold with the Agency but it can take less than that to get you feelings back. They are there Alec, deep inside, I can see them in your eyes even if you cant feeling them."

Taking her jacket from where she had set it down on the small table Ryan puts it on again. Leo would be waiting for her to come over soon in a few hours.

"Disappointment is a part of life, and something I've grown use to. Not to mention its to late to turn back now, I already consider you a friend. Oh yeah, and I'm glad they haven't shot. It wouldn't be nice talking to a dead corpse."

Seeing the look on Gage's face as he holds his new watch Sapphire can't help the beaming smile that crossed her face. She was so happy he liked it, and felt is was special. Watching him figure out how to set the time made a warm feeling wash over her. He was so into figuring it out, yet handling it with such great care so it didn't break.

As Gage comes over to her Sapphire hands wrapping her own arms around Gage's neck. Giving him a gentile squeeze back.

"I'm so happy you liked it. I love you picture to me as well...you did a really really good job Gage. Its going to go right on my mantel at home."

Pulling away and catching Gage's eyes with her own, they twinkled so bright. Being here with him was so nice and she enjoyed the warm feelings it gave her. In a way it reminded her of Christmas long ago as well with her family. The joy in everyone's eyes, and the happiness that was shared. She was happy that she was able to give that gift to Gage as well.

"Well, this is out first Christmas together, and so far its already been so special I'm happy we get to spend it together too. You gave me another gift too Gage, your friendship."

Pacing herself as phone calls were being made, Rosetta was becoming frustrated. How could they not give out any info to them when it was there brother. It just didn't seem far or right. Who knows where Eric was, and how badly he was hurt on top of it.

Trying to keep her mind busy she helps clean up the breakfast dishes, hardly having anything to eat herself. Her own apatite just flown out the window. Once the table was cleared Rosetta helped BJ with a puzzle he was working on...every time Trent was off the phone she perked up again and this time was no different.

"Anything yet? What if we cant find him, than what?"


"All they said was that the trucker was injured and taken to the hospital. It was in Arkansas on the interstate..." Trent's mind reels as he tries to think of what they could do to find more information. If Eric had died, the authorities would have contacted them, so it couldn't be that serious, right?

"Let me call the tv station." Trent goes for his cell phone. "They might tell me where exactly the story came from."

He saw the tv's number on the screen every morning - it was no surprise he had it memorized. The call takes longer than liked, but there's nothing that can speed it up, and by the time Trent hangs up, he's been pacing and is now frustrated. "They won't give me any information," he growls. "Something about third parties."

Opening his phone again, he dials Eric on whim. "Maybe I was wrong," he reasons. "Maybe it wasn't Eric's truck." His eyes tell otherwise though. He knew he hadn't been mistaken.

Hanging up, he shakes his head at his sister. "No answer. If he's on the road, he'll see I called though, and call me back." Sinking down in a chair again, Trent lets out a long sigh. This wasn't the kind of thing he liked hearing on Christmas.

Little did he realize that the rest of the day would be spent trying to find hospitals in Arkansas in search for Eric without gaining any ground. No call from Eric, and still they couldn't find him.

Ryder wanted to convince Thirteen not to continue thinking about finding her father, but he knew at this point, it was useless to argue. If Trent didn't reveal himself, maybe one day she would learn to give it up.

Glancing in Trent's direction, there appears to be something wrong, but whatever it was, was being kept quiet. Maybe there was more than one thing going on in this family that was creating stress.

"Hmm?" Ryder looks back to Thirteen before realizing what she'd just asked. "Oh, yeah... yeah, let's go get some food. I'm starving."

Standing up, he offers her his hand to lead her to the kitchen to fill up their plates. Afterward, he'd try to find Jason and see if they could go to the barn so Thirteen could see the horses.

Seeing that Sapphire really did like the picture, Gage doesn't realize that he's beaming. He'd created something all on his own, it had turned out better than planned, and she liked it. It was a very new sensation... and one that he liked. It made him feel warm on the inside.

Taking the small package that was for him, he hesitates. Sapphire had given him things before, but not in this manner. Being more careful than needed, he slips his fingers through the tape around the edges and unwraps the gift.

Finding the watch, his eyes linger on it several moments before he dares to take it out of its box and finger it, then noticing the message on the back. Lifting his eyes, he looks at Sapphire, his gaze sparkling. He'd never received anything like this before. He'd been wearing a watch, but it was a cheap thing from the gas station, held together with duct tape by now.

"Wow..." He looks back at the face, loving the tiger. And his name was on it too. Putting it on his wrist, he admires it some more before figuring out how to set the right time. This meant a whole lot more to him than just a time piece, and it always would.

Standing up, he goes around to Sapphire, pulling her up too so he could wrap his arms around her in a strong hug. "Thank you... I love it."

Drawing his head back, he plants a kiss on her lips. "I feel like this is my first Christmas ever... and I'm glad that I get to spend it with you."

Ryan's words seem to hit a nerve, and Alec falls quiet again for several minutes until the french fries are all gone, and he's cleaning up the wrappers and bag.

"The Agency holds people long after they're gone," he responds. "As a civilian, you probably don't know anything about them... the Elite is really the only ones that do. But..."

Why he wanted Ryan to understand, he wasn't sure. But for some reason, he felt like explaining. "...the Agency is at war with the world. They've got sets of rules and principles that go against normal laws. Right and wrong don't really exist. People are killed... tortured... and sometimes it's just for the fun of it."

He gives a little nod, showing that he was one of the men that had committed those kinds of acts. "And when you've been a part of it long enough... you just get... hard. I've only been with them about six years... but it only takes six months to be immersed into their way of thinking. Even the strongest eventually break. I was a rebel without a cause as a teenager, and I was a prime target for recruitment. I didn't realize at the time that I was half-brother to one of their best men."

Alec eyes her for a moment. "Carson... the brute who came with the big boss to pick me up that night I broke into the auto shop. He somehow got himself pulled back into this world and onto the side of the Elite. Killed his own woman too. Now he's got a nice little life going for him, but deep down... part of the Agency still exists. It's not something you can just lose or get rid of whenever you like. It's like a virus that never leaves your body. It's just there. Maybe not always evident, but then it crops up again as a reminder that you're not really free."

Glancing down to the magazines and feeling the chain under his shirt, he feels the emotions deep down that hadn't seen the light of day in many years. "You just get... calloused. You don't feel anymore. Nothing hurts, but nothing feels good either. Then you start trying to find ways to feel again and so you just end up getting kicks from more jobs killing people or finding a woman who doesn't care. But in the end..."

Alec shrugs lamely. "...in the end you're just an Agency soldier. And when you get caught, there's nowhere to run. Can't go back because they'll kill you as a security risk. Can't live a normal life because you're anything but normal. Me, I'm just waiting for the call to come in to haul me out to the prison. That's what murderers get. I'll be surprised if I don't get the death sentence. And in the meantime, I rot. I'd rather they just come and put a bullet through my head and get it over with."

Leaning back against the wall, his feet hang over the edge of the cot. "You're not like the others, Ryan... I'll give you that. But in the end, if you befriend me, you'll just end up disappointed."