

Pulling to the side of the road Dalton sits for a moment before getting out making sure his shirt was unwrinkled and he had everything he needed. He'd told Carson he would bring the drinks tonight and he was happy he at least remembered that.

Seeing another car approach Dalton squints a little bit to look out the window. Seeing Jess get out of her car he smiles. He'd only met her once, but his memorie didn't fail him as he remembered who she was.

Getting out of his car he grabs the bag of soda, and the case of beer. Making his way over to Jess to see if she needed any help.

"Hey Jess. I guess I know I'm not late."

Turning around from the sound of a voice Jess face breaks out in a bawd smile. It was always was nice seeing old friends again and it had been a long time since she saw Dalton even if she could only remember his nickname and not his real name.

"Hey there. Your not late, but we might be early."

Turning back to the car Jess pulls out a large paper bag with some gifts in it, smile and giving a small nod at Dalton.

"Think you could hold this for me, for a moment?"

Taking the bag from Jess Dalton gladly held it for her while she pulled the other bags out of the car. She'd been in charge of bringing the sweet stuff. Jess had spent all day backing cookies, brownies, cake, and chocolate covered strawberrys.

"Ok, I think I got everything thanks Dalton."

"Not a problem, I have the arm room I might as well use it."

Making there way to the front door Jess and Dalton's arms are full as they laugh and joke to each other climbing the few steps. Standing outside the door they look at each other with a grin.

"Maybe we should start singing!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Last time I tryed, I think the people at Carson's old place were going to kill me."

Pulling up the rear Misty smile at her two friends. Pizza and chicken wings in hand it was her job to grab the main course. In her other hand were a bag of gifts as well. Looking at Daltons Misty smiles.

"Can you hold these?"

Passing off the pizzas to Dalton his arms were not toally full carrying his own stuff, Jess, and Misty's.

Fishing in her purse for a moment Misty finally finds the keys to the apartment and put them int eh lock and giving it a turn opening the door.

"There we go, might well just walk right in if we can."

Entering the house the trio laughs making there presence known. Looking at the two ladys and than his arms full of stuff Dalton cant help himself.

"Help, some body, any body...these girls are trying to over load and kill me."

"Merry Christmas Alec. I'll be back sometime tomorrow to bring your some Christmas dinner. It has to be better than eating whatever they give you here."

Heading twords the door Ryan felt good though she wish she could of done more for Alec, sitting here, alone on Christmas that was a crappy way for anyone to spend. But there really was nothing more for her to do, at least she had seen that little dim glow in Alec's eyes. It was a start.

Almost getting to the door Ryan stops at Alec says thank you. For a moment she thinks maybe she had miss heard him but turning and look at him in the eyes Ryan's lips turn into a smile. Made her had done more than she though she had.

"Your welcome! Try and have a good one ok?"

Turning to leave again Ryan was gone remembering tomorrow she would be back with more food, and books for Alec.

Giving an even bigger smile Sapphire slides off chair and stands. Putting her arm around Gage's shoulders Sapphire thinks for a long moment on what else they could do today.

"Well..I have some Christmas movies we can watch together I thought you might like that. Than I was thinking tonight after dark we could take a drive and look at how difference people have there houses up with lights."

Giving a smile Sapphire didn't know if Gage would like the idea or not but it was something she did every years by herself and she thought maybe this year it would be nice to have someone come along and share the fun.

Letting out a long sigh Rosetta didn't know what to do ether. She was worried sick about her brother, and didn't know what to even do now. If something was wrong someone would call family right? But why wouldn't he himself call and say he was going to be late? Was it the Agency?

"Ok, you call the last few places you can.."

Rosetta lets out a long drawn out breath. She was getting to old for this kind of stress, why did all this have to happen, now?

"I'm going to try and gather some of the other to see if they can help with a few things to get ready for tonight. If we still don't hear anything...than...I...don't know what we will do. I just want to find him Trent. I want to know he's ok and not dieing somewhere."

Rosetta looked deep into Trent's eyes her own showing her worry. Turning Rosetta heads into the living room where BJ was sitting with his checker bored waiting for someone to play with him.

Keeping her hand linked with Jason's Katie felt worried herself about her Uncle, and felt even worse for Rosetta.

Yeah, I am worried but I think I feel worse for my aunt. With everything else going on she just wanted to try and enjoy the holiday. She already is not going to have her husband here and now her brother too.

Letting out a sigh Katie pulled on Jason's emotions that showed she was worried yet happy Jason was there with her. At least if anything happened she wouldn't have to deal with it on her own.

I'd hate to bother Reese on Christmas, but if it comes down to it, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Standing by Ryder Thirteen gentile pets the horses neck. It felt so soft, and petting the large horse had a comforting tone to it. It almost felt really relaxing.

"She's so soft and pretty. They are more amazing up close."

Bringing her face to the soft fur Thirteen takes a wif of the horse. She smelled almost like fresh air and apples. She liked the smell, it was different but there was just...something about it.

"Have you ever been riding before Ryder?"

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