

Trying to understand what Alec was talking about, with the Agency, the Elite who they were and what they did. She'd never really heard about them before till now. Once she over heard Carson talking to Axel, but she didn't continue to listen to even start to understand.

"Carson lives a normal life though Alec, I've even met him. "

Letting out a small sigh Ryan sits a little stranger. Her arms on the edge of the cot like she was going to get up, but she doesn't move.

"I don't know what the Agency is like, I've never looked intothem like the people here have, I've never fraught against them, or even taken an interest in them, so I guess I can't try and convince you I understand. But I can tell you I know how it feels, to feel like you have lost all emotions without a way out and it sucks."

Drawing quiet again for a moment Ryan just stairs at the wall across from the cot Ryan's own mind wanders for a brief moment before pulling herself back. Standing she gives a strech upwards. Some time had passed and like before she hardly even though any had gone by. At least this time she wasn't going to be late for work. Reaching out she gives Alec's hand a little pat. Her touch was warm, as light.

"Even if a little bit of the Agency will be with you forever you can still take you own life back. Even one has demons that hide, some worse than others but we all have them. Six months to grow cold with the Agency but it can take less than that to get you feelings back. They are there Alec, deep inside, I can see them in your eyes even if you cant feeling them."

Taking her jacket from where she had set it down on the small table Ryan puts it on again. Leo would be waiting for her to come over soon in a few hours.

"Disappointment is a part of life, and something I've grown use to. Not to mention its to late to turn back now, I already consider you a friend. Oh yeah, and I'm glad they haven't shot. It wouldn't be nice talking to a dead corpse."

Seeing the look on Gage's face as he holds his new watch Sapphire can't help the beaming smile that crossed her face. She was so happy he liked it, and felt is was special. Watching him figure out how to set the time made a warm feeling wash over her. He was so into figuring it out, yet handling it with such great care so it didn't break.

As Gage comes over to her Sapphire hands wrapping her own arms around Gage's neck. Giving him a gentile squeeze back.

"I'm so happy you liked it. I love you picture to me as well...you did a really really good job Gage. Its going to go right on my mantel at home."

Pulling away and catching Gage's eyes with her own, they twinkled so bright. Being here with him was so nice and she enjoyed the warm feelings it gave her. In a way it reminded her of Christmas long ago as well with her family. The joy in everyone's eyes, and the happiness that was shared. She was happy that she was able to give that gift to Gage as well.

"Well, this is out first Christmas together, and so far its already been so special I'm happy we get to spend it together too. You gave me another gift too Gage, your friendship."

Pacing herself as phone calls were being made, Rosetta was becoming frustrated. How could they not give out any info to them when it was there brother. It just didn't seem far or right. Who knows where Eric was, and how badly he was hurt on top of it.

Trying to keep her mind busy she helps clean up the breakfast dishes, hardly having anything to eat herself. Her own apatite just flown out the window. Once the table was cleared Rosetta helped BJ with a puzzle he was working on...every time Trent was off the phone she perked up again and this time was no different.

"Anything yet? What if we cant find him, than what?"

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