

Throwing a few more things on his plate Trey has no problem following along side Ariel. He didn't know his way around here or who many of the people were so following her was not a problem, though making friends never was either, but seeing as this was all new territory he'd rather feel it out first.

Getting to the nice grassy spot Trey sits down next to her. Placing his own plate in his lap and the beer next to him Trey takes another chip and pops it into his mouth just taking in everyone around them, his eyes turning back to the fire one more. Turning his head slightly to look at Ariel his lips were still turned up into a grin. Taking in her looks again for a moment he couldn't help but notice her delicit features that weren't dolled up to look like a barbie like most women he new.

"Yeah, I moved here about a few weeks back from Mexico. My older cousin lives here, and my parents wanted to keep me out of some trouble that seems to follow my family. So here I am."

Picking up the beer and taking another long swig Trey looks back to the fire again. He missed home and his friends, maybe it was the freedom he had, or it was actually the people he wasn't sure. Turning back to Ariel again he takes another bit of his burger chewing before talking again.

"What about you? You lived here all your life?"

Giving a smile and a nod of agreement to Erik Jackie was about to say more when she is cut off by the yelp. Turning her head quickly to see Kip dancing trying to get the ice out of his shirt. Not being able to help the laugh Jackie's eyes seem to sparkle. It was nice to see the energy of someone younger than herself.

"Ah, energy can be a good thing. It means he'll be able to keep up with you all. Even if that means he has to burn some of it sometimes. It's better to have to much than to not have enough thats for sure."

Shaking her head a little bit and giving a chuckle Jackie looks down to where her slice of pizza was waiting for her. Taking a bit and savoring the taste she is quiet for a long moment. It had been a while since she had pizza and this tasted so good. Whiping her mouth her eyes twinkle as she looks at her pizza again and than to Erik.

"Now I know why everyone raves about this place. It's amazing. Thank you so much for inviting us along."

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