

Jason can't help a little grin and he moves his foot in Katie's palm.

Juice sounds good, but I'm enjoying myself right here...

All teasing aside though, he knew she was right. Other times, he could simply have a glass of orange juice or something similar and pick him right back up again. This time, his levels were rising slowly - steadily but slowly, and it was apparent that Katie knew well enough to keep up the nursing so he didn't worsen.

Promise to come back and I'll let you leave.

He nudges her leg with his heel to tease her.

Nurse Katie. I could get use to this, you know. Pampering... footrub... mmm... yeah, it's not so bad...

Eying Trey, Ariel's mouth upturns just a little at his indirect compliment. Continuing to fiddle at the table, getting herself a hotdog and some chips, she looks up as he asks her to show him around.

"Oh, I think I might be able to do that." She tosses him a wink. "Pete has a way of ditching people, doesn't he? And somehow he manages to do it with the utmost respect." Smiling, she indicates she was teasing, and she grabs her plate and can of pop. "Come on. I got dumped right before getting here, so I don't have anybody to sit with."

Wandering around the small crowd closer to the outside edge, Ariel makes sure Trey's following her. As they walk, she points out a few other people. "That's Dan over there, and Mikaela, and over there is Trudy - she's married to Dirk, so do yourself a favor and don't hit on her."

She points out a few more people, then reaching a nice level spot in the grass just a ways from the fire, she sits down and motions for Trey to join her. She automatically nods her head a little to the music that was playing, her eyes roaming from the people to the fire, then back to Trey - alert and alive. Dressed simply in fitting jeans and a tanktop, she didn't wear may frills other than a small locket around her neck and a sparkling flower clip in her hair above her braid. Slipping off her flipflops, she tucks her bare feet under her legs to sit cross-legged and sets her plate on her lap.

"So... Trey, huh? Don't think I've seen you around here before." She takes a bite of her hotdog and has to lick the ketchup off her mouth before it dribbles down her chin and she scrunches her nose with a giggle. "I make a lovely first impression for a pig," she muses as she finds her napkin. "So you new around here or what?"

Erik listens and ends up with his elbow propped up with his chin in his hand as he watches Jackie. "Mmm... that sounds like a neat place. Twila likes to tease me, but the silence can do wonders. Hard to reconnect and have a conversation with God when there's so much noise around."

A shriek halfway down the table makes him jump and he looks up to figure out what on earth was going on. His eyes find Kip, who had apparently gotten up so fast that he'd knocked over his chair, and he was now performing some kind of dance... no, wait, he was trying to get an ice cube out of his shirt.

Erik snickers as he sees a look on Theo's face that told the world he was the one who had done the deed. "Speaking of noise..." He glances back to Jackie with a wry grin. "That guy has more energy than the Energizer bunny."

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