
Wake of sorrow

Scott's bad eye starts to ache and he rubs it without even realizing it had become a habit when he started to grow uneasy. Hope had been sick? He didn't like that. Nobody was there to take care of her. Not that she couldn't on her own, but she deserved something better than that... something better than a lifeless man imprisoned in a mental hospital. There was a part of him that was happy to hear she was still waiting for him. Being loved was one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. But he also felt undeserving. Hope needed more than he could give, and all he was doing now was failing her miserably. He wished her to be happy, even if it was with someone else because right now, they were at an unbearable stalemate.

Sighing a little, his head sinks further into his pillow making him seem all the more frail. "Thanks, Dalton..." He really did appreciate the visit today. But even though the laughing was good, his body was still exhausted. "If you want..." His eyes drift shut then open again. "...to stay for lunch, you can. Or if Reese needs you back to TJY too, you can go. I'll... I'll be okay."

"Five it is." Justin would really have to hustle in order to get to Beth's by five, but at this point, he was not going to provide any hindrances. It was all her and she could pick and choose the when and where so she was the most comfortable.

"I will be there... and if I get lost, I'll call you." He chuckles. "I'll bring the dogs too so they won't get jealous."

Spotting his uncle walking towards him, he knows he needed to go. "Got someone I need to talk to, Beth. I'll see you tonight."

Watching Destiny, Jason's heart sank a little more. It was growing more obvious that yes, there had been something between her and Chance. Jason hoped it was nothing that couldn't be mended... nothing that had gone too far, though he was pretty sure Destiny was smarter than that. Unfortunately, her heart was still hurting.

Going back to his food, Jason's mind runs through his choices and he opts to switch the subject back again. "Well, I'll call Wyatt and have him bring Trooper over. In the meantime, I'll be hanging out in the living room unless you end up needing to go someplace. Don't hesitate to ask, okay?"

Chance sits in the shower, the water pelting down on him as he leaned his head into the corner of the slick wall. He wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting here, but the water was the only thing that felt good right now. His face stung under the cool droplets as they hit his still-fresh wounds. But it was a pain that he liked. It was a punishment to himself that he allowed.

His phone had been ringing off the hook, but he had yet to answer it. He knew it was the Underground. They didn't dare come to his place for risk of being seen, so he knew he was safe to ignore them for now. He never used to ignore them though. It had always been an adventure... and one that made him money to boot.

He thinks back to when he'd first been approached. Fresh into the Elite, he was trying to work his way up. A man had shown up, offering him a new kind of venture. They'd been watching him and liked how he worked. They liked his skills and knew he was a risk-taker. The man told Chance that the Underground was like a broom that swept along behind the Elite, cleaning up messes left behind or things that had been left undone. And they would pay good money.

Chance had never been a hundred percent convinced about what the Underground stood for, but he hadn't thought it all that bad either. They were still taking out the bad guys, so what could be so wrong, right? The risk was thrilling, he could pit one against the other and gain even more money, and he'd be paid up enough to live a high life.

And so it was. Chance had been riding the fence ever since, feeding information and working from both sides, cleverly disguising his schemes with "undercover" work, just like he'd done with Destiny.

Chance blinks away some water and stares ahead at the lower faucet as the shower continued to wash over him. Destiny. For the first time, he'd seen a very real consequence of what the Underground was doing. Up until this point, Chance really hadn't cared. He was never that closely connected with anyone he pointed out to kill or anyone he ensnared. It had all been a game to him. But getting to know Destiny... living day-to-day with the knowledge that the Underground had crushed her world and seeing that pain in her eyes... Chance's mind had begun to question what he was really involved with. Though he had not been the one to call in her father, he still knew all about it and was still working for the Underground, which made him a part of it. And he had even been willing to drag Destiny into the middle and use her as bait, all in the name of trapping the Agency. Destiny had trusted him with her life... with her heart, no less... and he had done the despicable.

Still sitting in the bottom of the shower, Chance doesn't even feel like moving. He had, in essence, helped destroy Destiny's world, and he wasn't sure how to live with that thought. The Underground might have good intentions, but their methods were leaving a wake of sorrow and hurting families behind. And Chance had not seen that until now. Who was he really working for? Was all this money really worth it?

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