
Bright Eyes

Seeing Scott was going to fall asleep again Dalton didn't mind his friend needed some rest, and he was sure just the little bit of interaction today had been a lot on his body. Having Scott invite him to stay for lunch Dalton give a nod even if Scott couldn't see him.

"I'll stay through lunch with you. Its kind of peaceful just sitting and listening to the music. If Reese needs me he knows my number."

Leaning back in the chair again and shifting a little bit to get comfortable he closes his own eyes letting the music wash over him. Speaking even if Scott was already asleep.

"I do need to talk to them about there chairs though. Don't they know not everything is skinny as a stick."

Dalton couldn't help but feel like he was going to bust the chair. It was a tight squeeze to get into it but he managed and was some what comfortable now.

Destiny gives a nod pushing off the sink and taking a few steps forward. Maybe later she would watch tv or something but right now she just wanted to lay down again.

"I don't need to go anywhere but I'll let you know if I change my mind. Thanks."

Continuing through the kitchen and down the hall Destiny slips into her room again and closes the door. Going to her bed she sits down laying her head on the pillow sinking into it and letting the softness just wrap around her head.

Putting the little booties on Nicholas Charlotte opts out on putting the hat on as well. It was warm outside and he would be ok without it. Looking down at her son the smile spreads on her face again as she picks him up in her arms and holds him gently. His little camo jump suit making him look even cutter.

Nicholas' bright eyes look back at his mom as he rests his head on her shoulder his little fist coming up to her mouth so he could suck on it.

Grabbing the dipper bag along with a few other things Charlotte looks down the hall to see if Bret was in sight yet. They were able to go home today and Charlotte couldn't be happier. She was tired of staying in the hospital and wanted to get settled at home with the baby.

"Where's Daddy huh? Running late...he's probably still trying to fight with the car seat huh?"

Charlotte gives a small little laugh at the tiny bundle she held in her arms. It was hard to believe she was a mom but it was a good feeling too that Bert and her family had grown.

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