
Short Story

Thinking for a moment one what Quinn said Anastasia did find it kind of him to offer just letting this end here so neither would get hurt. But looking into his eyes she could see the look that he really didn't want it to end tonight almost as much as she didn't want that either.

"Why end a fairy tale now when there is still a few days to go? There is such thing as to short of a short story."

Quinn would be leaving soon, but this feeling she had round him, this comfort it wasn't something she wanted to just toss away until she had too. There was a reason they had come together like this. If nothing more than to just know this feeling, to see even to her how God works in a wonderful way, and to give Quinn the courage to face his brother than it was well worth it. Even if it would be sad saying goodbye, Anastasia would be thankful she had met Quinn and got to share this moment with him.

"Maybe tomorrow we can grab some lunch and I could show you my old record collection. It would be nice to have someone who appreciates it take a look."

Spending what time she could with Quinn it would be the best, hoping his brother would call him and maybe seeing that happen even better. Family was important for anyone. And Anastasia would be ok in the end. God had a plan and she just had to wait.

I'll see if she can sit with you in a little bit while I call Reese in a little bit. Don't worry J I'll do all I can with her so she knows she can help.

Katie wasn't sure to this. She had done work as being a body guard before but having to help someone along the way was different. Why it felt so different this time than helping other times she wasn't sure.

Continuing to move around in the kitchen a little Katie trys her best to stay quiet so Jason could rest. Once fixing herself something and getting some fruit for Jason she comes back into the living and sits on the edge of the couch.

Hun, I need you to eat some of this. It will help your sugar go up, and give you some fluids back in your system.

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