
If you'd rather...

Mm-hmm... rest... when don't I do as I'm told?

Jason grins a little again and lets Katie go, shifting a little to curl up with the couch pillow again. His head hurt and he felt like he had a fever. Would Rick bring him back something to take? He wonders. He also wonders if anything would do any good at all. If this was emotion-induced, there might not be anything to do but wait it out. It wasn't something that everyday medicine could fix.

Just starting to drift off again, Jason hears Destiny's voice and he tries to hear what's being said in the kitchen. He can't quite make it out, but he thought she said she didn't want to bother him. His emotions to Katie were equivalent to him rolling his eyes.

Make sure she knows she's not a bother, okay? Even if it means her helping with me or something. She needs to feel useful.

Annoyance trickles into the mixed emotions.

This was not a good time for this to happen.

Quinn looks down at Anastasia, taking in her eyes once more. Why did they have to be so alluring? It wasn't fair.

His hand comes up to brush her cheek. Her question hung in the air awaiting an answer.

"I don't know." He didn't know why he was whispering either, but he was almost afraid to speak too loudly, lest the moment be shattered.

"I'll be in town for a couple days but..." He chews on the inside of his lip for a moment, really not sure what to say or how to say it. "If you'd rather the fairytale end on this night where nothing can spoil it then... I understand." He didn't want to lead her on if he was just going to leave, and he didn't want to prolong their parting if this was it. If she wanted to see him, he would - he was in a strange town, waiting for a phone call that might never come. Having someone to be with, especially Anastasia, wasn't something he'd say no to. But he didn't want to hurt her either.

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