
Come c me?

If it had been anyone else, Justin probably would have declined the request to go out for coffee. It was late, he was tired and he'd already settled in for the night. But hearing Beth's reasons, sensing her loneliness and hearing her voice quiver, he couldn't say no. Professional peers would warn him against such a move, and his own common sense might, too - he'd already moved too quickly once before, and his frustrations for Beth's situation weren't all that far below the surface. But... she wanted someone tonight... needed someone. And if he ignored the silent cry for help, he might very well come to regret it. No... he couldn't turn his back now. This was too important.

"Sure." The word slipped right out of his mouth. "I'd rather have some coffee than read anyway and I'm a night owl."

Wandering to the hallway where his flipflops were, he slips them on instead of bothering with socks and shoes. He didn't even know where Beth lived or what would be a short or long drive for her. He racks his brain for somewhere they could go, especially at this hour.

"Do you know where Eddie's is? It's that all-night coffee shop on the highway." It was a nicer place than a fast food joint, safe even late at night, well-lit and clean. It was about a half-hour drive for him, but he didn't mind. "I can be there in thirty-minutes but I don't even know if that's close to you."

Eli can't help but laugh along with Scarlet. He'd already laughed plenty over the whole thing with Roth, but seeing Scarlet laugh, he had to join her.

As she pushes him back a little and sits in front of him, he grins before returning her kiss. His eyes twinkled with humor. "Yeah, I haven't seen Jimmy - I knew you'd want to tell him yourself. And yes, I got duplicate prints."

Chuckling again, he goes for another quick kiss. "It was way too boring without you around, you know that?" He'd missed her more than he'd thought he would, especially after not having been going out with her all that long. "You got plans for supper?"

Alec walks quietly across the TJY main floor, trying to make it to the hallway where he could duck down the stairway and avoid Reese before he was questioned as to where he'd been.


No such luck. Alec stops, cringing a little as he turns to see Reese coming towards him. "Yeah?"

As Reese nears, he almost has trouble not grinning as he now sees how sunburned Alec was - served him right for sneaking out again, though that was probably less painful than what Reese had to tell him. "Where have you been all day?"


"With whom?"

"None of your business."

Reese sighs, setting his hands on his hips. If he'd seen any attitude change, he might respond differently. But he couldn't change his mind now. He baits Alec. "How many times have I told you that you can't just come and go from here as you please? What's it going to take?"

"Maybe you can get me my own place like you've been promising," Alec retorts. He knew that he should be grateful for all the Elite was doing for him, but he was still impatient. "Or have you forgotten?"

"No, actually..." Reese purses his lips grimly. "I was going to take you over to your own apartment this morning. But... when I went down to get you, you weren't there. So the vacancy had to be filled by another waiting client."

Alec's anger flares as he grits his teeth. He knew Reese wasn't a liar, but it still burned him up that this had happened. He didn't want to blame himself, but Reese had him cornered with no where to go. The bare truth was that he was at Reese's mercy and he hated it. "You could have warned me."

"I thought you'd obey the rules." Reese shrugs. "You'll have to wait now for another place to open up."

"How long?"

"Don't know. But you might want to stick around from now on so you don't miss the boat again."

Glaring at Reese, Alec spins on his heel and stalks down the hallway. An angry fist lashes out to hit the wall, but winds up hitting the closed door of the spare room with a bang. Still seething, he heads downstairs to his room... lair... cell... dungeon.

Flopping down on the cot, Alec grabs his cell phone and sends a text message to Ryan.

No go 4 2nite. Top dog on warpath. Come c me?

His thumbs hover above the buttons until he continues with one last line.


Send. Alec sighs and leans his head back on his pillow. Why did such a good day have to be ruined by Reese's pigheadedness? It wasn't fair.

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