

Leaning back aganst her pillows Beth leans over to turn the light on and her tv off. Now on the phone with someone she didn't want to be detracted but by him. Listing to everything he had to say Beth took it in listing, and processing what he was saying about his day.

Hearing about his mom and inviting another woman over Beth gives a little chuckle that soon ends, shaking her head a little.

"I am sure your mom did mean well. She probably just wants to see you happy."

Quieting again and letting Justin talk some more Beth listens taking it all in and just enjoying him talk about his day. It made her feel a little less lonely.

Having the conversation turn to her Beth can feel her heart pick up a little more and her instinct kicks in to want to run. But she did her best not to...not this time she was tired of running away from people.

"My day was....pretty bad. I was late on everything, and work just...was...bad. It...was...just...jsut one of those days."

Pausing for a moment Beth leans her head back against the head bored and closed her eyes for a moment as her mind turned her lips moving even if she didn't want them too.

"On...my way out...I saw....a group of people...and...they were laughing and it...made me feel...sad. A lot sadder than I had been in a long time."

Drawing silence again Beth's voice was shaky as she spoke. Words she hadn't said to anyone before. Not even to the shrink she had a while ago. But after seeing Justin all the time Beth would like to consider him a friend. Someone she could talk to even if that scared her even more.

"I haven't laughed in a long time. Not since before my parents died. I...I know its late and all but would...would you like to get some coffee and get to know me a little more?"

Returning the kiss with her own passion Scarlet was happy to be in Eli's arms, and hearing he missed her just made her deepen the kiss a little more. Finally pulling away Scarlet looks up at him and her eyes still twinkle.

"I missed you a lot too."

Backing up a little bit as Eli goes for the gift for her Scarlet waits. Taking the pictures she looks to him with question before opening them up. Seeing the first few pictures of the paint job Scarlet gives a nod not to sure who's car it was but knowing Eli did a great job.

"These really are good. I'm not sure who would want Hello Kitty on there car, but its really good you did great."

Continuing on to the next picture where she saw who's car it was and the look on his face Scarlet's eyes go wide and she can't keep a loud laugh in. and once she started she went to the next picture and than the next her laughter growing as her eyes started to water.

"Oh Eli....oh my...oh....this....this is amazing and the look on his face....he was so angry...and its so funny."

Continuing to look through the rest of the pictures and than put them back in the case Scarlet whips the tears from her eyes before looking at Eli again. Going to him and wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing him back on the bike a little so she could sit in front of him, facing him she gives him a kiss on the lips before pulling away.

"No one mess with Eli. I think he might have got the point now. Ohhh Eli... This is so funny. Thank you. Now I just wish I had been there. Wait till Jimmy hears he's going to be rolling."

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