
Uh oh

Angelica's response surprised Reese just a little bit. A casual answer would have suited him just fine, but just like his question had had more to it than what he'd said, so too did her response have a lot more behind it than just her words.

The color in Angelica's cheeks was mirrored in Reese's own, though he doesn't back away. He kept her hand in his, just looking into her eyes for what seemed to be much longer than a moment. "Maybe you'll get your wish," he replies softly.

"Well, what can I get you folks?"

Reese retreats as the waitress comes, ready to take their orders. His hand slips from Angelica's and he clears his throat, scanning the menu after having totally forgotten what he wanted. Finally finding it, they're able to ask for what they wanted before the waitress leaves them once more.

Reese grins and takes a sip of his water. "Now where were we?"

Dani doesn't resist being picked up and placed on the couch again. Curling up in the corner, she closes her eyes and nestles into the cushions to wait for Dalton to come back.

A few more tears escape and she sniffs, but is comforted, knowing that she won't have to be alone tonight. Even though the nightmare was from the past, knowing she was safe from harm now was important to her.

Carson had been close to dozing off at his end of the couch when his phone started buzzing in his pocket. Frowning, he wondered who on earth would be calling him now. Answering it, he puts a hand over his other ear to block out the sound of the television.

It was odd having Dalton call him and he was immediately on edge. Then hearing about Dani, a chill runs down his spine. He opens his mouth to reply, but has to wait until Dalton is through. While Carson did find it mildly humorous that Dalton would think of him coming to beat him up, he bypasses the kidding around.

"What do you mean a breakdown?" His mind races. The past? Their father? His face pales. Oh, Dani... was there more than even he knew about?

Rising, he leaves the couch to Misty and goes into the kitchen where it was quieter. "I... that's fine she's with you and I'll make do without her in the morning if she doesn't feel like coming in. But... well are you sure she's okay?"

Worry courses through him. He hadn't thought of their past together since right after finding Dani again. It had all been washed away... forgotten... ignored. He had known that Dani didn't remember anything, but he hadn't expected this. "I mean, do I need to come over? How bad is it?"

Alec's mouth is open to interrupt, when Ryan's final statement brings his thoughts to a halt. He quirks one eyebrow and cocks his head. "Miss McKade... are you bribing me?"

"Chocolate cake..." Eli mumbles to himself wondering what on earth the significance of that was. However, from the tone in his sister's voice and the look that was being passed between those two, he didn't trust it to be anything more than a blatant flirt at the least, and an invite for making out at the most. Either way, all he can do is roll his eyes. "We're running out of time, guys... either quit making eyes at each other and get over here, or go home."

"Sounds to me like going home might be more exciting," Alec quips, his eyes still on Ryan. Returning the fiery stare, he finally glances back to the dog who was still busy eating at the moment. "Alright, fine. But if I come away with another dog bite, I'll never forgive either one of you."

Approaching the gate with the lock, he keeps a sharp eye on the dog, throwing Eli only a sidelong glance. "And you don't get any cake, just for not telling me about this little watchdog."

Suddenly it clicks. Eli crosses his arms. "I didn't get any the last time either."

Alec's head snaps up and a grin spreads on his face, but he doesn't reply. Instead, he sets to work on the lock, retrieving a couple little tools from his pocket to help him along. It takes him less than a minute and the padlock has popped open. "There you go." He swings the gate open and gestures to Ryan. "After you. I wanna see if the dog is still hungry."

Thankfully, all three are able to make it in without incident from the busy dog. Eli brings the one car in too before shutting the gate in case anybody drove by. Within minutes, the three are at the door of the garage and Alec is working on that lock too. This one takes him a little longer, but soon enough, it clicks and they're in.

Eli shakes his head and grins. "I knew I picked the right person."

Alec smirks a little. "One of these days, someone will actually want me because of me and not because of what they need from me."

Eli gives him a little shove into the garage, motioning for Ryan to come inside with them. Everything was pitch black and it takes several moments for their eyes to adjust. The could just make out the shapes of several cars and tool benches. Eli pulls out a flashlight and scans the room as they make their way to the last bay where there was a car under a tarp. "That's gotta be it. Ryan, check it out and make sure, would you? I'll see if we can get this bay door open. We're gonna have to hotwire the thing as long as we get everything back where it's supposed to be when we return it."

Before anybody can go any further though, the garage is suddenly flooded with light. Spinning around, Eli and Alec freeze as a form walks between the cars coming towards them. But as the surprise newcomer reaches halfway, he stops and puts his hands on his hips.

Eli's eyes widen. Was Leo here to blow the whistle? Call the cops? Try to get them not to do this? Confront Alec? The silence was deafening.

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