
Chocolate Cake and Whipcream

A smile still on her face Angelica looks across the table her head cocked slightly. Her eyes sparkled in the streams of light that came in through the window. Only giving it thought for a moment Angelica thought about how she felt around Reese, and how it was different then before she had met him.

Since spending more time with him and taking a little of her sister advise she smiled more, laughed, and felt more alive than she had. Though sometimes work was there topic of choose there was just something there now between them that was nice and it felt good.

"Yeah, I am happy. It's nice having someone there to lean on, and look forward to seeing. For being my first serous relationship I am happy..and hopefully my only."

Angelica's cheeks turn a slight shade of red as she can feel the heart crawling up her neck and into her cheeks.

Just continuing to hold Dani Dalton rocks a little with her in a lulling manor his head still rested on hers just letting her cry as long as she needed and not trying to stop her. His arms tightly around her being her shelter and the protection she needed.

Letting Dani nuzzle into him more Dalton's arm goes over her lap holding her ever so close to him almost hoping he could take the pain away for her even though he new he couldn't. Hearing her request Dalton doesn't even hesitate in his answer.

"You don't have to be, You can stay here, and we can cuddle on the couch."

Not knowing how much longer he sat there with Dani and held her Dalton finally shifted a little bit standing but still not letting go of Dani as he holds her cradled in his arms as he stood up. Turning to the couch he gently sets her down sitting on the edge next to her.

Reaching out and brushing some of the matted hair from her eyes Dalton gives her a soft smile his thumb running over her cheek.

"I'm going to get some pillows and a blanket. It wont take me long. I'll be back in a flash."

Standing and heading into his bedroom Dalton grabs on of the pillows from his bed and the blanket that lied at the end. Turning to go back to Dani he stops remember she had said something about work in the morning. He'd wanted to call Carson to let him know what happened with Dani anyways maybe he should mention he maybe not making it to work in the morning too.

Reaching for the phone on his nightstand Dalton dials Carson's number and waits for a long moment till he hears Carson's voice.

"Hey Carson its Dalton. I just wanted to let you know that Dani had some kind of break down of some sorts. I guess something had been bothering her all day, and than tonight she had a dream and she remembered some stuff from her past he mind had blocked out that had to do with your father. She's ok just pretty shook up and didn't want to be alone so I said I'd stay with her. I just thought I'd call you and let ya know one because your her brother and should know, two I did want you to know she had spend the night here and try to pound my face in because I'd hate to have to hurt you, and three I don't know if she will be in any shape to come into work in the morning or not."

Dalton gives a little snicker at his own humor about Carson knocking his block off, not sure if he would laugh or not but he had to try and make light of the situation some how.

Sitting in the car with Alec and receiving his kiss Ryan can't help the smirk that cross her face. The farthest she had ever gone to breaking any kind of law was her racing, but now doing this with Eli and Alec she had to admit there was something thrilling to it.

Her hand finds the back of his head as she returns the kiss not stopping till she hears her brother knock on the window. Pulling away and giving a grin Ryan winks before getting out of the car and joining her brother Alec not far behind. Scanning the area she gives a nod, everything looked good so far.

Not knowing the dog was there herself it makes Ryan jump and back up a few feet. Looking at Alec and than her brother it was clear he had let Alec out of the loop on this one too. She didn't mind dogs but she had to admit this was did look rather mean and might tear anyone's leg off.

Just listing to her brother and Alec go back and forth Ryan stands with her arms crossed finding this whole thing a little crazy and humorous in a way though she wouldn't let Alec know that. As Eli pulls out the steak though Ryan's eyes widen a little. That was one of the steaks she had just bought for a nice dinner for Alec, Eli and herself.

"HEY...I was saving that you know."

Knowing it was to late now Ryan shakes her head her hands now on her hips. Letting out a sigh she watches the dog as he mows down on the steak before looking back at Alec and cocking hear head a little.

"Come on Alec, the dog is busy eating the steak and once he is done he is probably going to be to full to want to eat anything else so you will be in the clear. Not to mention if we get through this would out getting caught there might be some chocolate cake and whip cream for you and me."

Lowering her head a little Ryan looks up at Alec her eyes roaring with a fire in them, and her grine sassier than ever.

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