
Social call of a long say

Taking a sip of her beer the bottom of the bottle is empty and Cassy pushes it to the other side of the bar, calling the bartender for another. Raising an eyebrow inquisitively about Leo's own denial of his talent she could that odd. Leo had always been pretty confidante in his skill as a dancer. He use to say it was the one thing he could do the best. Maybe now it was just the booze that was pulling home down but something in his eyes tells her his reason for being here at the bar was much different.

"Well if I am better than you, than you must be pretty darn close to me to have been able to land that lead roll next to me quit some time ago. Don't sell yourself short, I am sure your just a great."

For the moment being focused on Leo had taken Cassy's mind off her own problems. Just having someones else to talk to was great but as the conversation comes back around to her the nice feeling of escaping was no longer and the dull look in her eye seemed to return.

Reaching for the fresh beer that was placed on the bar Cassy takes a long sip letting the cool liquid slide down her throat.

"Oh, I would have but one wrong turn here, a few stumbles there, and a ripped muscle from my knee cap prevented that. I was told by Dr's I am lucky I can walk. With a limp but I can walk...never could dance again though. That was about a year ago. A few days after our performance together. I'm bound to prove them wrong some day. I go to physical therapy for it, but so far..no go."

A more darker looked seemed to stem from her stair. That maybe it was a different reason she sat wallowing in this bar today. Dancing had been her life for sure, but maybe there had been something else that seemed to be ripped apart too. A betrayal of someone she thought she could trust.

"So....Leo..was this a social call of a long day or is there another reason a foggy mist is covering those handsome eyes?"

As Mick catches Jade's hand Dan cringes just a little. Now the last thing he needed was Mick to think they were hiding this from him. Just watching him as he looks to Jade and them himself again Dan wasnt sure what to do. But to Mick's questions he new he had to answer.

Straightening just a little so he stood proud yet a look of respect for Mick shown on his face. He new Mick might not be happy but only showing disrespect would make it worse.

"I love your Jade Mick very much. She'd given me so much and helped me open up again. She is an amazing woman and on Christmas I asked her to marry me."

Standing there in one hand Dan still plays with the rope on the inside his heart was racing scared of what Mick might say next or do. He didn't want to cause another rift when this one had just been patched.

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