

Leo ignores Cassy's compliments and instead, moves ahead with the conversation. "Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Must suck."

Sipping his beer, he sets it down and grimaces a little. It didn't even taste good tonight. Hearing Cassy's question, he quirks an eyebrow and gives her a sidelong glance. Handsome eyes? Was she flirting or just being nice? He couldn't tell. Her eyes seemed a bit foggy too, but it might just be from the empty bottles sitting next to her. He really didn't care what her tone implied at this point though.

"Nah... just having a pity party, that's all. You ever have a day when you just look in the mirror and say, 'Self, I have been a complete idiot'? That's today for me." He twirls the half-empty bottle in his hands. "Got played for a fool, so where else better to come than the Bullseye?"

He rolls his eyes at himself. It was pathetic. It really was. Shaking his head, he slides off the stool. He didn't belong here. "It's time I wallowed at home." Searching in his pockets for his keys, he looks at Cassy again and sighs. He really didn't feel like doing anything but being depressed, but he couldn't help his natural self. "Look, do you have a designated driver?"

Silence. Mick stares at Dan with utter disbelief. Not only had they not heeded his warning about dating, but now they were... engaged?

His gaze that moved to Jade was shocked. She looks up and swallows hard, feeling herself starting to tremble a little. Was he going to yell at her? She knew she was young... she knew he didn't like her dating Dan in the first place. She knew that Dan had not asked him permission. But... but would he really be that upset with her? She couldn't tell.

Moving a step or two closer to Dan, her hand finds his and she stands with him, bravely looking up at her father. "I... I love him too," she manages quietly as her face grows hotter. "And... and I said yes to him."

Mick opens his mouth to speak, but he really has no idea what to say. There were an awful lot of conflicting emotions inside of him right now, and he feared if he started talking, it would only cause more damage. Finally he just purses his lips and nods, then turns to leave. He needed to think before he spoke, and if he didn't walk away now, this would not end well.

Jade watches him as new tears form in her eyes. He hated it. She knew he would. He hated it so much he couldn't even talk about it. He was just going to walk away from them. She feels herself leaning towards Dan until her face was against his chest. Though she made no sound, her tears began to fall onto his jacket.

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