
Remember, you stired the pot :p

Continuing to dress the would and clean it out Angel new this was probably going to kill, but if the infection was going to stop than she had to do it.

"This is going to sting Eric. Just hold still."

Dumping the liquid onto the wound Angel is quick to cover it and let it soak into the new bandage before removing it once more and placing a cream onto it next, putting the bandage on once again.

Looking up at Jim comes into the bunk Angel gives a nod before wrapping Eric's let with some gause.

"Start an IV for me while I finishing wrapping his leg."

Looking down at Eric's leg as she wrapped it Angel drew in a deep breath. She was worried the infection looked real bad.

"He has a pretty serous infection in his leg and it started spreading. I am only hopping we caught it in time. If we did, its going to be a rough ride, but...he'll be ok."

Leaving the small restraint Ryan makes her way to her own car just sitting for a few moments she watches as Leo leaves. Letting out a long sigh Ryan starts her own car and heads out. Right now she didn't want to go back to the auto shop. She didn't want to be around everyone, so she would just drive and feel free.

Not knowing how long she had been driving Ryan finally looks around. How she had gotten here she didn't know. TJY was the last place on her mind of where to go, but maybe it was best, maybe while she was here she would tell Alec she couldn't see him anymore ether.

Exiting her car Ryan makes her way inside TJY. Giving a small wave to some people who looked at her almost astonished she was back Ryan made her way to the room she had visited so many times.

Getting to Alec's door that was open she leans on the frame just watching him for a long moment. She tears had been dyed up. Giving a small grin finally makes her presence known.

"So, they let you have apples now and not just Hal's horrible cook huh?"

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