

Jim nods and sets to work on the IV, making sure Eric doesn't move while he's doing it. "I knew he'd cut himself yesterday but we thought it was taken care of. I should have told him to come see you sooner."

Finishing with the IV, he sighs and watches Angel work. "I can stay here the night if you want."

"Mm-mm." Eric mumbles. "I'm fine." He waves a little with his hand. "I'll be... be okay."

Alec had been pacing his room, a car magazine in one hand, and apple in the other as he passed the time. He'd been with Reese all morning and was feeling caged again, but he knew that this was the deal he'd made.

Hearing Ryan, he spins around, quirking an eyebrow. Lifting the apple, he nods while swallowing his last bite. "Not really. I bartered info for apple. Seemed to work. Tomorrow maybe I'll ask for a banana instead."

Though he didn't smile, there was actually some humor in his voice. Tossing the magazine on the table, he crunches into his apple again, folding one arm across his chest. He wanders a couple steps closer to Ryan, his eyes drifting up to the clock above the door. "Too late for lunch... what brings you here today?"

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