
No one wants to move lol

Kyle had already begun to relax, sitting here with Alice, and being so comfortable, his eyes have already drifted shut. "My pleasure," he mumbles in response.

Sighing deeply, he doesn't move. "I don't wanna get up," he admits groggily. "You're too good at being a pillow. It's not fair." He knew he should get back to his own bed now. Alice had helped calm his nerves and he'd gotten to say goodnight. But he just didn't want to move.

Just seeing Cassy laugh sent Leo into his own laughter, feeling utterly stupid but glad they could both laugh about it. When she's finally through, he nods, wiping a tear from his own eye. "Okay, I promise... no more unthinkable comments." He holds up his hand as if vowing. "We shall dine in peace."

And they did. While no more embarrassing remarks were shared, light conversation and more laughter was. Having started out just as little leery at first, by the middle of the meal, Leo was quite comfortable, enjoying the food and conversation. If he'd been home, it would have been a tv dinner and no one to talk to.

Sinking back in his chair as he's finished eating, Leo does his best not to belch too loudly - though competitions in the auto shop made for some hard-to-break habits. "I will say one thing for you Cassy... you do know how to cook."

He grins and takes a swallow of water. "Been a long time since I had chicken that good... thank you."

His watch ticked away on his wrist. The air became silent again as Leo's eyes were caught in a stare for a moment. He knew he couldn't linger all night, but it was warm and cozy in her apartment and his stomach was full. It made for a dangerous combination, making his mind a little lethargic and making him want to just stay a while longer before he left. "I noticed the eves above the door on the studio could use some work," he comments thoughtfully.

Knowing BJ was outside for a while and content looking for crickets, Mick just stays on the couch a while longer, enjoying Rosetta's company. His back hurt and there was a lot of work waiting for him outside, but these moments were getting rarer, and he didn't want to miss out on any more than he had to.

Kissing her back, he runs a hand through her hair, reminded of how soft it was. "I know it will," he replies quietly. "With God and you, I don't know how I could go wrong."

Though it hurt a bit, he shifts a little more so he can lie on his back and hold Rosetta on his chest. He sighs deeply, his heart thumping rhythmically. Just a few more minutes...

Dylan wipes the sweat from his brow with a gloved hand, hot, miserable, sweaty and tired. Stall number four and one to go after that. He could imagine though, that he'd be in here for the duration of chores... his father hadn't been messing around today and more than likely was going to squeeze all he could out of him.

Glancing out and down a ways, he catches sight of Dan and watches for just as moment. It was strange to think that that was going to be his brother-in-law. He felt too young for that. He thought his sister was too young for that too, but she'd always been a go-getter and he'd learned to stay out of her way once she set her mind to something. Whether it be in a week or five years, Dylan was confident that Jade would marry Dan just like she wanted to, with or without anybody's go-ahead.

Sighing, Dylan turns away from Dan to work some more, knowing he'd get in trouble for pausing if caught. Throwing another shovel full of manure into the wheelbarrow, he misses half of it, sending the soiled bedding into the aisle. Growling in frustration, he decides to go empty the wheelbarrow for now, even though it wasn't quite full. He needed the fresh air.

However, this stall happened to be just a little deeper and the extra shove it took to get the wheelbarrow back out into the aisle proved fatal. Dylan didn't have much practice with wheelbarrows, so once the weight started to shift, there was no stopping it. Soiled straw and manure go everywhere.

At his breaking point, Dylan can't stand it any longer. Giving a swift kick to the wheelbarrow does nothing but make his foot hurt and instead of cleaning up now, he leans back against the wall and slides his thin frame down to the floor, his knees up near his chest. He couldn't even clean stalls right. He really was a loser.

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