
If you have to pee

Keeping her arms around Kyle Alice snuggled a little more under the blankets she didnt want Kyle to leave ether. She felt calm and comfortable with him here.

"Mmmm...well...you just stay right there than because I am comfortable too. If you have to pee in the middle of the night or something than you can leave."

Giving a little chuckle Alice keeps her arms around Kyle. Her eyes starting to shut, and soon she had drifted fast asleep with a smile on her face.

Pushing her own plate back on the table Cassy takes a sip of her water. Man had she really over eaten today but she felt so comfortable and everything tasted so good. It had been a while since she herself had, had such a good meal.

Knowing it was late Cassy new Leo would have to be going soon, though a part of her wished the night would not end. It was nice having someone to chat with, and just fill the empty space with company.

Giving a thoughtful nod Cassy cross her arms on the table leaning in just a little bit. Thinking for a long moment as a grin makes it's way across her face.

"You know I noticed that and I was going to ask, but since you mentioning it instead, if Leo's Hero repair service isnt busy sometime maybe you could take care of it for me?!"

Hearing the noise in the stalls Dan raises an eyebrow twords where Dylan was working. Though it was undetected Dan had been watching him not being able to help but feel a little bad for the young man. He new Dylan had gotten himself in trouble but he also new if not use to it Mick's harshness could be taken to heart to much.

Leaving his work for a moment Dan moves over to where Dylan was working and turns the wheel barrel up right once again. Starting to scoop what had fallen into the isle back into Dylan's wheel barrel. Looking down at him Dan gives a small smile leaning on his shovel for a moment.

"If you want I can show you somethings that will make this a little bit easier if you like."

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