
Master of none

Dylan glares at Mick, his fingers gripping the pitchfork handle. Standing in the middle of a stall full of horse manure was one of the worst things he could think of. But here he was, being forced to clean it out.

"I'll be back later to check on you," Mick informs coolly. "But don't think I won't know if you stop or dillydally. I want these five stalls cleaned by suppertime and I mean clean."


"No buts." Mick shakes his head firmly. "Today was the last straw, Dylan. You're earning your keep from now on." Not waiting for a response, he spins on his heel and stalks down the aisle. Catching sight of Dan, he nods his head back towards the stalls. "If he causes any trouble or walks away from his work, let me know right away."

Heading out of the barn, Mick aims back towards the office where he'd been working before this whole mess had started. Once inside, he gives BJ a big hug, sure to give him some attention. "How about you go out and see if you can find any crickets yet? I think I heard one chirping last night." He aims the youngster towards the door. "But stay out of the barn for now, okay?" He gives BJ a look that tells him he's not kidding around. "I'll find ya later so you can help me with chores."

Once alone with Rosetta in the office, instead of going back to the desk, Mick trudges to the old couch in the corner and eases down on his stomach with a groan. "I'm too old for this," he mumbles into the cushion. "Dylan did a good job on me today - I feel like I got bucked off a horse instead of just pushed over by a teenager."

Staying where he is and not moving eases the pain in his back, but the pain in his heart persists. Maybe he really did need to just let go and let Dylan leave.

Leo grins as he receives the mug of coffee, holding it up for a second. "You remember well." She must have been paying attention the last few times they'd had coffee at the studio.

Hearing her question, he laughs and shakes his head, leaning back a little more casually in his chair. "Talents? Mmm... skills maybe, but not talents. I'm a jack of all trades but a master of none."

Still smiling he takes a sip of his coffee, enjoying it for a moment. "Maybe one day I'll be good at something. For now its a mediocre world for me. But I guess if it weren't for us mediocre folks, then no one else would shine above the rest." He laughs again. "Somebody's gotta wind up with the short end of the stick. Easy job most days but the pay stinks."

He gives Cassy a sidelong glance, studying her for a moment. "You, on the other hand... you're the kind that's gonna shine. Knocked down, but you're right back up again. Starting your own studio... others would kill for that kind of opportunity, let alone the guts. You've got a bright future, Cassy, mark my words."

Erik can't help but laugh at Karla's end statement. "On the contrary, the way my mom talks about you, I think she'll be glad for you to come with us so there's at least one level-head in this bunch."

Kip grins from ear to ear, knowing that he usually instigated much of the frivolity that went on. He and Kyle made a wicked team when it came to teasing and making the others laugh.

"Alright." Erik stands up, stretching. "Big day tomorrow. I don't know about the rest of you, but I for one am turning in."

As the little group disperses, a few stay for the night and a few go to their own homes, all too excited to sleep, but too wise not to at least try. The big house becomes quiet and still, nightlights keeping a faint glow down the long hallways.

Everybody is eventually tucked away for the night, but one figure quietly pads down the hallway and stops at Alice's door, scratching on it softly. Kyle didn't know if she was asleep or not. If he knocked, it would wake her, but if she was awake, she'd hear the scratching.

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