
How come

Looking out the window from the office BJ watches Mick and Dylan. His eyes never moving from them. Such understanding for a young boy, thats eyes took in everything. Yet he had questions that he couldn't not answer, and things he did not understand.

"Mom, how come Dylan hates dad?"

Glancing up from her paperwork and out the window Rosetta's heart sank just a little bit. Mick was trying so hard, and it just wasn't getting any easier for him.

"I don't know bud. I think Dylan doesn't want to hate dad, he's just hurt, and confused right now. He'll come around though we just have to give him time ok?"

BJ gives a nod of his head before turning around to the window again this time watching as Mick and Dylan make there way to the barn.

Pulling two mugs down from the cupboard Cassy goes to the fridge and grabs the milk. Pouring the coffee into the cups adding milk to one for Leo, and a little sugar to both before handing him his glass and sitting down in the chain next to him.

Moving just a little bit Cassy pulls her legs up to sit Indian style on the chair taking a sip of the warm liquid letting it slide down her throat before answering Leo.

"No actually it soup, tv dinner, and maybe sometimes a small meal for me. But today I am happy I took the chance in saying you would be stopping by. I'd be pretty embarrassed if you did and than I ended up feeding you a tv dinner."

Taking another sip of her coffee Cassy looks down into the liquid for a long moment. Finally looking up at Leo again she gives a small smile.

"So, I know you fix cares, and you fix toilets. You know how to hang mirrors, and paint. Oh and you also like to dance. So..what other talents do you have?"

Karla can't help but grin and give a nod to Twila. She new she had been standoffish and she tryed to interact more, maybe this would be a good way to get to know someone other people. Though Karla still new she was naturely shy this could help open her up because she'd have to.

"That would..be nice if you could help me Twila, I think I'd like that. Just as long as its not to much at once."

Looking back at Kip again Karla couldn't help but let her own smile grow as behind the bit of nervousness her eyes sparkled. She was excited, this would be a new adventure and help her get out there.

"I hope Erik's mom wont mind. If you guys make it big, I dont think I will have time to work for her anymore."

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