
Your loss

Eli isn't so sure about his sister's response, but he lets it slide. Maybe there were just things she didn't want to talk about right now, and he respected that.

Hearing about something in his bedroom, he quirks an eyebrow. He hadn't been back there all day and had no idea Ryan had put anything there. "What?" Curiously, he goes to find out. A few minutes later, he lets out a whoop and swings back into the kitchen, grabs Ryan and spins her around. "You little sneak!"

Laughing, he gives her a hug and a teasing kiss to the top of her head. "Did anybody ever tell you that you're the best sister ever?"

Still grinning, Eli shakes his head. "You realize now I'll be up all night setting that thing up."

It wasn't all night... only part of it, but he wound up getting his way before heading to bed for the night. It had been a good day. Not because of the gifts but because of the time spent with ones who cared about each other. When the world could be forgotten for just a few hours, it was a blessed day.

Drawing the bracelet out of the bag, Scott runs his fingers over it then reads the note, a smile forming on his face. Putting it on his wrist, he admires it a moment before taking Hope back into his arms and giving her a loving squeeze. "Thank you... no one will ever know how much this means to me." And he was right - the note was correct... Hope was so much more than a name to him. With all he'd been through, this would be a reminder every day.

This Christmas had been the worst and the best at the same time, and he wouldn't easily forget the time spent with Hope. Maybe things with his family weren't great right now, and maybe he was going through an inner struggle... but at least he had her and she really was his lifeline.

"Leo! Christmas is over!"

Leo's head pops up out of an engine, a silly santa hat on his head. "What? You kidding? It was just yesterday."

"You gonna scare away the customers," Jed teases.

Leo smirks at him. "What would life come to if there wasn't me to pick on?"

Miles laughs as he enters the shop. "What's all the commotion?"

"Slacker!" Leo shouts.

"Hey, at least I'm not the last person in today," Miles defends. "I didn't see Ryan's car out there yet."

"True... but Jed and I are ahead of you both now. Better get busy on the Buick or you'll never catch up."

"Come on, let me talk to Reese!" Alec shouts his frustration into the security camera, knowing that Hal was listening. He'd been locked into his room this morning after going upstairs and heading to Reese's office without warning. Hal had tackled him and manhandled him back down to the little room, Alec fighting him the whole way, swearing he wasn't trying to pull anything. Now he was locked in alone again with a notepad of all he'd written the day before.

"Just let me talk to him!" He curses Hal before pacing again, then glaring back up at he camera. "Okay, fine. Your loss."

Scott stares at the computer screen, his mind seeming to take over without his will. His fingers typed on the keyboard with speed, breaking through password securities and scrambling anything someone might be able to trace.

Deep down, his soul screamed at him to stop, but it felt as if he were a robot, unable to control himself. The Agency files came up, opening a communication window. He was in. He would tell them all about where Phinox was, and Alec and Gage and Carson. He began to type, also reminding them that they had lost Thirteen and she was still under watch of the Elite.

Still typing, sweat poured down the sides of his face. He didn't want to be telling them all of this. He wanted to stop. But his hands wouldn't let him. He had once described his feelings to Dalton as if it were a computer virus inside of him, and that's exactly how it felt now.

Everything was spilled to the Agency about those the Elite now had. Passwords were shared, and security information was passed to them without stopping. They would have access to the Elite database now, but it would take months for anyone here to notice.

Scott was a mole against his own will. But if he told anyone, his life here would be over. As he closes back down, his eyes see every bit of information he'd leaked, and all the windows began to close as commanded. No one would know.

Looking down, he sees his hands are trembling, cold and clammy. This couldn't be happening. It couldn't. "No!" he screams, prying himself from his computer. His heart began to race and he presses himself up against the wall, now feeling as though someone was watching him. "Get out of my head!"

Sitting bolt upright in bed, Scott's scream echos through his small house. Domino cowers in a corner, whimpering after being kicked off the bed and not understanding what was happening. Sweat pours down Scott's face as he stares into the dimness of his bedroom. His heart was racing and he felt sick. It was just a dream.... it was morning... he should have been to work an hour ago... Hope had gone home later last night and he'd gone to bed... It was just a dream.... right?

Fear grips him and he goes for his bedside phone. Dialing quickly he waits until he hears Dalton's voice. His own voice is shaky. "Dalton.... Dalton, check our security..."

He rubs his eyes, a raging headache making it hard to think straight. "Lock my computer out of the system... just lock it out so I can't have access to anything." He was desperate. "Then check and make sure no security was breached last night."

Mick wanders to an empty table to sit down with a fresh cup of coffee, waiting for Rosetta to join him a little later after BJ was up. It felt good to be home... very good. Things were a little different... but sometimes change was good.

He'd spoken to Sparky last night and they had at least shaken hands. His brother had accepted his apology, and though there was still a rift there, maybe there was still a chance for healing. Mick had been surprised to hear that Sparky and this other woman were quite close, though he hadn't spoken his mind about it. It didn't seem like a wise situation, but having been gone, he decided it was better off to remain quiet. He hadn't seen Dylan this morning, but figured he'd be around and didn't want to push his son right off the bat.

There was a lot going through his mind... Jade would be coming home today... that was another bridge he needed to repair. Sighing deeply, he closes his eyes for a moment, trying to keep his mind clear. Today he would try to get back in the groove of things around the barn and get his bearings once more.

Dylan trudges from his bunkhouse, not really wanting to be up yet. But he knew if he didn't show himself, his father would be after him, and that's the last thing he wanted. He wasn't hungry though. He didn't want breakfast. He didn't want to go to the barn either. This place sucked.

Stuffing his hands in his hoodie pockets, his feet drag until he reaches the dining hall. Letting himself in, he sees only a few people are up yet. He sees his father over closer to the kitchen, but avoids eye contact. Instead, he finds a chair in the corner and folds his arms on the table to rest his head. He'd just sit here until someone told him to move.

Back in a quiet corner of the barn, Sparky leans an arm on the wall, while his other hand reaches out to brush aside a stray strand of Faith's hair from her face. "This is your day today."

He wanted it to be a good day. Tomorrow she'd be going to the hospital, and as much as he didn't want to think about it, he knew there was a fifty percent chance she would not be coming back. If this were to be their last day together, he wanted to make it special.

"Anything you want to do," he offers. "Anything, anywhere... just name it."

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