

Taking a quick shower it wasn't long till Ryan was changed and out, both boys still sitting in the kitchen staring at the cake that was on the plates ready and waiting.

"Ok, now we can dig into it."

Enjoying the dessert and the other munches food the time seemed to pass so quickly. Just enjoying each others company, exchanging gifts from the heart and having a nice time. It was such a nice time Ryan hated that it had to end.

Now sitting alone on the couch after saying walking Leo out, giving him a kiss, and letting him know he would see her at work tomorrow Ryan's mind could not be held at bay any longer and it started to wonder, mixture of that and memories of her family ran through Ryan's mind. Even after so long around this time it was always hard.

Staring blankly at the TV Ryan couldn't help but wonder what Alec was doing right now, and soon to follow that though was the advents of earlier in the afternoon. The slow bit of guild cheeped up on her again. Still not understanding why she had been possessed to act as she had to start with. Though playing that through her mind, she couldn't help but wonder if she wouldn't do it again. Alec was very handsome, and there was an elemint to him that was soft though it was hard to see.

Having her concentration broke as Eli sits down next to her and his comment hit her ears, Ryan turns her head to look up at her brother and give a soft smile. She new her brother could tell something was different, or at least she was deep in thought. But how did she even explain it to him right now when she couldn't explain it herself? For now maybe it was best to let her do her best at figuring everything out.

"Amongst other things, its just the time of year. Even after all this time has gone by its hard to get past the end of the year and keep a smile on."

Letting out a sigh and leaning forward on the couch Ryan leans her elbows on her legs just looking down at a few of the gifts that lined the table in front of her. Maybe the whole thing with Alec would blow over and it was a one time thing? Part of Ryan hated saying that, there was a want for it to be more, and yet there was Leo the one she had fraught so hard for, and she was happy with. He'd done everything right. Ryan just didn't understand, she'd never faced this before.

"I guess...I'm just contemplating a few things. I'm not even sure what to be able to tell you Bro. My mind is all a bumble at the moment and I am just trying to sort it out."

Looking up at her brother again Ryan gives a small smile before standing. Laying a hand on his shoulder her eyes showed thanks.

"Thank you for asking. Now, onto something a little more happy. Why don't you go to the spare bedroom and find your last gift. I'll do the dishes up here ok?"

Waiting in the bedroom was the flat screen tv Eli had been drooling over for the last few weeks. It was the HD plasma, but instead of the 37" Ryan had upgraded it to the 42" getting a good deal on it. Along with it was a blue ray player and a few movies. Eli deserved something nice seeing as he had very little to call his own. Not to mention this was the first Christmas in a long time Ryan spent with her brother and she wanted to make it count.

As Scott shifts a little on the couch Hope opens her eyes. She wasn't sure how much time has passed since they first sat down, it was just so comfortable she didn't much care ether. This was there night, and she had all the time in the world.

Seeing the gift put in front of her Hope takes the package gently still leaning comfortable against Scott. Removing the paper gently Hope opens the package. Seeing the necklace laying in the box her fingers touch the chain, and the small pendent. A gasp coming from her mouth. It was so pretty, and it meant something very special to her.

"Oh Soctt, its beautiful. I love it, thank you so much."

Taking the necklace out of the box Hope asks for Scott's help as she puts the chain around her neck snapping it in the back. It fix perfectly with the shirt she had on laying just the right langth to be flat against her tan skin.

Shifting a little herself Hope retreaves a bright blue and silver bag for Scott. Inside was another package tiny but in red paper to stand out, and inside that layed a leather band bracelet with a metal name plat on it. Craved into it was the work Hope, Wings were around the outside of the name.

A little not was attacked to it so Scott would understand when he saw it. It read..

Hope, not only the name of the one who will always be there for you but also a reminder that no matter what happens there will always be hope. I am so proud of you Scott, and I love you!

Also in the bag were a few other things for his office, few cans on MD, and a bag of jerky. Hope really hoped he liked the bracelet. It had taken her weeks to find the perfect one she wanted.

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