

Pulling over to the side of the road like Gage asked Sapphire sat for a moment before she felt his warm hand on her face. It was a comfort she wanted, and but his words left a sting. This wasnt because of him, this was because of her brother and not being able to see past his own nose.

"No Gage, stop saying that. If I would have been happier I wouldn't have stood up for you in the first place. Your the only friend I got, and if my brother cant see how important you are to me, than that his problem. He's not the only one who deserves to be happy. I do too, and so do you."

Sapphire lets out a long sigh as the throbbing in her head continued. She wasn't angry with Gage, He'd done nothing wrong in this situation. Things would never be ok with her brother after this. She could feel it deep inside, this...this had broken everything. Even if they started getting along again, things wouldnt be the same.

"I told you I wasn't letting you go and I meant it Gage. You gave me a new reason to look forward to getting out of work. I'm not letting go of that."

Letting out another sigh Sapphire gives a smile to Gage. Things would be ok, she new they would be. They always were and she wouldnt give up faith in that yet.

"So anyways, I was thinking we could hit the amusement park. I know of one thats open this time of season, and its about two hours away. Its the best place if I ever new one that when you wanna scream thats the place to go. People wont look at you like your crazy, it gives you the total feeling of being free. Would you like to come with me?"

Continuing to wash Scott's hands Dalton tried to be as gentile as he could. He new Scott was hurt, and hearing his words about what h append Dalton felt even worse. This whole things could of been handled in a better manor but it wasn't, would things ever be the same?

"Scott, it not you who judges these people. God does what he see if fit, and yes I know your hurting a great deal, and I know you hate them but you have to turn to God and trust him. As for Sapphire..she has to see some good in Gage, like Misty saw in Carson. I'm not tell you to agree because I certainly wouldn't ether if it was my sister, but you have to let her make her own disitions or its gonna push her away more. "

Dalton let out a small sigh his breath a little heavy, and hurting with ever breath he took, but he couldn't help his own heart hurt a little more.

"I know you don't think I understand, and maybe I don't but I am worried about because I care. Your like a brother to me and I hate seeing you hurt so much. I wish I could take away all your pain for you."

Taking some bandages from the shelf Dalton wraps Scott's hands at least still the bleeding on his knuckles would stop. Placing an arm about Scott's shoulders Dalton leads him from the room.

"Would you please consider just talking with Hope? No counseling session just talking to her for me?"

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