

Sitting with the large group Rosetta does her best to just let her mind focus on the family, the group together. For everyone sake and for BJs. This was his first Christmas at the ranch and the last thing she wanted to do was rune it for him.

Sing the songs Rosetta hold the small boy close helping him with the words and laughing softly as he tried to sing his little heart out. But soon, as more food came, and movies played, gifts were given BJ couldn't contain his excitement and wanted to be right in the middle of the action jumping off and couch. Rosetta just smiled as he opened his gifts and showed her what he got, watching him, he really had gown in the last few months.

Faith finds herself sitting on one of the chairs closest to where Sparky was, yet still far enough away she couldn't just reach out and touch him. Her eyes were continuously on him, only once and while leave to just glance around the room. She loved being here, she loved listing to Sparky, simply she loved him.

Don't mess up, oh oh....ahhhh....

Katie couldn't help but mess around a little bit with Jason while he was up there playing. She new, he hadn't really wanted to, and that what she was doing would have been enough to make him mess up. So if this made him smile than her mission was complete.

Mmm...I love listen to you play Jason...it sounds so soothing.

Keeping his arm tightly around his wife and daughter Wes enjoys the time they have. Once he was gone he didn't know how long it would be or what would happen. He worried so much about his family, and no one had any idea how much he didn't want to go. But he new he had no choose in the matter. He had to go when he was called. So he would soak up all the family time he could right now. The laughs, the smiles, the jokes. His family was what was most important and if he couldn't take them with him, at least he could take his memories to get him through those long nights.

Giving Cindy a kiss on the top of the head Wes tilts his head a little to look down at her and smile. His eyes giving a twinkling showing his love for his family.

"I love you Cindy!!"

Sitting in the dinning room Bree still had the far away look in her eye. Her mind was bouncing from one thing to another. Being out here with everyone listing to the music it only made her think of the one thing she didn't have. Maybe tomorrow JT would be able to get someone to talk with Gunner, than maybe if she talked to him things would be better. Bree could only hope with all her heart, that her Christmas wish would come true.

As the single gift is handed to Thirteen she holds it for a longest moment. She fingers the paper, and the ribbon that added to it. She'd never been given a gift before and for a moment it was almost like she was in shock.

Finally though her fingers find the edges of the paper. Sliding her fingers under it gently she lifts the table from all the side till she is holding the soft box in her hands. Opening it and seeing the ring that lied in the velvet cloth Thirteen felt like all the air had been sucked from her lungs. Words would not come, as there was a glint of a tear in her eye. Fingers trembling she let them brush over the diamonds and the green color stone that was set in the middle. It was so pretty, and she'd never been given something like this before.

Looking up her eyes find Ryder there was question on her face who had given this to her? And in the pit of her stomach she new. It was a feeling that was strong.

Moving her head to look down again Thirteen had a large amount of emotions built inside of her. Taking the ring from the box her fingers still trembled, gently she slipped in on her finger. Holding out her hand to look at it, the light seeming to bounce off of it.

She wanted to say thank you, but who was she to thank? She wanted to feel happier than she did, but still there was the lingering feeling, the empty hole of where this ring had come from.

Standing Thirteen looks around the room quick and than looks to Ryder. She needed some fresh air, and if she was going to cry anymore she'd rather not do it in front of everyone and rune there nice time. Moving to the door Thirteen exits but doesn't go far. Finding the steps she sits down her face in her hands. Everything felt so good, yet so confusing at the same time.

Dalton can't help but raise an eye brown as Dani goes darting from one room the to the next, happing to look down the hall at just the right time. Feeling a bit of color crawl up the back of his neck as he looks away quickly not being able to stumble over his words.

"I...um....I...di...did know what you...wanted me...to..."

Dalton gives a cough trying to straighten out his own words. Roll his eyes at himself he looks up at Carson again.

"I didn't know what you all liked to drink so I have some beer, and a few kinds of soda. I hope that's ok."

As Carson takes a few thing from him Dalton gives a laugh and follows into the kitchen the other two girls close behind.

Coming up to Axel Jess gives a smile and shakes her head a little. Wrapping her arms around his neck to him him a nice long hug.

"If we didn't preen than you would think we didn't care and that would be a horrible lie."

Pulling away from the hug Jess gives Axel a little kiss on the lips before looking into his eyes her smile never fading.

"How are you feeling?"

Depositing what she had herself Misty puts the bags of gifts on the floor and food on the counter. Turning around and bumping right into Carson she gives a little blink before as smile forms on her own face.

"Why hello there."

Giving Carson a kiss and leaning into his chest Misty gives a giggle leaning her head on his shoulder. She was so happy to be spending this time with the group of friends that had formed. Alone time with Carson was always better but that would have a lot of time for that late. Now was the time to shair laughs and joy with others.

Hearing Dani's voice Dalton turns around a big grin on his face. He always loved seeing Dani, her smiling face, it was one of the best things Dalton had in his life.

Taking her in his arms Dalton gives her a hug resting his head on top of hers. Taking in the smell of her shampoo. Finally letting her go Dalton looks down into her eyes his own giving a twinkle.

"You look beautiful."

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