
All kinds of feelings

Being drawn into Dalton's arms, Dani grins, never tiring of his big strong arms and the way it felt like she was in a safe haven every time he embraced her. His comment brings color to her face and she looks up at him, her blushing cheeks bringing out her blue eyes. "Thank you."

Her hand smooths out a crease in his shirt and she smiles. "You look pretty handsome yourself, you know that?"

Sliding her hand down to his, her palm is enveloped by his own. "I told Carson we had dibs on the couch." She giggles. "So if anybody sits in our spot... you'll have to move them."

"Mmm..." Axel returns Jess' light kiss, putting an arm around her waist. "I'm feeling better now that you're here." He grins, giving a little shrug. He knew she'd want a better answer than that. "I'm doing alright. Hand kinda hurts at the moment, but I've been swinging my arm around more than I should have too."

His eyes dance with humor. "Now that you're here though, you can do my running around for me. So don't tell Misty."

"Hello." Carson laughs and slips both arms around Misty as she kisses him then leans on his chest. He sighs deeply, content in the moment. There weren't too many times he liked getting together with other people, but the six of them here he liked very much, and it was nice they could spend Christmas Eve together. Carson couldn't remember too many good Christmases, and this year meant just a little more to him after his life change. It felt good. It felt right.

Pulling away, Carson steers Misty to the kitchen counter. "Help me finish up here and we can go pick a movie and gorge ourselves on food."

Jason grins as his fingers strum his guitar and his eyes finally find Katie again.

Well, I'm glad you like listening. I guess I don't mind so much getting asked to play... if it makes someone smile, then it's worth it. Good practice anyway.

He winks at her as the current song comes to an end.

Do a poor fellow a favor and bring him some eggnog?

Watching Thirteen open her small gift, Ryder can feel his blood pressure rise. It wasn't the gift itself - it looked like a very nice ring, and it was very pretty on Thirteen's hand. But he knew who had given it to her. Who else wouldn't have signed it? It was to "Thirteen" and not "Jasmine" but it didn't matter - Ryder knew.

And when Thirteen looks to him with question, he wants so badly to tell her who it was from. He wanted to tell her that the father she was looking for was right across the room and that these people here... half of them really were her family. But he couldn't. He'd made a promise that he couldn't break. So instead, it was his heart that broke as he watched her walk away.

Turning, he scans the others until his eyes meet Trent's. A blazing stare is shot in his direction, confirming his disapproval of how it had been handled. Ryder knew good and well that Trent cared. It had been a nice gift to Thirteen. But how he did it was the problem and Ryder could strangle him for it.

Trent feels someone's eyes on him and he looks up in time to see Thirteen disappearing out the door, with Ryder in the forefront, glaring at him. Trent immediately drops his gaze and sinks back a little farther from the others. He hadn't meant to upset her... he'd wanted to give her something nice since she'd grown up with so little. He just wanted her to have something special that would last. He just... hadn't been able to sign his name to it. It looked like he should have just refrained from the whole idea though. It hurt to think that he'd made things worse.

The wind was howling outside, rattling the windows and making everyone glad they were indoors. One was outside though, stepping out of the taxi, paying and being extra careful on the ice. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and slowly limps to the porch, his head bent against the wind.

Through his jeans, no one would be able to tell the outside of his left leg was black and blue from hip to ankle - it had been a miracle no bones had been broken with bruising so deep. A small bandage on the side of his head could just be seen sticking out from his red baseball cap. He should have stayed at the hospital, but he'd put up enough fuss that they'd release him on a few conditions that he'd promised.

Making it to the steps, he almost misses the figure sitting huddled with her head down. That wasn't right... he could see through the window and could tell that the celebration was going on, but what was this young woman doing out here all by herself?

"Say now..." Eric leans on the railing, favoring his sore leg. "It's too cold for you to be out here like this." He smiles gently, unable to help but notice the striking family resemblance. Immediately he wonders if he knows who this is. "They didn't kick you out, did they?" He tries to tease as a way to coax her back inside - it really was cold out tonight and he hated to think of anyone sitting out here, let alone by themselves.

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