
Would it be okay?

As Dan's face hovers over her own, Jade's heart starts to thump. It never failed... if Dan was around, her pulse ran just a little quicker. Staring up into his eyes, she saw a look that made butterflies shoot through her stomach. His kiss to her forehead made her spine tingle, and feeling his lips on her nose made her smile.

Forgetting about stargazing, Jade accepts Dan's kiss, returning it lightly at first. Shifting her weight a little so she can be in his arms, her own hands crawl up to the back of his head. As her kiss deepens, her fingers work their way through his hair, to his forehead then back, raking lightly over his ears.

She loved his attention. She loved his warmth. She loved the way he made her feel special. No one ever talked to her the way he did. No one kissed the way he did. Nothing else seemed to matter when they were alone like this. It was bliss. And Jade didn't mind letting herself fall into these moments.

Drawing away only slightly, her eyes find his, her fingers still running through his hair. Her voice was but a whisper. "Would it be okay if I told you I... was in love with you?"

JT still stands, watching Amanda, and feeling so much gratefulness he didn't know how he could ever express it. Seeing her slip into bed, he finally eases down on his own bed, wondering how he'd stayed awake for so long, yet wondering how he'd ever be able to fall asleep either.

Starting to turn down his covers, he hears Amanda's groggy statement, and he smiles, giving a light chuckle. He hadn't forgotten. One lunch together in the cafeteria on purpose, then twice by accident did not count as the date he'd originally asked her for. Life always seemed to get the best of him. But in his line of work, how could it be avoided?

Knowing Amanda was quickly falling into sleep, he doesn't reply, but tucks it away for later. Crawling under the blankets, his head sinks into the soft pillow, his face towards Bree so he could keep an eye on her as long as he stayed awake.

It wasn't very long though, and JT's own eyes were closed, his body finally allowed to rest.

Sparky laid off the teasing for a while, but his smile remained. Though sometimes both hands were required for supper, when they weren't, his left would slip back under the table to meet Faith's again. No one seemed to notice, they were so subtle, and Sparky was okay with that.

It wasn't until later that night, that he allows his mind to wander. Sitting in his dark bunk, he relives his after-supper walk with Faith. Holding hands and just talking about anything that came to mind. It never seemed to matter what they talked about - it was always easy.

Sighing deeply, he lays back on the bed, folding his hands behind his head. What was he thinking? There were so many variables that one couldn't think ahead and he knew that. But what if this really did become more? What if his relationship with Faith really did evolve past holding hands and gentle flirting? His own heart gives a strange jump at the thought. Was it moving too quickly? Should he even be thinking that way already after just the same day having realized they liked each other?

Sparky rolls onto his side, sleep too far away to even attempt. He was getting older. He had some good years left yet and he was far from dead. But as far as marriage or family... was it so wrong that he wouldn't want to prolong things? Even then though, what did he have to offer? A bunkhouse? The ranch was becoming quite the little community with Jim and Becky's house, Clint and Wendy's, and Wes and Cindy's just down the lane. It wasn't the typical setup by any means. But the way the families stuck together and how everything revolved around the ranch... it just seemed to fit. It felt right. But even so, back to the same question, what did Sparky have to offer? Was it time he broke away from the ranch? He had nothing here... nothing to provide. It wasn't until a year or so ago that he'd even had his own bunkhouse!

Giving a growl, Sparky rolls onto his back again. He forces his mind to back up and just think of Faith again. The here and now was when he felt the happiest, so he would focus on that and worry about the future later. One day at a time... and he looked forward to those one days with Faith.

Carson grins, hearing Misty's statement. Not telling her the food was done, he shuts off the burners and sets down the utensils he was using. Spinning around without warning, he grabs Misty by the waste and swings her up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Target down." He talks into an imaginary mic. "Repeat, target down. Coming in for a landing."

Whirling into the living room, it doesn't take much effort to let Misty slide back into his arms before falling backward onto the couch. Putting her in a bearhug on top of him, he grins at her before stealing a quick, teasing kiss. "Alright, Sassy, you want a postponed supper, you got it."

One hand moves down where his fingers start to tickle her ribs. "But you're gonna have to pay the consequences."

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