
Sweet Kiss

Laying on the bail with Jade Dan gives a faint chuckle. Dinner had been the last thing on his mind tonight as she shared the last few hours awake with Jade. Every moment they spent more time together, it just made his feeling grow a little more.

Looking up at the star lit sky Dan lets out a sigh of contentment. Things seemed to be going so well the last few days Dan couldnt help feeling guilty for being so content and happen. Rolling onto his side to look at Jade if there had been a shooting star in the sky he had missed it.

Bringing a hand to Jade's face as he leaned over her slightly Dan's fingers mapped her curves, gentily brushing a few hair strands from her face. A smile forming on his lips as he looked down at her.

"I see a shooting star every morning and every night, Its always there to remind me everything will be alright."

Bringing his face close to her Dan can feel his pales pick up and his heart starting to race. His hand shaking a little as he ran it over the side of Jade's face. Moving his head up a little Dan first kiss Jade's for head, before moving to her nose. His voice coming out as a soft horse whisper.

"Your my shooting star Jade!"

Bring his lips to her own Dan moves his one hand under her as his other finds the back of her head to support it. Holding her a little tighter bringing her closer to himself. Feeling her warmth, in his arms. It was so comforting, it made Dan feel so good, he just let the feelings wash over them in this moment not in any hurry to end it.

Giving a laugh and shaking her head Misty just watches Carson at the stove while he sang. It was nice to get this alone time with him. Things had been so crazy the last few weeks, alone time had not been an option. So now being here it was nice, Misty really had missed the one on one time.

As Carson comes in for the kiss Misty wraps her arms around him her own hang finding the back on his head as she runs her fingers through his hair. It was moments like this, that made the long periods of not seeing him really worth it

When Carson pulls away to go back to the food so it didnt busy Misty lets out a groan not wanting to end there kiss yet.

"Mmmm...I think I could skip on food as long as I had your sweet kiss. Thats about the only thing I need to sustain me."

Sitting down on the bed Amanda lets out a tired sigh. She been so determined not to fall asleep last last many hours that she became so tired, she couldn't sleep. But now that she was winding down, they were safe and she felt the soft bed under her, she eyes just didnt say to stay open.

Taking off her sweat shirt to have just her tank top underneath is on she throws it on the floor next to the bed. She also places her cell on the night stand. Drawing the covers back on the bed she gets under them but doesn't lay down yet. Looking over at JT she gives a smile and a tired nod of her head.

"Your welcome. I know you would do the same for me if I asked. Friends don't leave friends stranded ya know. Everything is gonna be ok JT."

Finally laying down in the bed her head hits the pillow and she is almost instintly out, but before she falls into the dream world she manages to make one finally statement.

"I don't consider this a date ether, so you still owe me one."

Feeling Sparky's hand take her Faith gives a smile. Most people would think she was just smiling in reply to Cindy. Only Sparky new the secreat of what was going on under the table. Giving a gentil squeeze back Faith was happy.

Sparky was so soft, yet so strong at the same time. One could tell for those he cared about he would fight till the end for. Feeling safe was important to Faith and there was no doubt with Sparky she felt that.

Faith's own foot finds Sparky's again under the table but this time it was in a more soft natured manner. Gentily rubbing it with her own.

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