

Leaning her head into the crook of Sparky's neck and shoulder Faith rested her head soaking in his warm hug. It was so comfortable here with him, his arms wrapped around her. If given the chance she would surly fall asleep. Faith's emotions ran so deep, in a way it kind of scared her but she would not fear them. They were to inviting, and brought her so much joy.

Smiling up at Sparky as he finally helps her up Faith lets out a content sigh. She'd been worried, but what for? In Sparky's eyes she could see the feelings, the emotions, He really didnt care what the others said, and nether did she.

"I feel the same and more. Your different Tyler than any other person I ever met. and I love it."

Standing on her tip toes and leaning into Sparky again Faith brings her nose to his and rubs it back and forth for a brief moment they smile on her face so big one might think it was stuck that way. Backing away a few steps again she holds his hand.

"I guess I should get some sleep too. Its gonna be a long day at the Dr. tomorrow."

Bree can't help the laugh the escapes her lips at JT's comment about Gunner and the guards. Even thought a few tears still escaped her eyes Bree couldn't help the small smile the formed on her lips just thinking about Gunner with the guards.

"I....can see him doing that too."

Giving a sniff Bree shifts a little sitting up now. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face was red but she didn't care. Her uncle has seen her when she had just woken up before, what was the diffrance when she was crying? It didnt happen much so maybe she was a little embarrass but who cared.

Tilting her head back Bree looking to the moon for a long moment. Whispering her goodnight to it, maybe hoping it would float on the wind to where Gunner was.

"I....really think I love him."

It sounded strange to admit that out loud, love was a word Bree had almost never spoken. Something she thought was not  met for her to ever find. But that day, in the cafe when she had first met Gunner her whole world had changed. A few more tears falling from Bree's eyes the smile stays on her lips, though she was hut, though there was much pain now, she would see Gunner again.

"Why dont you try calling him? He might have his phone still."

Angelica gathers her paper work up moving it out of the way so it didnt get messed up. Placing it back into her briefcase Angelica looking up at David again and gives a smile.

"I always work late."

Giving a laugh and shaking her head it was true but funny when she admitted it. She did work a lot unless she Reese asked her out to dinner, or a movie. Maybe some ice cream wouldn't be so bad?

"Ice cream huh? I guess I can sacrifice a few hours for some ice cream. But than after is back to work...ok?"

Walking down the street black smuges were bore on Karla's face. Walking slowly down the road in her pajamas the smell of smoke still rolled off her.

The first had been unexpected no doubt someone fell asleep while smoking again. But in the old building it took nothing to go up in flames. She had a little money but not enough for anything, she was cold, and the tears were dried to her skin now.

Where she was going, Karla didn't know but when she found herself standing outside the large house she was a bit surprised. Kip's house...why...He was her best friend someone she could always talk to but would he be sleeping would the rest of his family be in bed? Karla didnt know but she didnt want to just knock on his from or unless.

Skinny enough to slip through the bars Karla makes her way slowly up the driveway. Strange enough there was no shadow by her side it was empty for the first time in quite a while.Making her way around the side of the house Karla finds the window she is looking for. Knowing where Kip's room was made it easy enough. Now to get his attachen. In a hushed horse whisper she calls.


Her voice wasn't as loud as she wanted, the emotions and tears holding her words back so her voice wasn't quite that loud as she wanted. Scanning the sidding She spots a pipe. Going over to it and pulling it was secure with nice bolts to put her feet on.

Starting to climb Karla makes it up to the top in record time. Crawling across the porch roof Karla finally makes it to Kips window. Just leaning against the wall for a moment Karla takes a deep breath trying to control her own emotions that were raging. She didnt know what she was going to do, but she had to talk to someone.

Giving a light rap on the window Karla looks in seeing the TV on, but not being able to see deeping into the room she couldn't tell if Kip was awake or not.

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