

With his arms still around her, Sparky chuckles and shakes his head at the horse. "Thanks a lot, Twilight."

His eyes move back to Faith and after a moment of simply studying her features, he pulls her close again for a strong hug. Just holding her warmly, he embraces her, wishing that life could be as simple as his feelings ran. He was falling in love with this woman - it didn't get any more complicated than that.

Drawing back, he moves his hands to tuck her hair behind her ears and leans his forehead down to rest against hers. "I thought this world didn't have any hope left... then God sent me an angel."

Sighing, Sparky knows that they couldn't stay here all night. He was tired and sore from a long day and sitting here in the straw with Faith was way too comfortable. But even if this growing relationship felt like a dream, they still lived in a real world where nights only lasted so long, and temperatures only stayed so warm.

He shifts his weight and lets go of Faith to stand then help her up. Brushing straw off of her and himself, he gives her forehead one last kiss. "You've given me something worth living for, Faith... I don't care what others say. 'Cause even if my heart winds up in pieces, it was worth this time with you. I only hope that... that you feel the same."

JT doesn't move or make Bree get up. He just holds her, rocks her and lets her cry. Though he felt like breaking down too, he forces himself to stay a strong shelter for her. He'd have plenty of time to break down later.

Rubbing her back, he croons softly to her, while silent prayers run through his mind to take all this pain away. It just wasn't fair... for a heart as pure as Bree's, to be tortured so.

Feeling her calming down and hearing her words, JT moves his head to look down into her eyes. "You don't need to thank me for anything," he responds quietly. "You're like my daughter, you know that... I couldn't just leave you there."

He kisses the top of her head and pulls her a little closer. "Gunner will be just fine. He's a fighter. If anyone can get out of this mess, it's him." He forces a smile. "Can you imagine the trouble he's giving the guards down there? He's probably already got them convinced he's a vampire that drinks rootbeer floats instead of blood."

Glancing up to the sky, JT points. "See that moon? Even if you can't find the right stars, what do you bet Gunner's looking at that same moon right now?"

David stares across at Angelica, once again his expression seeming not to fit the conversation, but something else that might be on his mind - one that made a smile appear just below the surface.

"Great - sounds like a good idea. The more we can dig up the better. Have your guy check it out. In the meantime I need to try and find JT to see if he got anything else that night. It'll be a while before anyone realizes I'm in town, so I'm safe for a few days."

Finishing the rest of his water, he pushes his plate aside a little. "So do you still work 'til the wee hours of the morning, or could I convince you to go get ice cream somewhere?"

"How's this?" Kip picks out the notes on his bass guitar, sending  the thumping rhythm through the upstairs of  the house.

Kyle and Erik nod. "I like it," Kyle confirms. "That should work better." Standing up from the chair, he stretches and yawns. "I'm hitting the hay, guys." The rest of the house was already asleep for the night. Wandering from Kip's room, only the two men are left.

Kyle passes his room and aim's for Alice's instead. Knocking on the door, he opens it just a crack. "Night you," he calls softly. "Don't forget we're doing breakfast tomorrow, just you and me."

"So..." Erik cocks his head at Kip. "Think this is gonna work?"

"I hope so." Kip nods. "Looking forward to showing our stuff. Can't no more than do our best I figure. Kyle seems pleased with how everything is going."

"Yeah, I think we sound good." Erik rises and aims for the door. "We got an early practice tomorrow... you better get some shuteye like the rest of us."

"Yeah, yeah." Kip waves him out the door, left on his bed to play around with his bass for a few more minutes before putting it on its stand. Stretching out on his bed, he stares up at the ceiling, his mind too full to sleep. Things had been going well with the band. They were getting closer and closer to being ready to perform and they sounded good. No one else would believe they could come together like this so well in such a short time, comparatively speaking.

Around the house, things were going well, too. The band was practicing here now instead of Theo's - it was just too cold in his garage now and his heaters weren't cutting it. A thick frost was forming on the grounds tonight... they were predicting snow in a couple days. The band was getting anxious to move forward, but after their first tryout had been postponed, they were now waiting for the phone call that would tell them when they could come perform.

Kip was enjoying seeing Karla around the house too. Whenever he got a chance, he'd wander around until he'd find where she was cleaning so he could sit and talk with her. Sometimes he'd make sure he ate lunch at the same time she did too so they could eat together. Erik's mom had told him that Karla was doing a great job and had even gone the extra mile by getting the mail or answering the phone a couple times when everyone else was busy. Kip was thrilled it was working out, glad that Karla could get some money so she could take care of herself.

Sighing, Kip rolls over, his light still on. It was getting late, but after all that had been going on, one more thing had still been added to the pot. His father. He'd shown up yesterday, drunk. Erik's dad had sent him away but not before Kip had seen him from a distance. It had put his stomach in knots and the phone call an hour later had just made it worse. Erik had told him not to take the call but he just...had to.

Giving a groan, Kip rolls over the other way and flips on his television. Maybe a B movie would put him to sleep.

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