
Like it Too

 Dispite the events of the morning the afternoon was better. Angel enjoyed shopping with Travis and getting him some of the stuff he needed. Angel enjoyed it and if he paid her back he did, if not she was ok with that too.

Sitting in the diner dinner was good and the light talk was nice as well. Seeing Travis smile if only small amounts at a time was better than nothing and it made her feel good. She liked seeing his smile, and it was the last she could do.

   "You are very welcome. I'm happy I was able to be there."

Sitting back in the seat Angel popped a tatter tot in her mouth thinking or a long moment just studying him. Giving a smile and a small nod she spoke again.

   "Ya know...I always wanted a son, but it was never in my cards. So it was really nice for me too to be able to take you around. So thank you as well, for letting me come along with you."

Leaning forward again and swirling the ice in her glass Angel watched it for a second before looking up again a small twinkle in her eye.  She'd seen him and Ashlee handing out and it made her smile. She needed friends and Travis needed them too.

   "I think that jacket you picked out looks really nice too. I bet Ashlee will like it as well."

Looking up at Travis she let the comment linger or a moment before continuing.

    "She needs friends, I'm happy you guys have connected."

Looking up at Garret Maggie nodded and tried to smile. She was happy to hear that he would be ok. She had been very worried. Though he might not be out of the woods, and was at least a little more confidant.

Hearing Garret say she was prettier when she smiled Maggie couldn't help that she cheeks went red. Looking away from him shyly. 

   "Ok, I'll to try and smile more."

Hearing about breakfast Maggie perked up and smiled again. She was always hungry so food always made her happy. Still holding Garret's hand she walks twords the house tugging on his hand.

   "Come on, lets go see what she made."


Travis just nodded numbly, knowing Angel was right about telling his dad. But it would have to wait until he was ready, and he had no idea when that would be. 

At the offer - or command - to go shopping, Travis threw Angel a quick look. Was she serious? He opened his mouth to argue, but clamped it shut again, and finally just nodded. A little smile actually surfaced as he buckled himself in again. "I do amazing at cleaning offices..."

He helped Angel navigate the town and they only had to stop at a couple different places so he could get some personal items, some new bedding of his own, and a new jacket since he'd forgotten to grab his on the way out the door. In the back of his mind, Travis knew he would want to pay back Angel somehow eventually, but for the moment, just to have her love on him felt...nice. It was so different than anything his mom had ever done with him. She actually made him feel good about himself, and after the earlier episode, it was just what he needed. 

Stopping at a little diner on the way out of town satisfied both their stomachs. Travis picked at the last few of his fries, dragging one through the ketchup before looking across at Angel. His eyes were close to normal again, and the mark on his face had settled somewhat. "Thank you," he mentioned quietly. "For...all this. Everything. I'm...really glad you came with me today." 

He bit off the end of the fry and chewed it slowly. "I... don't know what I would have done without your help."

Garret had always deemed himself intelligent and able to handle anything that came his way. But looking down into Maggie's fearful eyes, he felt completely inept.

He fiddled with her hand and shook his head, trying to give her a smile, but it didn't feel very wide. "I'm feeling better," he assured. Actually he was about ready to collapse, but he wouldn't tell her that. "And I'm certainty not going to die. Okay?"

He looked at her a little more sternly. "I want you to stop worrying about me, alright? I know it can be scary, but you're a lot prettier when you smile than when you frown."

Pausing, he glanced to the house. "I bet Laura has breakfast ready by now. Wanna go see?"

Dinner and Ice Cream

Looking at Travis while he spoke and pleaded with her Angel didn't think her heart could break anymore but it did, some how it did. She really hoped she would never see Amber because if she did...She didn't think to think about that. She just hoped she never did.

   "I wont tell him, I promise but I do think sooner or later you do need to. Even if he does blame himself, he needs to know. But I will leave that time up to you."

Thinking again for a long moment Angel was quiet just listing. Well if Travis hadn't been able to bring the stuff he needed, than Angel would have to fix that. Not to mention she didn't really want to go back back to the ranch. If they did Travis would probley hide himself away, than Lane would asked questions and they would have to dodge them. She didn't want to deal with that, and she wanted Travis to be ok first.

   "Alright so...lets head to the store and get you some more stuff you are going to need since all you could bring was clothing. Don't worry you can pay me back later, or I'll make you clean my office or something, and don't argue. I'm not very good at it so you will probable end up winning and I just..want to do this for you."

Starting up truck again Angel buckled her seat belt. She didn't know her way around here very well but this would be an adventure for both of them. Maybe something to take Travis' mind off everything, if only for a little while.

   "After that dinner, and ice cream...because I am starving at the moment."

Maggie was happy Garret was there to help and when they were finished she was still sad, but felt a little better knowing that even if the Bird had died they did something nice for it. Looking up at Garret for a moment she tried to smile a little before taking his free hand again in hers. She was quiet for a moment before speaking again.

   "You are not going to die are you? Are you feeling better now?"

Looking down again for a second she drew in a deep breath before continuing.

   "Whenever I get sick, there is always a chance I could die. My body cant fight as well as other peoples. It's really scary sometimes."


As Angel parked the truck, Travis didn't understand why, but didn't bother asking. He was too upset to care. Being pulled into a hug was the last thing he expected, and while a part of him felt too awkward for this, the rest of him simply melted into the love that was being offered. Curling into her embrace, he hid his face against her shoulder as he cried. 

He felt stupid, manipulated and ashamed. Ashamed that his mother was the type of person she was, ashamed that he had never had guts enough to end it, and ashamed now, to feel such a need for Angel's comfort. 

Time didn't seem to matter, but eventually Travis' tears were spent. Shrinking back a little, he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, his face slightly flushed from embarrassment as he stared at the floor. His hat had fallen off at some point, and he now played with it in his lap. "You can't tell Dad," he begged quietly. "If he knew..." He swallowed hard. "If he knew how long this had been going on, he'd...he'd blame himself." 

He finally looked up at Angel, his eyes swollen and bloodshot. "She didn't want me to take anything. Said she bought it all anyway...so I mostly just grabbed clothes. I...I can just tell Dad that's all I wanted." His gaze begged her to keep his secret. "Please...for his sake."

Garret followed Maggie over to the small tree and nodded. "Okay." He glanced around, then gestured back to the house. "You go get the bird...and I'll meet you back here." He patted her shoulder, then wandered to the tool shed where he'd been before when helping Nate fix the sprinkler. It was easy to find a little garden trowel. That's all he would need. 

Meeting Maggie back at the tree as promised, he knelt down and dug a small hole, but deep enough no neighborhood cats would come dig it up. He let Maggie place the bird in the hole, then had her help fill it back in, which took all of a minute or two, tops. 

Standing again, he fiddled with the trowel before looking over at her sad face again. He sighed, then took the edge of his shirt and wiped her face with it, to clean off the tears. "There... you'll be okay... I promise."

No words

Listing to Travis again Angel new already what had happened today but at his hint this wasn't the first time her heart broke into a million more pieces than it already was. How do anyone do this to a person, let alone there own child to abuse them, to physically hurt them. It made her blood boil more than it already was, and it put an anger in her very few had ever seen. She tried not to let it show though for Travis' sake. He was a good kids, with a good head on his shoulders and he hurt him simply because he didn't bend to her will, he didn't do what she wanted.

   "No one deserves to be treated that way Travis, I'm so sorry sweetheart."

 Angel didn't know what other words to say. She'd never dealt with something like this before but her heart ached. Glancing at him and seeing the tears that rolled down his cheek it ached even more. Pulling over into a parking lot Angel turned the truck off and looked at Travis for a moment before adjusting herself and leaning over to pull him into a hug. She just holded him letting him cry or whatever he needed into her shoulder. As she gently rubbed his back.

   "Shhh...It's going to be ok."

She didn't have words, but she did have her love and that was just as good as a million words if not better that could flow from her to him. She hardly new him but loved him so much and was so happy he would be at the ranch for a while. He needed to heal, not physically anymore to meantly,  and she couldn't think of a better place.

As Garret wraps his arms around Maggie she just sinks into them burying her face into his chest. She was sad, and all she could do was cry. Things just were not fair. She wasn't sure how long she just stood there wrapped in Garret's hug till finally she backed away. Wiping her eyes again she looked up at him.

    "I don't know. Maybe over here..by this tree."

Maggie walked a little ways to the back where a small tree maybe here size was panted. It wasn't fully grown, looked as though maybe it was only planted a year or two ago. 

   "I think this will be a good spot."

This time

Travis sank down further in the seat and rested his head against the window as Angel pulled away from the house. He was upset, hurt and embarrassed and would just as soon sink through the floor of the truck if he could. It was even worse that he couldn't hide the mark on his face.

As Angel asked him what happened, his determination to stay in control of his emotions started to weaken. With each passing second, the tears worked their way closer to the surface. And it was a long wait until he finally found his voice.

"She had a ring on this time," he managed. Before he could stop it, a tear broke loose and ran down his cheek. His jaw tightened so much in an effort to keep from crying that his teeth hurt.

He swallowed hard and shook his head. He knew his reference to "this time" implied it had happened before and he hadn't meant to give that much away. But now it was too late to take it back, and more words followed. "You'd think I'd learn not to defy her, after all these years of..." He couldn't finish it. Several more tears escaped, and he gingerly felt the side of his face, which stung when he touched it, which in turn produced more tears. But they didn't come from the physical pain. They came from his soul's pain.

"When I told her I was gonna stay at the ranch..." He sucked in his breath. "I just...I couldn't..." He shook his head again and gave up. Whether Angel could put his random pieces together or not, he couldn't talk any more. Not right now. Not when he couldn't speak without breaking down. 

Garret wanted to turn and walk away, and yet he couldn't leave either. Maggie's tears cut him to the quick whether he liked it or not, and he just wanted to fix it so it could go away. But like he'd already told her...he couldn't. 

Sighing, he stood back up again. "I don't like losing things I care about either," he admitted. Looking at her trembling hand in his own, and then back at her tear-filled eyes, he finally just couldn't stand it any longer. Pulling her close, he wrapped his arms around her and just let her cry into his chest. It was a completely foreign feeling, and yet natural all at the same time. His body wanted to pull away and get as far away from this as possible, but his heart somehow needed this as much as Maggie did.

 "Of course I'll help you bury it," he assured softly. "Just show me where."

Talk To Me

Angel didn't mind the long drive to take Travis. Though it was mostly quiet the whole was it was still nice. To just get away for a little bit was really nice as well as the new scenery. She got to know her nephew a little more too and she liked that.

Finally getting to Travis's moms house Angel  couldn't help that her mouth was hanging open just a little bit. What a big house, and it looked so nice. She couldn't imagen living in something so big, and she was happy with what she did have but the house was beautiful. 

   "No problem I'll wait here."

Angel didn't mind waiting till Travis gave the ok so when he came out with just a duffle bag and got into the car she was slightly confused. Surely he had more stuff than that. As he got into the truck though his words confirmed he was done and the tension in the air was so thick it felt like the air was such out of the truck altogether. Catching the mark on his face Angel didn't say anything but worry grew. This was not something from when he was abducted. This was fresh, and her blood boiled thinking happened. But she remained quiet pulling out of the driveway and heading home.

Getting down the road a little ways Angel just couldn't not ask. She was worried, sad and angry...she cared, and she couldn't ignore what she say.

   "Travis...what happened in there? Talking to me...please?"

   "But why...why do things have to die? This baby bird didn't even get a chance to live yet."

The tears still streamed down Maggie's cheeks. She new about death, But she still didn't like it and she wanted Garret to fix it, even if she new he couldn't. She was sad, she was hurt, she was angry. It just wasnt fair.

   "I just wanted to make it better, I wanted it to be able to live the life it was meant too, but now it can't. I don't like losing things I care about."

Maggie's hand trembled in Garret's her tears still streaming down her face. She was happy Garret was there with her. Even if she couldn't understand why he couldn't fix it at least her was there with her. Looking up at him with her big eyes she used her other hand to wiping some of the tears away. 

   "Will...you help be bury it?"

Giving a small smile to Jason Katie nods. Seeing Trooper would be nice. Stepping away from Jason she lets out a small sigh before making her way to his office and slips inside to say hi to her other big friend. He was always a pleasure to see Trooper and she was happy to have him in the office. It would give Katie and excuse to be alone than out on the main floor. 


Jason was glad Katie returned his hug. At least she hadn't refused and...maybe later he'd dwell on the fact that right or wrong, good or bad, it sure felt nice to have her in his arms again, even if only for a couple seconds. In that couple seconds, he was reminded of all the good times...all the times he'd held her. All the times he'd never wanted to let her go. But he had. More than once. And had paid for it.

As she stepped back, he rolled his eyes about Rick. "Yeah, you're prolly right. As far as going anywhere today, I have a feeling I'm going to be staying put. So you won't have to worry about that." He smirked a little, then finally turned to continue limping towards Reese's office. "Trooper's in my office," he mentioned over his shoulder. "If you wanted to go say hi."

Hearing Maggie's urgent voice, Garret looked up quickly. What on earth was going on? Without much choice as she took his hand to pull him along, he stepped off the porch and followed behind her until they'd come to the little shoe box. 

Bewilderment was plastered on his face. A box. A homemade nest. And a baby bird that appeared to be...dead? He wouldn't have guessed Maggie to be the sadistic type, but the scene made him wonder. Only for a moment though, as with her explanation it all started making more sense. But her question sent his mind reeling.

Looking down at her, he couldn't believe her request. There were some situations in which she appeared to be so mature and intelligent. And in the next instant, she was but a child with a child's understanding of the world. And in this case, that understanding had a very cruel outcome. He swallowed hard. Wasn't this something Nate should handle? He didn't know what to do. What should he say? And why couldn't he just tell her the way it was? Why did he care about those sorrowful eyes looking back up at him? Why did they make his heart feel like this? 

"I...can't," he answered softly. "When something dies, it..." Death. Such a final thing. How many lives had he, himself, ended without a second thought? This was just a bird. But it represented so much more. Life and death were never important to him. But to Maggie...this insignificant death was destroying her whole world. 

Taking a knee in front of her and keeping her hand in his, he looked up at her. Nate should be doing this, not him. But he was stuck. "When something dies, it doesn't come back," he explained as gently as he could without having had any practice. "There is no making it better. It's just...over." He glanced down at the bird, then back up at Maggie. "The only thing you can do is bury it and always remember it." 

All Lane could do was nod at his sister. He knew she'd take good care of Travis. He just wished he could be involved to help. Though Travis was at least speaking with him, it hurt that he wouldn't let him help. 

Travis nodded to Angel. "Okay. I'm good to go."

...It took a little more than an hour and a half, but driving through town, Travis directed Angel through the streets until coming into a very wealthy area. Trees, iron fences and sprawling estates. Most people would do anything to live in a place like this, but Travis never had been impressed.

"Right up here." He pointed to the next estate. The gate was open today - one less thing to worry about. The driveway was long and curved around to a very large brick house with a well-manicured lawn and hedges. The back was out of sight, but it held two flower gardens and a big in-ground swimming pool.

"Just park anywhere here," Travis directed. As they stopped, he looked up to the front door and sighed. "Um..." He glanced at Angel. "How about I go in first and just...tell Mom what's going on first. Then I'll start throwing things together and once I need your help bringing stuff out, I'll come get you." The last thing he wanted was a confrontation, and he wouldn't put anything past his mother. He didn't wait for a response - this was just the way it was going to be. After sliding from the truck, he went up to the house and tried the door, which was open, and slipped inside.

It wasn't nearly as long as it felt it should have been before the front door opened again. Fifteen minutes? Maybe twenty, tops. Travis came out with a single duffel bag slung over his shoulder and a baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. His stride was deliberate and fast until he got to the pickup and slid inside after throwing his bag in the back. He wouldn't look at Angel. "Let's go," he requested hoarsely. The atmosphere around him was so tense that it was almost visible. "I'm done."

He had nothing more than the one bag, and a very red mark on the side of his face, about the size of someone's hand, surrounding a fresh cut. 

Help Plz

As Jason stepped closer Katie was just a little surprised he wrapped his arms around her in a hug. But than she let herself relax and her arms went around him too returning the hug. It was warm, it was friendly, and it was just really nice. She'd missed these hugs from Jason. They were always different from other hugs even if it wasn't intended. 

   "Thanks J, that means a lot. I might end up taking you up on that. Not right now, but...maybe soon."

Just soaking up the warmth of Jason's hug moment catches Katie's sight as Rick pokes his head out of the intermarry. Giving a small chuckle before stepping away from Jason and nodding twords were Rick was.

   "The Hawk is watching. You better go tell Reese whats going on before he does. Might lesson the blow coming from you. I'll be here the rest of the day if you need to go anywhere later."

Coming around the back of the house Maggie stopped when she was Garret. She was on her way to get Laura but seeing Garret there was just as good. Tears stained her face, as her voice was strained with an urgency. 

   "Garret....I need your help please...follow me."

She waited for a moment to make sure Garret was ok and than took his hands to over around the side of the house. In a tiny shoe box was tissue, and leafs making up a nice bed. Inside was a baby bird, the bird was dead, but it looked like someone had been taking a great deal of care on it. 

   "This bird fell its nest up there, and I was trying to take care of it...and it died. Will you help me make it better now?"

Looking up from the table, and than between Lane and Travis Angel felt bad but new that it probley was best. Lane's ex wife hated him, and he loved her...it would save a lot of heart ache. Not to mention Travis had enough stress right now without that added too.

   "I'm ready now if you are. Than way we can get back before its to late."

Standing Angel gives a smile to him. She'd promised to drive him she would, and she wanted this to be the least stress possible for Travis. He had been through so much already. Placing a hand on her brother shoulder she tried her best to comfort him.

   "I'll take care of him, promise."

Strange feelings

Jason couldn't help the look of shock on his face. What on earth had happened last night? It had to have been after the little party because Katie had invited Hunter to pizza with them. "I..." What could he say? She looked stressed. Unhappy. Hurt. "I'm so sorry." He really did mean it. Even though he'd been jealous of Hunter in the beginning, all he wanted was for Katie to be happy. 

His hand started to reach for her, but he stopped. He had to be so careful. There were so many elements involved that nothing was ever simple anymore. He and Katie were just starting to be friends again. What if something he said or did was taken the wrong way? 

All that went through his mind within a split second, and in the next split second he inwardly rolled his eyes at himself. Bypassing all the awkwardness, he simply stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here, okay?"

Everything was a bit of a blur as Garret slept most of the day. Between Laura, Nate and Maggie, Garret was forced to eat and rest as much as he should. By that night, he was still achy and feverish, but at least hadn't worsened...

...It was early morning when Garret awoke, totally drenched in sweat. His fever had finally broken. Able to think much more clearly, and not aching nearly as much, he got himself up out of bed, found his only other set of clothes, and aimed for the shower. He wasn't sure when running water had felt so good. Once finished, he was quite tired, still weak from being sick, but at least he could tell he'd survived the worst of it.

Terribly thirsty, he padded down the hallway in search of some water from the kitchen. He hadn't realized that while he'd been showering, Laura had risen as well.

Standing at the stove, ready to fix a good breakfast for everyone, she looked up to see Garret in the doorway. Giving a start, she couldn't stop the gasp that escaped before her hand went to her mouth.

Garret simply stopped, folded his arms and leaned on the door frame. He shouldn't care about this, and he didn't even know why he did. But it bothered him that Laura was so skittish all of a sudden. And he wanted to know why.

"Good morning," Laura finally greeted, forcing herself to smile. "You look a hundred times better. How do you feel?"

Garret ignored the question. "What did I do?"

"What do you mean?" Laura looked back to the stove as her heart rate picked up. Why hadn't she woken Nate up sooner?

Garret cocked his head and didn't move. "I know most people wouldn't like me if they knew all I'd done, and I know you've been leery from the start - as you should be - but...you weren't this scared of me a few days ago, and I want to know what happened."

Laura hunted in the fridge for some cheese for omelets, refusing to look at him."Nothing. It's just your imagination."

Garret finally came in closer. "I don't have an imagination." He stepped towards the stove, only to have Laura back away.

"Just...drop it," she begged.

The fear in her eye made Garret's heart sink. A new sensation. One that he didn't like. He held up his hands and retreated a step. "What did I do?" His voice had grown quieter. "I know something happened but Nate wouldn't tell me."

Laura's hands started to tremble, and she took a deep breath, finally looking up at Garret. "I startled you and you took me to the floor."

Garret blinked. A vague memory came to mind. "I... Nate said I didn't hurt you. That true?"

"Yes." Laura stood straighter, swallowing her fear. "You didn't hurt me. You just triggered some very bad memories."

"I don't understand."

"Look..." There was no point in trying to be delicate with someone like him. "I was assaulted. When Nate and I were just dating. It wasn't good. The guy went to prison, and I was okay, but when you had me pinned, I...all I could see was..." And that was it. Her voice cracked and she turned to the sink, wishing she could have just held off a few seconds longer.

Garret suddenly felt a very strange sort of helplessness, which he liked even worse than everything else he was feeling. He was quiet until he finally found his voice. "I'm... I'm sorry." 

Laura's tear-filled gaze snapped up at him. Had he really just apologized? "It's not your fault," she whispered. "You didn't know what you were doing. Please don't think it's you I'm scared of."

He shook his head. He understood. But what to do about it was something else altogether. When she focused on breakfast again, he turned to leave, his thirst forgotten. 

Laura glanced up again only to find that she was suddenly alone. She hadn't even heard him leave. Sniffing, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She couldn't let Maggie or Nate see her like this, this early in the morning. It was supposed to be a good day.

Garret slowly made his way to the back of the house where he went out on the porch and just sat on one of the steps. He didn't understand any of this. He didn't understand these feelings he had. He didn't understand these people. He didn't understand why he was even here. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head to the side against the wood railing. 

Travis wandered from Angel's office, knowing that soon he'd be finding a different living arrangement. He wasn't sure what that meant. There were a few empty bunkhouses yet. Would he be allowed one himself? Would he have to share something with his dad? 

He sighed. Several more days had passed since he had told his dad that he would be going to his mother's to pick up his things - his dad had not been happy. Not that Travis would be staying - he was thrilled about that - but that Travis didn't want him along to help. Travis had insisted though. He wanted Angel to go with him, not his dad, and for good reason. There was no point in making it any messier than it already would be. His mother didn't know he was coming...another necessity. This day couldn't pass fast enough. 

Once at the main house, Travis looked around for Angel. He'd skipped breakfast...his stomach was in knots. He was looking much better otherwise, though. His face was still a bit purple in places, but he was moving even better, and Angel had said he could start doing more things as long as he was careful. As far as his stress level went though, it wasn't fun. But today was the day.

Spotting Angel sitting with Luke and his dad, he wandered over. Halfway there, he saw Ashlee at her regular spot too though, and gave her a wave. He'd told her that he'd be going to get his things today then coming back. She'd seemed to like that idea which...pleased Travis, too. 

Getting to Angel's table, he gave her a nod. "No rush. I'm just ready whenever you are."

Lane looked up at his son with worry. "You sure you don't want me along?"

"And start another world war?" Travis shook his head. "Nope."


Katie can't help the small chuckle that escape her lips at Jason's comment. Even in a sour state she still had a sense of humor. She wasn't sure sure about the padded room though. Even there she was sure Jason would find a way to get hurt. It was his talent. 

   "That don't make sense. Why just hit your leg when the rest of you is wide open. I mean, I'm happy they only got your leg but what are they playing at with this?"

It really didn't make sense and she wondered if it was something they should run by Garret when he was up and well again. It could just be the Agency being the Agency but still it didn't sit right with her.

Being pulled from her thoughts Katie looked up at Jason again hearing his question. Should she tell him? Should she not? Even if she didn't he would know she was lying, and she just couldn't do that. He didn't deserve that at all.

   "I'm...here. Rough night after I dropped you off. Hunter and I...broke up."

Looking down again Katie wasn't so sure she was ready to go into it all right now. It was still fresh and it still hurt. Not to mention Jason had been the reason and she didn't want him feeling badly.

    "I'll be ok, I just have a lot of stuff I need to work through thats all."


Left alone again, Con went to his chair in the living room to just sit a while. He missed seeing Katie all the time... And Jason...Gunner... Dalton... everyone. Even though he fought the idea of going back, it had felt good to have Katie ask him. Reese had yet to ask again. But Con also knew that depending on the FBI, there might not be any Elite to go back to. If there was though...was he ready for that?

Jason halted his route and glanced down at Katie with a rather perturbed look. Not at her, but at the situation. "I dunno. Lock me in a padded room?"

He sighed and folded his arms. Katie looked...tense. She'd come in a little late...maybe she just overslept. No...there was more. She'd been crying at some point. But did she really want him asking about it? He stayed in the subject at hand.

"Stopped for gas this morning. Wyatt had his eyes out and everything. No warning, just got me in the lower leg. Flesh wound. Nothing major, just bled a bit." Actually, it hurt like mad, and he was doing well to just be standing here, let alone walking on it against Rick's advice. "Twice now, whoever it is has missed a good target, and that just doesn't add up. I wasn't even moving this time. I don't get it, but now I gotta go tell Reese what happened before he hears it from Rick."

He started forward again, but then stopped and glanced back. Nope, he couldn't ignore it. "You doing alright?"

Right Things

Hearing what Con said about Jason she couldn't help but look up at him surprised. Jason was really that miserable without her? That was hard to believe but Con wouldn't lie to her and she new that. It was still hard for her to swallow.

Taking the last sip of her coffee Katie puts the cup down and continues to listen to what Con said. Running her finger along the top she just though. Was she ready to go back to that? Did she want to? No matter how much she blamed herself at the moment Con brought into light that Jason had done a lot too. So where would her road lead?

   "You just always know the right things to say dont you?"

Katie tried to smile as she looked at Con. He was always the best, and she had missed having him around. Just wasn't the same. He listened to anyone and always had good advice. Jamie was so lucky.

   "I guess I have some thinking to do. Thank you Con for listing, I might possibly be back for some more advice."

Helping Con clean up the coffee cups and exchanging some hugs Katie new she had to get into work. With the FBI looming around she couldn't be to late least they thing she was up to something. She'd also shared with Con how much she missed him, and would like him to come back to the Elite, but hadn't lingered on that long. It was his choice and she new that. She just wanted to add her own two cents in there about it.

Getting back to work and sitting at her cubicle Katie went over some paper work that she had waiting for her. Though she had talked with Con this morning and it had been a good talk she was still feeling rather down. She was faced with new questions, new options, and new things to think about. This was going to take some time.

Glancing up and seeing Jason limping his way to Reese office the hair on her neck bristled. He had a blood stain on his pants. What had happened from when she left him yesterday, to here and now. She was ok obviously, but still, he had a target on his back and she didn't like it. Standing Katie makes her way over to him slowly. She couldn't just avoide him at work, not when it was clear he had been shot.

   "I leave you alone for a few hours and you go get yourself shot? Boy..what are you going to do with you."


Con wasn't surprised in the least about Katie's response. Maybe it wasn't obvious to everyone, but to Con it was - the love between those two had simply never stopped.

He was quiet though, just studying Katie for several moments, letting his thoughts form before speaking. Slowly, he nodded. "That's what I thought." He offered her another small smile. She would always be his little sister, and he cared.

"In answer to your question, and you didn't hear this from me, Jason has been miserable without you. I think, just like you, he blames himself for a lot. So, that said, I have my doubts it would be too difficult for you to find yourself back in his life again."

Con finished his coffee and set the cup aside to fold his hands. "But...is that really what you want?" He had to be honest with her. "Maybe when you two split this last time, a lot of it was you. He didn't want to break up at all - told me so himself. But...looking back...how many times did he let you down? Emotionally, I mean."

He cocked his head. "Jason is one of my best friends and I love him to death. But I've also seen his pattern. You've recognized your pattern and you want to change - and I'm really proud of you. But has Jason seen his? How many times did he lock you out? Need you, but wouldn't share his heart with you? Want you, but not your connection?" He paused to let it sink in. "If you go back to him, is it just going to be the same old story?"

Taking a napkin, he wiped up a spot of coffee he just noticed he'd spilled. "I'm not trying to persuade you not to go back to him. I just want to make sure you weigh all the consequences first. Love is a hard thing to get rid of once it's taken hold. So you have to decide...are you willing to risk your heart on Jason yet another time? If the answer is yes, then by all means, go to him - just be willing to fight when he puts up those walls. If the answer is no, then you need to let him go - for good - and give Hunter a chance because I think he'll treat you right. You just can't do that and still love Jason, as you've found out."

Another pause. "And.. if you don't know which route to take, don't move. It's okay to sit at the crossroads until you make a decision. I wouldn't wait too long, since life does change quickly. But you do need to be absolutely sure what you want...and what you think God approves of too. Don't forget to add Him to the equation, because He knows exactly which path you should take."


Listing to Con Katie was happy to have come here before work. She'd missed talked to Con, he was always full of good information and always offered what he could. He was a good friend and Katie was happy she'd had the pleasure of meeting him.

   "I know you are right about being let down too, I just...I guess its hard to see that."

It was hard to see that, to see past the pain she felt now, she felt very little of herself at the moment and it was just hard to see it any other way. Thankfully Con was there to help, and thats what she needed right now.

Taking a tissue and blowing her nose along with wiping her eyes Katie sat the tissue down and held her cup of coffee. It was warm today, but she felt cold. The coffee helped shake that slight feeling. Hearing Con's words Katie looks up at him for a long moment before looking down. It was a question Con already new the answer too but maybe she needed to admit it to herself too.

   "I always have, never stopped. But no matter what anyways says...that's over. I messed it up royal with him, and...how could he ever want to take me back?"  

Do you?

Katie's visit was a surprise, and Con could tell immediately that something was wrong. He let her take it at her own pace though, just making sure he caught everything she said. Hearing about what happened last night, then her regrets from past mistakes too, he sighed. He'd seen most of those happen. He remembered. Mostly from Jason's perspective, but he remembered. 

Taking a slow sip of coffee, Con thought quietly for a few moments. He reached behind him to the counter and grabbed a box of tissues, sliding it over to Katie with a little smile. He then sighed and shook his head. "I wish I had an answer for you....but this is an issue of the heart, where black and white tend to melt together. I'd say you have a lot to figure out, but it looks to me like you've already got a pretty good handle on part of the problem." She had hurt a lot of feelings through the last few years alone. Unintentionally, but she had, and there was no denying it. The fact that she saw that now though, was a big step in itself.

Con cocked his head. "On the flip side...you've been let down more than once, too." How many times had Jason let her down? Called it quits? Maybe not this last time, but he'd been engaged once himself to another woman. 

He pursed his lips as his expression turned grim. His words were still gentle though. "Do you still love Jason?"


Adison looks to Kirk and gave a little smile before a small nod. She didn't want to go back to work, not yet. They would just have to make due without her for now. She'd catch up on work later.

   "Coffee sounds really good. If we sit here to much we might be spotted slacking off."

She tried a little humor for Kirk's sake even though she didn't feel much like it. But its all she could do. Things could be worse....right?

Heading into the work it wasn't work that Katie first headed too. She had made a detour and was not stopped outside of Con and Jamie's house. She just didn't feel like going to work right away. So many feelings still swirled inside of her, Sleep was not something she found easy last night and this morning it didn't help her mood much.

Getting out of her car and heading to the door Katie knocked and waiting. As Con opened the door Katie tried to smile but she new Con would see something was wrong. He was good like that and she just needed someone right now who would listen to her.

   "Hey Tank, you have time to talk?"

Being invited in and sitting at the table Katie was thankful for the coffee Con offered her. Quiet for a second Katie finally just opened up and spilled everything going on. Some stuff she new he new already but it just call came from. Form messing things up with Jason, to every guy she had dated, to Hunter and what had happened. Alone with the long story also came tears. Her heart was breaking, and her emotions were all over the place. 

   "So...I'm pretty dumb and I cant believe how many people I have hurt without even meaning too. I guess its a big bullet to bite and it just all kind of hit me last night when I was sitting with Hunter. I'm feeling pretty crappy about myself at the moment and I dont even know what to do."

Another hit

Kirk shook his head. "Not exactly. I'll be...around some still for the next two or three weeks, although all my current cases will be assigned to someone else." It really was all he could say at this point. 

He set a hand on her shoulder and gave it a little squeeze. "Don't worry. I won't just disappear overnight. I'll let you know when for sure I'll be leaving the department and... I may need to talk over a few things with you as well."

He glanced up at the late morning sky and sighed. "How about some coffee? My treat."

Hunter rolled over and blinked in the morning light. Something felt...off. He tried to get his  bearings. Why was he on the couch instead of in bed? He put a hand to his aching head. Oh yeah... he'd hit the bottle. Oh yeah...Katie had been here.

Katie. He sat up slowly and glanced around. He had no idea when she'd left. He'd been tipsy last night for sure, and now thoroughly regretted it. But he hadn't been drunk enough not to remember what had happened. And as the memories came back, so did the pain. 

Jason slid off the infirmary table and gingerly got dressed, but swatted away Rick's hand as he tried to help. "I can dress myself."

Rick smirked. "Fine. Do it all yourself like you always do. Don't thank me for bandaging you up - again - or anything."

Jason  tucked in his shirt. "Thank you. But I'm fine now."

"You really should stay off that leg today."

"I will, depending on the workload." He finally went to leave, but Rick stopped him.

"You sure you're okay, Hotshot?"

Jason paused and looked over his shoulder. "Would you be okay if you had an assassin with your name on his bullets?" Leaving, he limped back towards his own office.

Another single shot. This time when he'd stopped for gas. Another non-fatal but painful wound, this time in the leg. It hadn't been Wyatt's fault - even trained eyes couldn't catch everything. But being a target was wearing on Jason.