
Strange feelings

Jason couldn't help the look of shock on his face. What on earth had happened last night? It had to have been after the little party because Katie had invited Hunter to pizza with them. "I..." What could he say? She looked stressed. Unhappy. Hurt. "I'm so sorry." He really did mean it. Even though he'd been jealous of Hunter in the beginning, all he wanted was for Katie to be happy. 

His hand started to reach for her, but he stopped. He had to be so careful. There were so many elements involved that nothing was ever simple anymore. He and Katie were just starting to be friends again. What if something he said or did was taken the wrong way? 

All that went through his mind within a split second, and in the next split second he inwardly rolled his eyes at himself. Bypassing all the awkwardness, he simply stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here, okay?"

Everything was a bit of a blur as Garret slept most of the day. Between Laura, Nate and Maggie, Garret was forced to eat and rest as much as he should. By that night, he was still achy and feverish, but at least hadn't worsened...

...It was early morning when Garret awoke, totally drenched in sweat. His fever had finally broken. Able to think much more clearly, and not aching nearly as much, he got himself up out of bed, found his only other set of clothes, and aimed for the shower. He wasn't sure when running water had felt so good. Once finished, he was quite tired, still weak from being sick, but at least he could tell he'd survived the worst of it.

Terribly thirsty, he padded down the hallway in search of some water from the kitchen. He hadn't realized that while he'd been showering, Laura had risen as well.

Standing at the stove, ready to fix a good breakfast for everyone, she looked up to see Garret in the doorway. Giving a start, she couldn't stop the gasp that escaped before her hand went to her mouth.

Garret simply stopped, folded his arms and leaned on the door frame. He shouldn't care about this, and he didn't even know why he did. But it bothered him that Laura was so skittish all of a sudden. And he wanted to know why.

"Good morning," Laura finally greeted, forcing herself to smile. "You look a hundred times better. How do you feel?"

Garret ignored the question. "What did I do?"

"What do you mean?" Laura looked back to the stove as her heart rate picked up. Why hadn't she woken Nate up sooner?

Garret cocked his head and didn't move. "I know most people wouldn't like me if they knew all I'd done, and I know you've been leery from the start - as you should be - but...you weren't this scared of me a few days ago, and I want to know what happened."

Laura hunted in the fridge for some cheese for omelets, refusing to look at him."Nothing. It's just your imagination."

Garret finally came in closer. "I don't have an imagination." He stepped towards the stove, only to have Laura back away.

"Just...drop it," she begged.

The fear in her eye made Garret's heart sink. A new sensation. One that he didn't like. He held up his hands and retreated a step. "What did I do?" His voice had grown quieter. "I know something happened but Nate wouldn't tell me."

Laura's hands started to tremble, and she took a deep breath, finally looking up at Garret. "I startled you and you took me to the floor."

Garret blinked. A vague memory came to mind. "I... Nate said I didn't hurt you. That true?"

"Yes." Laura stood straighter, swallowing her fear. "You didn't hurt me. You just triggered some very bad memories."

"I don't understand."

"Look..." There was no point in trying to be delicate with someone like him. "I was assaulted. When Nate and I were just dating. It wasn't good. The guy went to prison, and I was okay, but when you had me pinned, I...all I could see was..." And that was it. Her voice cracked and she turned to the sink, wishing she could have just held off a few seconds longer.

Garret suddenly felt a very strange sort of helplessness, which he liked even worse than everything else he was feeling. He was quiet until he finally found his voice. "I'm... I'm sorry." 

Laura's tear-filled gaze snapped up at him. Had he really just apologized? "It's not your fault," she whispered. "You didn't know what you were doing. Please don't think it's you I'm scared of."

He shook his head. He understood. But what to do about it was something else altogether. When she focused on breakfast again, he turned to leave, his thirst forgotten. 

Laura glanced up again only to find that she was suddenly alone. She hadn't even heard him leave. Sniffing, she wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She couldn't let Maggie or Nate see her like this, this early in the morning. It was supposed to be a good day.

Garret slowly made his way to the back of the house where he went out on the porch and just sat on one of the steps. He didn't understand any of this. He didn't understand these feelings he had. He didn't understand these people. He didn't understand why he was even here. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head to the side against the wood railing. 

Travis wandered from Angel's office, knowing that soon he'd be finding a different living arrangement. He wasn't sure what that meant. There were a few empty bunkhouses yet. Would he be allowed one himself? Would he have to share something with his dad? 

He sighed. Several more days had passed since he had told his dad that he would be going to his mother's to pick up his things - his dad had not been happy. Not that Travis would be staying - he was thrilled about that - but that Travis didn't want him along to help. Travis had insisted though. He wanted Angel to go with him, not his dad, and for good reason. There was no point in making it any messier than it already would be. His mother didn't know he was coming...another necessity. This day couldn't pass fast enough. 

Once at the main house, Travis looked around for Angel. He'd skipped breakfast...his stomach was in knots. He was looking much better otherwise, though. His face was still a bit purple in places, but he was moving even better, and Angel had said he could start doing more things as long as he was careful. As far as his stress level went though, it wasn't fun. But today was the day.

Spotting Angel sitting with Luke and his dad, he wandered over. Halfway there, he saw Ashlee at her regular spot too though, and gave her a wave. He'd told her that he'd be going to get his things today then coming back. She'd seemed to like that idea which...pleased Travis, too. 

Getting to Angel's table, he gave her a nod. "No rush. I'm just ready whenever you are."

Lane looked up at his son with worry. "You sure you don't want me along?"

"And start another world war?" Travis shook his head. "Nope."

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