
Jason Stevenson

Garret stood back and wiped his hands on a rag. His jeans and t-shirt were still a little damp, but for the most part, he had dried off. His hands felt good to get a little dirt on them, and spending a few hours in the sunshine felt even better. 

He gave Nate a sidelong glance as he counted down, and waited until the sprinkler started...correctly. A little smile creased his lips as he watched the water droplets arc through the air. No gunshots. No running. No orders. Just a simple task completed successfully. This...strange feeling...there was an oddly peaceful sense about it. 

"Well...looks like you'll have a happy wife again." His eyes moved to the window where Laura was watching and appeared to be laughing. That happiness...that's what he wanted. Why did some people get that and some people not?

He leaned down to pick up a few leftover tools before turning his attention back to Nate. "Thanks...for getting me out in some fresh air. I, um... I appreciate it."

"Jason Stevenson." Medridge stood at the large window in his office, looking over the estate. Though the sun shone down over the perfectly manicured lawn and rose garden, the atmosphere felt as though they were surrounded by storm clouds. News of Garret's death had spread quickly and there were few who were not angered. Everyone knew he was being groomed for leadership, and respect for him was widespread. But no one was as angry as Medridge himself.

"Sir?" Agent Mathis stood just inside the office, hands clasped behind his back. He'd been called in from his post in Canada as soon as Garret was gone, and he knew he was as close as next in line as he could be to this high position. 

Medridge kept his back to him. "Stevenson. That's our target. He's the one we take in exchange for Garret's life."

Mathis pursed his lips in thought. "Wouldn't...someone in higher position be better? Like Mike Reese himself?"

"To take off the head would kill the snake. I like the snake. The snake provides a challenging puzzle. No...no I prefer to see the snake suffer. Squirm. Jason Stevenson is an important player - he always has been." 

Mathis shrugged. "Okay. Who do you want to do the job and when?"

"You. As soon as possible. But don't kill him."


"Don't kill him." Medridge's tone was firm as he continued to scan the estate. "Shoot him. Leg. Arm. Hand. I don't care. And when you see him again...shoot him again. And when you see him after that...shoot him again."

Mathis blinked. "For...how long?"

"Until I tell you to stop."

Medridge finally turned around and leaned on his cane as he walked back to his desk. "Here." He held out a file folder. "In here are all the specs you'll need to find him. Study his patterns - he's an easy target."

Eli wasn't sure, but he thought maybe just a small bit of bounce had returned to his sister's step, and he was glad. He couldn't express how badly he wanted her to get back to her old self.

Feeling the pat to his leg, he pulled forward and away from the park, giving Justin a wave before speeding up down the street. He took a little longer route home, just for the fun of it, before dropping off Ryan, then heading to the coffee shop. 

Not seeing Scarlet's bike or car, he went ahead and parked and headed inside to grab a small corner table. Taking off his leather jacket, he hung it on the back of his chair and sat back to wait. All he could hope for now was that Scarlet would believe and forgive him.


Looking over her shoulder and seeing Eli can give a small smile and waves before looking back to Justin. Even if she didn't say it she really did feel better after there little time together. She may not be confidante, and she might have a lot of feelings running around still but at least this was a start and she could feel the difference.

   "Ok, I'll see you Saturday and we can go from there."

Turning Ryan sticks her hands in her jacket pocket and makes her way to Eli. She hated having her brother cart her around everywhere, but at least today it was on the bike. It made it a little more fun.

   "Get to ride in style today huh?"

Putting the helmet Ryan buckles it and swings her legs over the bike wrapping her arms around Eli. Giving him an extra squeeze she pats his leg to let him know she was ready. How she loved Eli and was so thankful that he was her brother.

   "Well...sometimes they dont work at all...and than sometimes they work to well. I think it might have to do with the pressure thats coming out of the hose, and I think the sprinkler heads need to be cleaned as well."

Grabbing a few other tools they would need Nate sets them by the shed door before turnging around and grabbing a bucket to make the cleaning solution they would need. 

...The minutes seemed to past quickly and before Nate new it 2 hours had gone by. The heads to the sprinklers were cleaned, a few things tightened, and both of them were almost dry from a mishap. It had been fun though and Nate couldn't help but notice a few tightly held smerks by Garret.

   "Alright, here comes the true test if they are working now or not."

Giving a nod to Garret Nate takes a step back and puts a hand over his cup that had iced tea in it. He hoped this would be the last of it and they would work. If not...he'd admit defeat to his wife, and move on to the next task. Either was though he felt good about Garret being there, and just getting out.



Justin nodded, with a smile. "Of course you can get back to me. Think about it. I really just want to make this as comfortable for you as I can. I know it feels awkward and unnatural, but that's normal. The main thing is that you keep the goal of being healthy again and work towards that. Without your help, my job would be impossible."

A motorcycle engine brought their conversation to a halt, and Justin glanced over his shoulder and grinned. "Looks like your brother decided to pick you up on his bike."

Parking a short distance away, Eli cut the engine and waved, leaving his helmet on. He'd brought Ryan in the car, but thought the bike would be fun and maybe make Ryan smile. He reached around and unhooked the extra helmet and held it up so she could see he'd come prepared. And, as soon as she was back home, he was meeting Scarlet at the coffee shop. She was back in town, and he had a lot of talking to do. 

Laura snuggled into Nate's hug and returned his kiss, even though it was short-lived. She couldn't help her smile and chuckle as she shook her head. "Yeah, you boys have fun. As long as I don't get sprayed randomly when I walk out to hang up laundry, I'm happy!" she hollered after him. He certainly seemed to be in a good mood, for having to do this task along with keeping an eye on the new Elite resident. But as long as he was smiling, she was smiling.

She moved to the cupboard and retrieved a pitcher. She'd make a batch of lemonade just in case the men got thirsty.

Garret found his way around to the backyard and waited for Nate as he just looked around. He'd been in neighborhoods like this before. It was nothing new. He'd traveled the world over. But without being on a mission...it felt...empty. His neck wasn't on the line. He had no weapons on him, which just felt wrong. There would be no report. No danger even. And...it felt completely unnatural. 

So lost in thought, Nate startled him as he came out - something else that was not the norm, and bothered Garret. He said nothing though, and just followed to the shed. Glancing around at all the tools, it reminded him of a smaller version of the supply bunker at the estate...without the guns. 

He fingered a hammer...some screwdrivers...and picked up a pair of pliers. There might be no guns, but this shed was filled to the brim with weapons...and Nate didn't mind he was there? He really trusted him not to get violent?

"I don't mind getting dirty." He tossed Nate the pliers, having a feeling they need them. "Or wet." He picked up a couple standard sized wrenches. "Anything's better than being cooped up all day. I've spent enough time in solitary confinement." It was true - he'd lost track of how many times he'd been punished by being locked in a dark cell with no window and no contact for days or even weeks. The last time had been years ago now - eventually as he moved up in rank, he dished out punishment more than being on the receiving end, but the memories were embedded in his mind forever. At the time...he'd felt like he'd deserved the treatment. It had made him harder. Stronger. But now...it was like looking back on a nightmare.

A clanking tool jumped him back to reality, and he looked over the wrenches. "So what's the issue? Just the sprinkler heads not working or what?"

Eric's eyes widened slightly before a sheepish grin emerged and he scratched his head. "Yeah...yeah, glad I got time to prepare for that."

"Oh, there's no preparing," Mick answered dryly, giving Rosetta a teasing glance. "It's kind of like war. You can train all you want, but once you're on the front line, you're still running for your life." He held up am arm just in case Rosetta decided to whack him.

Eric laughed and shook his head. "Thanks. Thanks a lot." This was going to be a long road, and he knew it. But he had to believe it would get better. That he'd adjust. That he could really do this. It felt impossible. But around here...that just wasn't a word.


Getting to the house Nate pulls into the driveway. He was happy to be out of work and to be doing something else. Honestly though He was kind of excited Garret was with him too. Just watching him as he stepped out of the car into the sun spoke a thousand words. Noding to the side of the house where there was a little gate Nate gave a smile.

   "Thanks. If you want to go around the side there it will lead to the back yard. No dogs or anything to worry about. I'm just going to let Laura know we are home, and I'll be right there."

Letting Garret to figure out the rest Nate makes his way up the steps and inside the house. Finding Laura he gives a smile before taking her in his arms and giving her a kiss. No many days they had been married, no matter how many years he loved coming home to her and he'd never let that fade.

   "Heya! I just wanted to let you know we were here and will be out back if you need me. Now I'm not making any promises about this getting fixed but I'll make a solid effort to get it working right."

Nate couldn't help the sheepish grin he had as he let go of Laura and make his way to the back door. Stepping out again Nate looks around for a second before calling to Garret.

   "Well I guess our first step is searching through the shed for tools. After that I'm just kind of winging it and seeing what happens. I hope your ready to get wet, and possible dirty."

Rosetta can't help but laugh at Eric's comment. He didn't have one girl, but two girls he was going to have on his hands. She could only imagen the fun this was going to be.

   "I am sure we call all help with pointers. Just be lucky they are babys still. You dont have to worry about hormones yet."

Listing to everything Justin said did make sense to her. Though everything with Tal still hurt, and she wished she could argue about she hadn't even realized she loved Alec still she new there was no point. It was to late to explain to Tal now about anything.

   "I understand where you are coming from and I guess I see how Tal might feel. I guess there was just a lot unsaid, or assumed."

Looking down at the paper Justin gave to her Ryan studied it for a long moment. Reaching out to take the pen from Justin Ryan wrote down on the let go side "blaim" and on the keep she wrote down "family". Glancing up at Justin a little bit of question was in Ryan's eyes.

   "Like this?"

Setting the pen down again and slidding it back to Justin Ryan takes the paper and folds it before putting it into her pocket. She'd consider going back to work she just wasn't sure if she was ready. Would everyone walk on eggshells around her? Would they stair and whisper? Ryan didn't know if she was ready to face that.

   "Saturday...yeah I think my day is free."

Ryan rolled her eyes at her lame attempt of humor. She use to be good at that and now...it was just lame. Looking around again she wondered if Eli was near by. He'd driven her, and she was sure he would drive her again.

   "Can I get back to you on where?"