
Jason Stevenson

Garret stood back and wiped his hands on a rag. His jeans and t-shirt were still a little damp, but for the most part, he had dried off. His hands felt good to get a little dirt on them, and spending a few hours in the sunshine felt even better. 

He gave Nate a sidelong glance as he counted down, and waited until the sprinkler started...correctly. A little smile creased his lips as he watched the water droplets arc through the air. No gunshots. No running. No orders. Just a simple task completed successfully. This...strange feeling...there was an oddly peaceful sense about it. 

"Well...looks like you'll have a happy wife again." His eyes moved to the window where Laura was watching and appeared to be laughing. That happiness...that's what he wanted. Why did some people get that and some people not?

He leaned down to pick up a few leftover tools before turning his attention back to Nate. "Thanks...for getting me out in some fresh air. I, um... I appreciate it."

"Jason Stevenson." Medridge stood at the large window in his office, looking over the estate. Though the sun shone down over the perfectly manicured lawn and rose garden, the atmosphere felt as though they were surrounded by storm clouds. News of Garret's death had spread quickly and there were few who were not angered. Everyone knew he was being groomed for leadership, and respect for him was widespread. But no one was as angry as Medridge himself.

"Sir?" Agent Mathis stood just inside the office, hands clasped behind his back. He'd been called in from his post in Canada as soon as Garret was gone, and he knew he was as close as next in line as he could be to this high position. 

Medridge kept his back to him. "Stevenson. That's our target. He's the one we take in exchange for Garret's life."

Mathis pursed his lips in thought. "Wouldn't...someone in higher position be better? Like Mike Reese himself?"

"To take off the head would kill the snake. I like the snake. The snake provides a challenging puzzle. No...no I prefer to see the snake suffer. Squirm. Jason Stevenson is an important player - he always has been." 

Mathis shrugged. "Okay. Who do you want to do the job and when?"

"You. As soon as possible. But don't kill him."


"Don't kill him." Medridge's tone was firm as he continued to scan the estate. "Shoot him. Leg. Arm. Hand. I don't care. And when you see him again...shoot him again. And when you see him after that...shoot him again."

Mathis blinked. "For...how long?"

"Until I tell you to stop."

Medridge finally turned around and leaned on his cane as he walked back to his desk. "Here." He held out a file folder. "In here are all the specs you'll need to find him. Study his patterns - he's an easy target."

Eli wasn't sure, but he thought maybe just a small bit of bounce had returned to his sister's step, and he was glad. He couldn't express how badly he wanted her to get back to her old self.

Feeling the pat to his leg, he pulled forward and away from the park, giving Justin a wave before speeding up down the street. He took a little longer route home, just for the fun of it, before dropping off Ryan, then heading to the coffee shop. 

Not seeing Scarlet's bike or car, he went ahead and parked and headed inside to grab a small corner table. Taking off his leather jacket, he hung it on the back of his chair and sat back to wait. All he could hope for now was that Scarlet would believe and forgive him.

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