

At first, Garret wasn't even sure what Maggie was talking about. He was sick, someone hadn't hurt him. Wait. Have all of what? He furrowed his brow, trying to think through the fog. 

Oh. The scars. 

His lips almost formed a wry sort of smile. "If I told you about each one, you'd be here all day." Seeing the worry on her face though, he softened just a little. "Don't worry your head about all that." He sighed. "They're scars 'cause they're old... Which means we can forget about them." 

In reality, each one had memories connected to it. Some injuries had been received on assignments. Bullet fire from who knows where. Knife wounds from close combat. The list was long. Then other wounds had been received from people he was supposed to trust. Superiors who were trying to teach him a lesson. He'd been punished for mistakes. Punished just to keep him hard. Left to fend for himself and see if he could survive. Yes...each scar had a story. And some stories were too painful to be talked about.

Without realizing it, his eyes had fallen shut again as his body forced him into more sleep. He drifted in and out all morning, barely remembering when Nate came to check on things, or when Laura came to take his temperature. By lunchtime, his fever had finally lowered some - enough that at least he was out of the dangerous range. 

Prying open his eyes once again, he rolled onto his side, accidentally dumping the cold cloths on the floor. He looked a bit groggily at Maggie, though his mind was much clearer than earlier. Why on earth was she still sitting here trying to take care of him? Surely she had plenty of other things she'd rather be doing. "You still here?" 

Kirk frowned and tossed his own cup away before setting his hands on his hips. "Of all the... Tod's a jerk," he stated flatly. "I don't care if I get in trouble. I'm already in enough that a little more won't hurt. Don't let him bully you into doing something you don't want to do." 

No matter what he said though, he knew Adison had a mind of her own. He could tell her all he wanted to that it was stupid, but if she wanted to keep Tod's mouth shut, then she'd probably wind up going just to try and handle this thing. "He's a trouble maker and that's all. Just..." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just don't go if it bothers you. It's not worth it." 

Shaking his head, he respected her steering the conversation and moved on. "Oh, I'm in over my head with a case downtown. I skipped over some red tape and now the D.A. has gotten involved and they're blaming me for some tampered evidence." He shrugged. "It'll blow over. I've dealt with worse. But now he's got the whole Elite case and he's in a rotten mood, which doesn't help things." 

As someone walked by, he stepped back, then glanced at his watch. They shouldn't stand here too long lest they both get in even more trouble. "I'm not worried about it. I'll be fine. You, on the other hand..." He headed back to their office space and walked backwards as he talked. "...need to tell Mr. Jerk Face to shove his threats where the sun don't shine." 

Travis sighed deeply and wandered over to an extra chair where he sat down - carefully. He was pretty sore after all the walking around he'd done today. "Dad...you know he talked to me this morning. Told me more about the whole history of him and this place and the Agency and all that. Tried to convince me he'd done the right thing by keeping it all a secret." 

He shrugged lamely. "I'm mad he didn't tell me I had family, and I'm mad I never knew our lives were in any danger. But I get it. I won't turn my back on him for it, I just need some space til it all sinks in." He paused and chewed on his lower lip. "But now I don't know what to do. My mom and I aren't getting along, my dad is probably gonna stay here and...I have no other options. He said I can stay here too but... I just got here, ya know? I don't really know any of these people. Seems like a nice place and all but... but I was just abducted, beat to a pulp, and brought to a strange place. Last I knew, I was gonna live with my mom, get a job and figure out what college I wanted to go to next year. Now it's all...upside-down. My whole life totally changed within a week's time. Done. Nothing is the same." 

He knew it was a mess and his thoughts were all jumbled up. But he didn't know who else to talk to. "I...I don't belong here. But...I don't belong anywhere else either."

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