
Nurse Maggie

Looking up at Kirk Tod just glares. It had been bad enough Adison had outed him in front of everyone now he had Kirk too. Just turning he goes back to his work not saying anything. This might be over for now, but he was not happy.

   "Buzz off."

Maggie perked up a little as Garret mentioned the soup. That was a good sign that he wanted more and it made her happy.

   "I'll get you some."

Leaving the room and heading to the kitchen she'd ask Laura to help her get some for Garret. She couldnt help the small laugh as she left the room.  She was thrilled he wanted to eat more.

As Maggie passed by Nate office he stood and smiled to himself.  Walking into Garret's room Nate wanted to check on him now to see how he was doing. Seeing he was at least sitting up please him and it was a good sign Garret was starting to feel better.

   "How is Nurse Maggie taking care of you? Feeling better?"

Angel gives a thoughtful nod as she listens to Travis more. How at his age her own life had been so unclear. She didn't know if she was coming are going and the choices she made were not the best. It seemed like Travis had a good head on his shoulder though and that was important.

   "Of course, just because you stay here now dosn't mean you have to forever. No one will hold you here. Even if you stay, leave, and than come back. We will always be here."

Giving a smile Angle inside would be happy that Travis would stay so she could get to know him, and she would be sad if he left. But she had confadince now that he new he had family she would see him a little more no matter what.

   "Sometimes the best story's are the ones we dont know how to write yet, and just take it as it comes."

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