
Missed you

Despite Garret's desire to remain in control, as Nate spoke, his eyes drifted to the floor. Was he really holding himself back? But what else was he supposed to do? Was it really that he wasn't trusting these people? This family? He hadn't thought leaving the Agency would mean he would become an entirely different person and...if he was completely honest...it was frightening.

Yet to make up his mind, he realized Nate had just walked away, and he put a hand to his throbbing head. No. No, he just couldn't do this. It was too much. Too hard. Not worth it. At least staying at the Elite, even in a tiny room, he was surrounded by people and things and jobs he could related to. It was still foreign, but not as foreign as this. He'd thought all that had been hard, but it was nothing compared to this. These people. These hated, confusing emotions. He'd wanted to get out of the Agency to escape the madness of being a robot...but at least as a robot, he hadn't faced all these ridiculous issues. 

Finally making up his mind, he grabbed his ball cap to slap it on his head, donned his jacket, and slung his backpack over his shoulder. On some level he was grateful for the care he'd received, but it was time to move on. 

In the kitchen, Laura looked up as Nate came back, taking note of the look on his face. Something wasn't good, and she had a feeling it had to do with Garret. Hearing about the little discussion, she sighed and was just ready to respond when she saw Garret pass by the kitchen on his way to the front door. "Well...you tried." She gave Nate a look of apology. "I'm sorry. I know I haven't helped any. He seemed really bothered by what I told him earlier, I just couldn't lie to him." She was going to say more until Brian's crying from upstairs interrupted her. "I better go check and see what he needs. I'll be back." 

Garret made it all the way out the front door and onto the porch when his ears picked up the sound of Brian crying. Just as he was ready to take to the steps, he stopped. The upstairs window must be open, otherwise he wouldn't still hear it. It wouldn't take long, he knew, for Laura or Nate to take care of it. He might have been sick, but if he'd noticed one thing, it was that both parents took their jobs seriously, never once neglecting Brian or even Maggie for that matter. What made them care? What made them love? Garret had been so young when he'd been handed over to the Agency, and he wasn't supposed to remember anything at all of that exchange. But it would be burned in his mind forever, along with the realization that he had not been wanted, cared for or loved. He'd lived with that knowledge the rest of his life. Until...he'd come here. 

He turned and looked at the closed door. But what about his job? What about who he was? His skill sets? His killing instincts? His inability to understand this world outside the Agency? Where did all that fit? Even Nate had said he'd always be a fish out of water. So what was the point in trying to fit in anywhere? Or...was trying to fit in really the point? Wasn't his original goal to simply find out what life could be outside the Agency and be free from that noose around his neck? It was just...so different out here than he'd imagined. But Nate was right... and Garret knew he was fighting him every step of the way... and it was wearing him out. 

Hearing the crying stop, Garret turned back around and stared out at the street, then back at the door. Reentering the house, he retraced his steps back to the room, left his backpack, then returned, stopping by the kitchen to see Nate. "Thought you were going to the store..." 

Jason felt bad for Katie. He knew this had to be hard. He didn't know what had happened between her and Hunter, but whether it was her choice or his, it was never a happy thing. He understood that she would have a lot on her mind.

Asked about himself, he paused his chewing and cocked his head. She wasn't just politely asking...she really wanted to know. He finished his mouthful before leaning back in his seat and thinking for a moment. "Oh... I'm alright." He gave her a grin. "I'm always alright, you know that." 

A shrug followed before his eyes sank to the table. "It's been...kinda rough lately. Besides the whole got somebody out to kill me thing. I mean, I've got the band but...other than that...it's just been...work." He eventually looked back up at her. "Been tired. Rick keeps telling me to watch my sugar levels so that's probably the same old thing. I dunno. Nothing been happening besides all that."

He searched her eyes. "I've missed you," he admitted quietly. As soon as he'd said it he regretted it, and scrunched his eyes shut. "I'm sorry... you probably didn't want to hear that. Forget I said it." 

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