

Once Kirk was gone Adison went out to her car and grabbed her extra set of work clothing she kept there for emergency. Going back inside she was showered and grabbed some of the cereal Kirk had in the pantry before putting her hair back neatly.

About fifteen minutes later she was pulling into work. She wondered how Kirk was making out and hoped maybe he was having a better day. Going inside and slipping past Tod's desk she hoped he had not noticed her. Sitting down Adison let out a breath.

   "Late again?"

Rolling her eyes Adison turned to see Tod standing there. Would he ever get the point of leaving her alone. What was his doing watching her every movie.

   "Tod, you do know that's creepy right?"

   "It's not my fault I had some paper work I needed you to sign."

   "Why do I have to sign it?"

   "Because you forgot to yesterday."

   "Oh well...I'm here now just give me the papers and I'll do it."

A grin formed on Tod's lips as he held up the papers and looked down at her. The wheels in his head turning.

   "I haven't told the boss you forgot....I figured I'd save you the lashing. But...I could tell him, unless you go out with me tonight."

Just staring at Tod a fire of anger burned in Adison's eyes. Was he really blackmailing her? If he didn't agree the she new Tod would tell the boss, she would get in trouble and than Kirk would be outed that she had been helping him. If not for her sake, at least Kirk's she had to agree.

   "Fine...I'll go out with you once...but you better not try anything or I'll break your jaw. Now give me those papers so I can sign them."

Hearing she could help Maggie left the room and came back pulling her saucer chair. Putting it next to the bed she made sure it was in arms reach. Looking to Garret and than Nate and Laura her face was very serous.

   "Make sure the cloth stays cold. Got it. I can do it."

Reaching out and checking the cloth Maggie feels its still cold and sits back in her chair and waits...watching Garret with intent eyes making sure she didn't miss anything.

Nate looks to Laura and smiles leaving the room. Once in the hall he pulls her into a big hug and kisses the top of her head. He helped her so much with himself, and with Maggie too. 

   "She is turning into quit the young woman. Thank you for being such an amazing roll model to her."

   "Well...You can help by keeping me company..that's always nice too."

Getting to the bunk Ashlee didn't feel tired but she new she better rest. If Travis was going to help in the morning she didn't want to be crabby. Looking at him she smiles.

   "I'm happy I helped make your day better. Tomorrow its a date...well not a date date....GAH...you know what I mean. I gotta go before I look like even sillier than I do. Have a good night Travis."

Walking up the steps her cheeks felt like there were on fire. How dumb she must have sounded. Why did she have to correct herself. He problem new what she originally meant and now it was awkward. Oh well, what was done was done and tomorrow was a new day.

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