

Jason couldn't blame Katie for giving herself time, and he knew it was probably wise. They'd both messed up...could they really make it work by trying yet again? He was willing if she was. Being without her had been a very real reminder of what she meant to him. As much as he'd tried so many times to deny it...he simply couldn't anymore. He loved her and it was that simple.

As she ran her thumb through his palm, he glanced down at it. He didn't know if hers was the same, but in his hand, the nerves around the circle scar remained incredibly sensitive. He didn't pull away though...he enjoyed her touch too much. 

"I can wait," he responded softly. "I've got three girls wanting dates, but I can hold them off a couple days at least." A teasing smile emerged to prove he was joking, and he wriggled her hand. "Just make sure what you decide is what you really want."

Garret was rather surprised about Reese, but he didn't voice his opinion. He remained quiet the rest of the drive, simply looking at the scenery while memorizing his surroundings so he could find his way again. 

Once at the store, he followed Nate in and wandered the aisles with him to pick up the few items for Laura. When it came to the freezer section though, he suddenly seemed to care about the choices. Opening one of the freezer doors, he pulled out a tub of chocolate ice cream and handed it to Nate. Though he held a straight face, his eyes gained a new little light. 

"I hear chocolate is the better flavor for getting over the flu." 

Travis finished putting his clothes in the dresser and sighed as he glanced around the bunkhouse. His bunkhouse. For...who knew how long? It was strange to think that this place was so suddenly his home. 

Flexing his hand, he stretched out his arm and winced a little. He'd overdone it today. Angel had warned him that the sprain would take quite a while to heal and though he was impatient, he knew she was right.

He wandered to the bathroom and stopped in front of the mirror. He was looking almost human again. Then there was the new mark. He touched it gingerly. It hadn't bled much, but it still stung. It looked like it might bruise just a little, too. 

Letting his head hang, he left the mirror. What was worse than his stinging cheek was his stinging heart. Angel had made the day so much more bearable and he'd always be grateful. But he wasnt sure that anything could ever erase the scars how own mother had created. It just...hurt. 

Weary from the day, but feeling cooped up, he exited the bunk and eased down on the porch step to just sit. He knew supper would be soon, but...he wasn't too sure he felt like joining in this time around.

Music blared from the radio as Hunter sped down the highway. He'd called in to work. He'd skip racing tonight. He just wanted to...be. Shifting gears, he increased his speed. 

Eventually he wound up at the lake, walking slowly along the beach. His thoughts and emotions were all topsy turvy and he wasn't sure which direction to go anymore. Stopping to stare out at the water, he finally pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed. 





"Well hi there. What's up?"

"I fell off the wagon and need somebody to tell me I'm an idiot."

"You're an idiot."

Hunter almost smiled. 

"What happened?"

"Katie and I are done."

"Oh no. I'm so sorry."

"Eh... I shouldn't have been surprised. Maybe I wasn't really at all. Still stings to come in second though."

"Uh oh..."



"How'd you guess?" Hunter scuffed the sand as he walked and talked, venting and listening both. And in the end, it was a quiet ride back home. But at least by the time he went to bed, he'd given up the notion of any more drinking, and was able to face the night.

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