

Popping the top on the nod Adison nods in thanks before taking a long sip. Letting the cold bubbly liquid make its way down her throat. Listening to Kirk start to ramble once again the wheels in her own head started to turn as she thought about everything.

As Kirk almost hits her several times with his flailing arms Adison wacks him in the back of his head before reaching around the other side of him and grabbing his half eaten slice of pizza and taking a bite. 

   "Not everyone can function like us."

Slipping down on the ground next to Kirk she takes some of the papers he was holding and looks them over. Trying to take in all the information, about everyone. It seemed they all had there quirks, issues and problems. 

   "Seems like you found a group of Misfits who had found there place in the world. Where would Scott be without the Elite?"

Adison puts down the information of Scott in front of Kirk.

   "Where would either Giant fit in the world?"

Another file, Con and Dalton places in front of him.

   "Gage, Carson...though they back slide now and again...they have come a long way. If not for the Elite they would still be in the Agency."

More files.

Turning slightly to look at Kirk she searches his face for a long moment again before talking. Looking across the room she takes another bit of pizza thinking. 

   "If it wasn't for the Elite these people, they wouldn't exists. So I guess the next question is...do we want to destroy there world, there life.. just because they are different. or do we want to make it better?"

Once showered and having the PJ's on Maggie made her way back into the living room where Nate and Garret sat. Seeing a little room next to Garret Maggie did her best to squeeze next to him. With her small frame it was easy for her to do and even if it was uncomfortable she didn't mind.

Leaning her head on Garret's arm She didn't say anything and soon as the time drifted on thumb in her mouth, she was fast asleep. 

Watching his sister and Garret Nate smiles. He really liked seeing them interact. His sister was so shy, and yet there was just something that drew her to Garret.

   "She really likes you Garret. Maggie might be different from most, but she sure is smart and observant. It amazes me every day the things she comes up with doing."

Taking a sip of his hot tea Laura had brought him Nate is quiet again just watching, and mulling over everything that had happened today. Garret's mood had changed so fast it really did have Nate worried. Not because he was scared of what Garret might do, but just for Garret in general. He new this was all so different to him, Everything.

   "You do know you can always talk to me about anything right? Even if its about something I might not agree with I will always listen. Even if you just need someone to vent too."

Nate laughs as Maggie shifts a little in her sleep to put her head on his chest and get a little more comfortable. 

    "Maggie is always here for cuddles too if you are feeling down."


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