

Looking up from his computer at Scott's words Dalton was happy Scott had opened the can and was now sipping it. It wasn't the best think in the world to be drinking but at least it was something, not to mention there favorite snack of all time.

Hearing Scott's words Dalton disliked Kirk even more for making Scott doubt himself. He had issues, but didn't they all in one way or another. They all had baggage, and things they needed to work through. No one was perfect not even Kirk, he was sure somewhere he had a battered past too.

   "I believe Scott, that if it came down to it, life or death, you would be able to pull it together enough to help someone. I don't just say that because you are my friend, I saw it because its true. We all make mistakes sometimes on cases unfortunately. They are delicit situations that we don't always know the outcome. We are human after all."

Leaning back in his chair and studying Scott for a long moment Dalton really believe that push come to shove Scott would be able to do a job if he had too. Afterwords he might crumble, and need a shoulder to lean on but in the moment, and even after he new he'd be ok. It was just a feeling he had for knowing his buddy for as long as he had now.

   "You really have come a long way Scott. You belong here, just as much as anyone else in this building."

Looking up at Rick Misty gives a nod. Taking the rest of the day off sounded nice. She didn't want to leave her work unfinished but she just wanted to get out of there. She'd had enough for one day. 

   "Thanks Rick, I'll be back tomorrow."

It didn't take Misty long before she left work, and driving home. But it wasn't home that she was heading instead it was Mom and Pop's. Carson should be at work now, and she wasn't even sure why but something was pulling her that way.

Getting out and heading inside Misty smiles at the girls before going to the back. Standing in the doorway she just watches Carson work for a long moment. Would he be happy to see her? Why was she here? She wasn't even sure but it felt like the right place to be.

Still not saying anything Misty enters and comes up along side Carson grabbing some cheese and starting to sprinkle it over the pizza. Her heart hurt it hurt more than maybe even Carson new. From his blunders, to lose her baby, to losing Alec, now on top of everything Kirk. She didn't know how much more she could take. 

   "I hope I'm not being a bother I just...I didn't want to be at work anymore, and I didn't want to be alone."

Misty can't help the tears that rolled down her cheek. It was rare for her to cry, but it seemed as of late it became a lot easier for her to do so. She just hoped coming here wasn't a mistake, and she wasn't causing any trouble or stress on anyone else.

Giving a wave to Eric as he left and being left alone with Travis again Ashlee's smile had grown. Today was turning out to be a pretty good day for her. Starting to brush Stardust again she gives a nod to Travis question.

   "You could say that. I'm home schooled. I pretty much teach myself since my mom is busy a lot, but when I have through I ask her or sometimes I just pick the brains of the other here. My mom does all my grading though and paperwork."

She missed going to a regular school but at the same time she liked being able to learn at her own speed too. Maybe one day she'd go off to college and than she could get the experience of being with a group of other. But till than she was pretty content. Things could definitely be worse than doing school here.

   "What about you? You know all this stuff about me but I hardly know anything about you. What are something you like to do?"

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