

Garret really wasn't sure he understood about Maggie, but he wouldn't press the issue. He knew good and well, one of these days something would surface and she'd find out who he really was. But until then, he'd just let things roll as they were. There was little point in stirring the pot when things seemed to be on an even keel. 

Nate's response to the final question though did put Garret on edge. There was more. He could see it and he could feel it. Nate wouldn't lie to him - he knew that - but something wasn't being said, and it bothered him. He searched Nate's face for answers, but couldn't find any. Laura had startled him...that could mean any number of things. What had he really done? 

"Okay." He'd figure it out eventually. But he didn't like thinking he'd come close to hurting Laura. He wasn't even sure why. He was a killer. Hurting people was what he did. But something about this was different, and it bothered him. Deeply. 

Glancing around Nate, he saw Maggie returning with Laura. It looked like they were bringing him lunch. 

Laura smiled at Nate as she passed, letting him know she was okay for the moment. She'd let Maggie carry in the warmed-up bowl of soup, while she held a glass of orange juice, a glass of water, and some more meds. "Good to see you awake, Garret." 

He straightened a little in the bed and nodded. "Awake is better than dead."

"Indeed it is." Laura set down the glasses on the nightstand and handed him the pills. "Here's those, and if you can, it would probably be a good idea to try and drink both of these. You haven't had much liquid and you're probably dehydrated, which isn't helping things any." 

Garret cocked his head. She wasn't looking him in the eye when she talked. Why not? Was her hand trembling? He looked back to Nate. Something definitely felt strange. He kept his mouth shut though, and just nodded. "Feels like it. Thank you."

Laura smiled and turned to nod to Maggie. "Let him eat, and when he's done you can bring the bowl back, okay?"

Kirk didn't even move his eyes from his blank computer. "They're questioning my honesty in my reports. They think I contradict myself too many times, and I've been accused of being compromised by the Elite team because of the way I have represented them." He continued to swivel in his chair. "In other words, they don't understand a lick of what I wrote, and since I'm not a hundred percent on board with closing down the Elite, they think surely I must have been bribed." 

He stopped moving and finally looked up at Adison. Fire blazed in his eyes. Anger didn't even cover it. To think that someone would even consider the notion that he'd take a bribe, let alone not report an attempt was beyond appalling. This is what he got for giving years of his life to service? 

"I have to go before the board in charge of the Elite, which includes police chief Brown, the DA, Barnes himself, Judge Holdings and three or four impartial witnesses whose names and positions I've forgotten. Basically I'm on unofficial trial, and should it go badly, I'll lose my badge." 

Pursing his lips, he stood and grabbed his jacket and keys. "And that will take place tomorrow morning at eight o'clock sharp. So. Tonight, I'm going to go get that beer I've been so good at telling 'no' to this week." His tone was icy cold as he controlled his temper. "And I might even go for something harder than that. And who knows? By the time I'm done, maybe I'll even manage to forget about this for a few blissfully ignorant hours and at least in the morning I'll have a legit reason for this splitting headache." He pointed to his own head. "If you want to come along for the party, be my guest. But I can't guarantee I'm going to be very good company." 

He stalked to the door, but stopped before getting out in the hall, and hung his head. Adison didn't deserve his attitude. He glanced over his shoulder with a look of apology, and softened his tone. "Actually...a friend sounds pretty good...especially if she can keep me from doing something stupid like all that."

It was just a slight gesture. A gesture that meant nothing. There was no thought behind it. No meaning. Nothing more than an offhanded wave or haphazard wink. Regardless, Katie's brief touch to his hand sent a tingle shooting up Jason's arm. He forced himself not to react and just leaned down to lace up his other boot, ironically glad for her comment which would explain why his cheeks had just reddened again. 

He was quiet until he realized she'd just asked him a question, then he had to think about exactly what it was. Giving her a sidelong glance, it took him just a moment. "Hmm? Oh..." He gave a short laugh. "I suppose. You know me. Prepared but nervous anyway. Never fails." He shrugged. "But I guess if I wasn't nervous I wouldn't get the nice adrenaline rush as I go out on stage and I'd hate to miss that." 

Resting his elbows on his knees, he turned his head, just letting his eyes linger on Katie for a moment. It just felt like things were right again. Like all this time she hadn't been here, there had been a missing piece. But it wasn't the same now. Things had changed...and Jason needed to remember that. 

"Did I hear someone talking about adrenaline?" Mike came wandering out, dressed and cleaned up, ready to go. He grinned at Jason. "I know, you need your fix." 

Jason smirked. "Maybe. I could be addicted to much worse things." 

"Uh-huh." Jen wheeled back from the kitchen. "Like being on time. Phil!" she yelled to her brother. "Are you ready or what?" 

"Yeah, yeah," came the muffled response from down the hall. 

Jason stood up and clapped his hands together loudly. "Bus is rolling out!" He glanced to Katie again. "Wanna ride in my pickup with me? I'll make sure we come back to pick up your car later, and Wyatt will pick up where you leave off."

Travis nodded slowly, grateful for Angel's offer. He didn't know if he'd take her up on it or not, but...she seemed super nice, and so far he really liked her. He couldn't deny the connection he felt - she was his aunt, after all. 

"Okay. I'll, um... I'll let you know." He finally stood again. "Thanks. I...appreciate all you're doing for me. It was a crappy way to meet you but I'm glad at least I got an aunt out of the deal. 

He gave her a little smile, then turned to head to the other room. "See you in the morning." Even though he was tired, it would take a while for him to eventually fall asleep. So much was on his mind. He'd thought the biggest deal would be finding a job. That was nothing compared to all this...

...Early morning. Travis yawned, but he'd managed to get up, dressed, and was on his way to the barn right before chores were started. He waved to one of the guys. Jeff? He thought he remembered that was his name, but wasn't a hundred percent sure. Maybe it was Sparky. Oh, well. 

Wandering inside, he squinted in the dim light. Not seeing Ashlee right off the bat, he stopped by a stall and was greeted by a tall, chestnut mare. "Hey, sweetheart," he crooned, and scratched her cheek lovingly. "Hungry, huh? Me too. But you come first this morning, I promise."

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